3,265 research outputs found

    Transition Delay in Hypervelocity Boundary Layers By Means of COā‚‚/Acoustic Instability Interaction

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    The potential for hypervelocity boundary layer stabilization was investigated using the concept of damping Mackā€™s second mode disturbances by vibrational relaxation of carbon dioxide (COā‚‚) within the boundary layer. Experiments were carried out in the Caltech T5 hypervelocity shock tunnel and the Caltech Mach 4 Ludwieg tube. The tests used 5-degree half-angle cones (at zero angle of attack) equipped near the front of the cone with an injector consisting of either discrete holes or a porous section. Gaseous COā‚‚, argon (Ar) and air were injected into the boundary layer and the effect on boundary layer stability was evaluated by optical visualization, heat flux measurements and numerical simulation. In T5, tests were carried out with COā‚‚ in the free stream as well as injection. Injection experiments in T5 were inconclusive; however, experiments with mixtures of air/COā‚‚ in the free stream demonstrated a clear stabilizing effect, limiting the predicted amplification N-factors to be less than 13. During the testing activities in T5, significant improvements were made in experimental technique and data analysis. Testing in the Ludwieg tube enabled optical visualization and the identification of a shear-layer like instability downstream of the injector. Experiments showed and numerical simulation confirmed that injection has a destabilizing influence beyond a critical level of injection mass flow rate. A modified injection geometry was tested in the Ludwieg tube and we demonstrated that it was possible to cancel the shock wave created by injection under carefully selected conditions. However, computations indicate and experiments demonstrate that shear-layer like flow downstream of the porous wall injector is unstable and can transition to turbulence while the injected gas is mixing with the free stream. We conclude that the idea of using vibrational relaxation to delay boundary layer transition is a sound concept but there are significant practical issues to be resolved to minimize the flow disturbance associated with introducing the vibrationally-active gas into the boundary layer

    Reduction of Detailed Chemical Reaction Networks for Detonation

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    While a detailed mechanism represents the state-of-the-art of what is known about a reaction network, its direct implementation in a fully resolved CFD simulation is all but impossible (except for the simplest systems) with the computational power available today. This paper discusses the concept of Intrinsic Low Dimensional Manifold (ILDM), a technique that systematically reduces the complexity of detailed mechanisms. The method, originally devel-oped for combustion systems, has been successfully extended and applied to gaseous detonation simulations 2,3,4 . Unfortunately, while a one-dimensional ILDM is reasonably easy to compute, manifolds of higher dimensions are notoriously difficult. Moreover, the selec-tion of the manifold dimension has been largely arbitrary, with a one-dimensional ILDM being the most popular if for no other rea-son than that it is easiest to compute and store. In this paper, we will present a technique that enables us to quanti-tatively determine the dimensionality of the ILDM needed, as well as a robust and embarrassingly parallel algorithm for computing high-dimensional ILDMs. Finally, these techniques are demon-strated in the context of a one-dimensional ZND detonation with detailed chemistry

    Superseismic Loading and Shock Polars: An Example of Fluid-Solid Coupling

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    We propose a two-dimensional problem involving fluid-solid coupling where a solution is given in closed form. The upper half of the domain is modeled as an isotropic solid; the lower part as a compressible gas. The loading of the solid at the fluid-solid boundary is called superseismic when its speed is larger than the speed of propagation of disturbances in the bulk of the material. The loading is modeled by a shock coupled to the deformation of the boundary. The problem is relevant to high explosive applications, since it is very similar to the interaction between an explosive and the casing in a cylinder test experiment. Within this framework, we show the existence of self-similar solutions in the reference frame moving with the shock wave

