82 research outputs found

    An experimental test of the non-classicality of quantum mechanics using an unmovable and indivisible system

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    Quantum mechanics provides a statistical description about nature, and thus would be incomplete if its statistical predictions could not be accounted for by some realistic models with hidden variables. There are, however, two powerful theorems against the hidden-variable theories showing that certain quantum features cannot be reproduced based on two rationale premises of locality, Bell's theorem, and noncontextuality, due to Bell, Kochen and Specker (BKS). Noncontextuality is independent of nonlocality, and the contextuality manifests itself even in a single object. Here we report an experimental verification of quantum contextuality by a single spin-1 electron system at room temperature. Such a three-level system is indivisible and then we close the compatibility loophole which exists in the experiments performed on bipartite systems. Our results confirm the quantum contextuality to be the intrinsic property of single particles.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Sensing and atomic-scale structure analysis of single nuclear spin clusters in diamond

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    Single-molecule nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a crown-jewel challenge in the field of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and has important applications in chemical analysis and in quantum computing. Recently, it becomes possible to tackle this grand challenge thanks to experimental advances in preserving quantum coherence of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center spins in diamond as a sensitive probe and theoretical proposals on atomic-scale magnetometry via dynamical decoupling control. Through decoherence measurement of NV centers under dynamical decoupling control, sensing of single 13C^{13}\textbf{C} at nanometer distance has been realized. Toward the ultimate goal of structure analysis of single molecules, it is highly desirable to directly measure the interactions within single nuclear spin clusters. Here we sensed a single 13C^{13}\textbf{C}-13C^{13}\textbf{C} nuclear spin dimer located about 1 nm from the NV center and characterized the interaction between the two nuclear spins, by measuring NV center spin decoherence under various dynamical decoupling control. From the measured interaction we derived the spatial configuration of the dimer with atomic-scale resolution. These results demonstrate that central spin decoherence under dynamical decoupling control is a feasible probe for NMR structure analysis of single molecules

    Kilohertz electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of single nitrogen centers at zero magnetic field

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) is among the most important analytical tools in physics, chemistry, and biology. The emergence of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond, serving as an atomic-sized magnetometer, has promoted this technique to single-spin level, even under ambient conditions. Despite the enormous progress in spatial resolution, the current megahertz spectral resolution is still insufficient to resolve key heterogeneous molecular information. A major challenge is the short coherence times of the sample electron spins. Here, we address this challenge by employing a magnetic noise-insensitive transition between states of different symmetry. We demonstrate a 27-fold narrower spectrum of single substitutional nitrogen (P1) centers in diamond with linewidth of several kilohertz, and then some weak couplings can be resolved. Those results show both spatial and spectral advances of NV center-based EPR, and provide a route towards analytical (EPR) spectroscopy at single-molecule level.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Wavelet-based fast time-resolved magnetic sensing with electronic spins in diamond

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    Time-resolved magnetic sensing is of great importance from fundamental studies to applications in physical and biological sciences. Recently the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect center in diamond has been developed as a promising sensor of magnetic field under ambient conditions. However the methods to reconstruct time-resolved magnetic field with high sensitivity are not yet fully developed. Here, we propose and demonstrate a novel sensing method based on spin echo, and Haar wavelet transform. Our method is exponentially faster in reconstructing time-resolved magnetic field with comparable sensitivity over existing methods. Further, the wavelet's unique features enable our method to extract information from the whole signal with only part of the measuring sequences. We then explore this feature for a fast detection of simulated nerve impulses. These results will be useful to time-resolved magnetic sensing with quantum probes at nano-scales.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Basis-independent quantum coherence and its distribution

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    We analyze a basis-independent definition of quantum coherence. The maximally mixed state is used as the reference state, which allows for a way of defining coherence that is invariant under arbitrary unitary transformations. The basis-independent approach is applied to finding the distri- bution of the coherence within a multipartite system, where the contributions due to correlations between the subsystems and within each subsystem are isolated. The use of the square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence allows for inequality relations to be derived between these quantities, giving a geometrical picture within the Hilbert space of the system. We describe the relationship between the basis-independent and the basis-dependent approaches, and argue that many advan- tages exist for the former method. The formalism is illustrated with several numerical examples which show that the states can be characterized in a simple and effective manner

