4,834 research outputs found

    A Novel Apex-Time Network for Cross-Dataset Micro-Expression Recognition

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    The automatic recognition of micro-expression has been boosted ever since the successful introduction of deep learning approaches. As researchers working on such topics are moving to learn from the nature of micro-expression, the practice of using deep learning techniques has evolved from processing the entire video clip of micro-expression to the recognition on apex frame. Using the apex frame is able to get rid of redundant video frames, but the relevant temporal evidence of micro-expression would be thereby left out. This paper proposes a novel Apex-Time Network (ATNet) to recognize micro-expression based on spatial information from the apex frame as well as on temporal information from the respective-adjacent frames. Through extensive experiments on three benchmarks, we demonstrate the improvement achieved by learning such temporal information. Specially, the model with such temporal information is more robust in cross-dataset validations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, code available, accepted in ACII 201

    Geometric vs. Dynamical Gates in Quantum Computing Implementations Using Zeeman and Heisenberg Hamiltonians

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    Quantum computing in terms of geometric phases, i.e. Berry or Aharonov-Anandan phases, is fault-tolerant to a certain degree. We examine its implementation based on Zeeman coupling with a rotating field and isotropic Heisenberg interaction, which describe NMR and can also be realized in quantum dots and cold atoms. Using a novel physical representation of the qubit basis states, we construct π/8\pi/8 and Hadamard gates based on Berry and Aharonov-Anandan phases. For two interacting qubits in a rotating field, we find that it is always impossible to construct a two-qubit gate based on Berry phases, or based on Aharonov-Anandan phases when the gyromagnetic ratios of the two qubits are equal. In implementing a universal set of quantum gates, one may combine geometric π/8\pi/8 and Hadamard gates and dynamical SWAP\sqrt{\rm SWAP} gate.Comment: published version, 5 page

    Knowledge-Aware Federated Active Learning with Non-IID Data

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    Federated learning enables multiple decentralized clients to learn collaboratively without sharing the local training data. However, the expensive annotation cost to acquire data labels on local clients remains an obstacle in utilizing local data. In this paper, we propose a federated active learning paradigm to efficiently learn a global model with limited annotation budget while protecting data privacy in a decentralized learning way. The main challenge faced by federated active learning is the mismatch between the active sampling goal of the global model on the server and that of the asynchronous local clients. This becomes even more significant when data is distributed non-IID across local clients. To address the aforementioned challenge, we propose Knowledge-Aware Federated Active Learning (KAFAL), which consists of Knowledge-Specialized Active Sampling (KSAS) and Knowledge-Compensatory Federated Update (KCFU). KSAS is a novel active sampling method tailored for the federated active learning problem. It deals with the mismatch challenge by sampling actively based on the discrepancies between local and global models. KSAS intensifies specialized knowledge in local clients, ensuring the sampled data to be informative for both the local clients and the global model. KCFU, in the meantime, deals with the client heterogeneity caused by limited data and non-IID data distributions. It compensates for each client's ability in weak classes by the assistance of the global model. Extensive experiments and analyses are conducted to show the superiority of KSAS over the state-of-the-art active learning methods and the efficiency of KCFU under the federated active learning framework.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    4-[(2′-Cyano­biphenyl-4-yl)meth­yl]morpholin-4-ium hexa­fluoridophosphate

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    In the cation of the title compound, C18H19N2O+·PF6 −, the morpholine ring adopts the usual chair conformation and the dihedral angle between the benzene rings is 67.55 (11)°. The F atoms of the anion are disordered over two orientations with a refined occupancy ratio of 0.65 (2):0.35 (2). In the crystal, inter­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds link the cations into chains parallel to the c axis. The crystal packing is further enforced by inter­ionic C—H⋯F hydrogen bonds

    How Re-sampling Helps for Long-Tail Learning?

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    Long-tail learning has received significant attention in recent years due to the challenge it poses with extremely imbalanced datasets. In these datasets, only a few classes (known as the head classes) have an adequate number of training samples, while the rest of the classes (known as the tail classes) are infrequent in the training data. Re-sampling is a classical and widely used approach for addressing class imbalance issues. Unfortunately, recent studies claim that re-sampling brings negligible performance improvements in modern long-tail learning tasks. This paper aims to investigate this phenomenon systematically. Our research shows that re-sampling can considerably improve generalization when the training images do not contain semantically irrelevant contexts. In other scenarios, however, it can learn unexpected spurious correlations between irrelevant contexts and target labels. We design experiments on two homogeneous datasets, one containing irrelevant context and the other not, to confirm our findings. To prevent the learning of spurious correlations, we propose a new context shift augmentation module that generates diverse training images for the tail class by maintaining a context bank extracted from the head-class images. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed module can boost the generalization and outperform other approaches, including class-balanced re-sampling, decoupled classifier re-training, and data augmentation methods. The source code is available at https://www.lamda.nju.edu.cn/code_CSA.ashx.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 202