    Experimental test of Heisenberg's measurement uncertainty relation based on statistical distances

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    Incompatible observables can be approximated by compatible observables in joint measurement or measured sequentially, with constrained accuracy as implied by Heisenberg's original formulation of the uncertainty principle. Recently, Busch, Lahti, and Werner proposed inaccuracy trade-off relations based on statistical distances between probability distributions of measurement outcomes [Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 160405 (2013); Phys. Rev. A 89, 012129 (2014)]. Here we reform their theoretical framework, derive an improved relation for qubit measurement, and perform an experimental test on a spin system. The relation reveals that the worst-case inaccuracy is tightly bounded from below by the incompatibility of target observables, and is verified by the experiment employing joint measurement in which two compatible but typically non-commutative observables on one qubit are measured simultaneously

    Experimental fault-tolerant universal quantum gates with solid-state spins under ambient conditions

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    Quantum computation provides great speedup over its classical counterpart for certain problems. One of the key challenges for quantum computation is to realize precise control of the quantum system in the presence of noise. Control of the spin-qubits in solids with the accuracy required by fault-tolerant quantum computation under ambient conditions remains elusive. Here, we quantitatively characterize the source of noise during quantum gate operation and demonstrate strategies to suppress the effect of these. A universal set of logic gates in a nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond are reported with an average single-qubit gate fidelity of 0.999952 and two-qubit gate fidelity of 0.992. These high control fidelities have been achieved at room temperature in naturally abundant 13C diamond via composite pulses and an optimized control method

    Observation of Non-Markovianity at Room Temperature by Prolonging Entanglement in Solids

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    The non-Markovia dynamics of quantum evolution plays an important role in open quantum sytem. However, how to quantify non-Markovian behavior and what can be obtained from non- Markovianity are still open questions, especially in complex solid systems. Here we address the problem of quantifying non-Markovianity with entanglement in a genuine noisy solid state system at room temperature. We observed the non-Markovianity of quantum evolution with entanglement. By prolonging entanglement with dynamical decoupling, we can reveal the non-Markovianity usually concealed in the environment and obtain detailed environment information. This method is expected to be useful in quantum metrology and quantum information science

    Single-spin scanning magnetic microscopy with radial basis function reconstruction algorithm

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    Exotic magnetic structures, such as magnetic skyrmions and domain walls, are becoming more important in nitrogen-vacancy center scanning magnetometry. However, a systematic imaging approach to mapping stray fields with fluctuation of several milliteslas generated by such structures is not yet available. Here we present a scheme to image a millitesla magnetic field by tracking the magnetic resonance frequency, which can record multiple contour lines for a magnetic field. The radial basis function algorithm is employed to reconstruct the magnetic field from the contour lines. Simulations with shot noise quantitatively confirm the high quality of the reconstruction algorithm. The method was validated by imaging the stray field of a frustrated magnet. Our scheme had a maximum detectable magnetic field gradient of 0.86 mT per pixel, which enables the efficient imaging of millitesla magnetic fields.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Experimental test of non-classicality of quantum mechanics using an individual atomic solid-state quantum system

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    Quantum mechanics provides a statistical description about nature, and thus would be incomplete if its statistical predictions could not be accounted for some realistic models with hidden variables. There are, however, two powerful theorems against the hidden-variable theories showing that certain quantum features cannot be reproduced based on two rationale premises of classicality, the Bell theorem, and noncontextuality, due to Bell, Kochen and Specker (BKS) . Tests of the Bell inequality and the BKS theorem are both of fundamental interests and of great significance . The Bell theorem has already been experimentally verified extensively on many different systems , while the quantum contextuality, which is independent of nonlocality and manifests itself even in a single object, is experimentally more demanding. Moreover, the contextuality has been shown to play a critical role to supply the `magic' for quantum computation, making more extensive experimental verifications in potential systems for quantum computing even more stringent. Here we report an experimental verification of quantum contextuality on an individual atomic nuclear spin-1 system in solids under ambient condition. Such a three-level system is indivisible and thus the compatibility loophole, which exists in the experiments performed on bipartite systems, is closed. Our experimental results confirm that the quantum contextuality cannot be explained by nonlocal entanglement, revealing the fundamental quantumness other than locality/nonlocality within the intrinsic spin freedom of a concrete natural atomic solid-state system at room temperature.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1210.096