    Spark Ignition Measurements in Jet A: part II

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    An improved system for measuring the ignition energy of liquid fuel was built to perform experiments on aviation kerosene (Jet A). Compared to a previously used system (Shepherd et al. 1998), the present vessel has a more uniform temperature which can be held constant for long periods of time. This ensures thermal equilibrium of the liquid fuel and the vapor inside the vessel. A capacitive spark discharge circuit was used to generate damped sparks and an arrangement of resistors and measurement probes recorded the voltage and current histories during the discharge. This permitted measurement of the energy dissipated in the spark, providing a more reliable, quantitative measure of the ignition spark strength. With this improved system, the ignition energy of Jet A was measured at temperatures from 35C to 50C pressures from 0.300 bar (ambient pressure at 30 kft) to 0.986 bar (ambient pressure near sea level), mass-volume ratios down to 3 kg/m^3, with sparks ranging from 10 mJ to 0.3 J. Special fuel blends with flash points (Tfp) from 29C to 73.5C were also tested. The statistical properties of the ignition threshold energy were investigated using techniques developed for high-explosive testing. Ignition energy measurements at 0.585 bar with high mass-volume ratios (also referred to as mass loadings) showed that the trend of the dependence of ignition energy on temperature was similar for tests using the stored capacitive energy and the measured spark energy. The ignition energy was generally lower with the measured spark energy than with the stored spark energy. The present ignition energy system was capable of clearly resolving the difference in ignition energy between low and high mass-volume ratios. The ignition energy vs. temperature curve for 3 kg/m^3 was shifted approximately 5C higher than the curve for high mass-volume ratios of 35 kg/m^3 or 200 kg/m^3. The ignition energy was subsequently found to depend primarily on the fuel-air mass ratio of the mixture, although systematic effects of the vapor composition are also evident. As expected, the ignition energy increased when the initial pressure was raised from 0.585 bar to 0.986 bar, and decreased when the pressure was decreased to 0.3 bar. Finally, tests on special fuels having flash points different from that of commercial Jet A showed that the minimum ignition temperature at a spark energy of about 0.3 J and a pressure of 0.986 bar depends linearly on the flash point of the fuel

    Effect of reaction rate periodicity on detonation propagation

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    As an alternative to homogeneous reaction rates, we implement "synthetic" hot-spots through a depletion rate that is a function of the local pressure multiplied by a periodic function of the spatial coordinates. We investigate through numerical simulations how the detonation propagation is affected by the heterogeneous rate

    The role of unsteadiness in direct initiation of gaseous detonations

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    An analytical model is presented for the direct initiation of gaseous detonations by a blast wave. For stable or weakly unstable mixtures, numerical simulations of the spherical direct initiation event and local analysis of the one-dimensional unsteady reaction zone structure identify a competition between heat release, wave front curvature and unsteadiness. The primary failure mechanism is found to be unsteadiness in the induction zone arising from the deceleration of the wave front. The quasi-steady assumption is thus shown to be incorrect for direct initiation. The numerical simulations also suggest a non-uniqueness of critical energy in some cases, and the model developed here is an attempt to explain the lower critical energy only. A critical shock decay rate is determined in terms of the other fundamental dynamic parameters of the detonation wave, and hence this model is referred to as the critical decay rate (CDR) model. The local analysis is validated by integration of reaction-zone structure equations with real gas kinetics and prescribed unsteadiness. The CDR model is then applied to the global initiation problem to produce an analytical equation for the critical energy. Unlike previous phenomenological models of the critical energy, this equation is not dependent on other experimentally determined parameters and for evaluation requires only an appropriate reaction mechanism for the given gas mixture. For different fuelā€“oxidizer mixtures, it is found to give agreement with experimental data to within an order of magnitude

    A Level Set Approach to Eulerian-Lagrangian Coupling

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    We present a numerical method for coupling an Eulerian compressible flow solver with a Lagrangian solver for fast transient problems involving fluid-solid interactions. Such coupling needs arise when either specific solution methods or accuracy considerations necessitate that different and disjoint subdomains be treated with different (Eulerian or Lagrangian)schemes. The algorithm we propose employs standard integration of the Eulerian solution over a Cartesian mesh. To treat the irregular boundary cells that are generated by an arbitrary boundary on a structured grid, the Eulerian computational domain is augmented by a thin layer of Cartesian ghost cells. Boundary conditions at these cells are established by enforcing conservation of mass and continuity of the stress tensor in the direction normal to the boundary. The description and the kinematic constraints of the Eulerian boundary rely on the unstructured Lagrangian mesh. The Lagrangian mesh evolves concurrently, driven by the traction boundary conditions imposed by the Eulerian counterpart. Several numerical tests designed to measure the rate of convergence and accuracy of the coupling algorithm are presented as well. General problems in one and two dimensions are considered, including a test consisting of an isotropic elastic solid and a compressible fluid in a fully coupled setting where the exact solution is available

    Detonation Initiation by Annular Jets and Shock Waves

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    The objective of this research is to experimentally determine the feasibility of initiating detonation in fuel-air mixtures using only the energy in hot, compressed air. The existing 6-inch shock tube at Caltech was used to create hot, high-pressure air behind a reflected shock wave. The hot air created an imploding annular shock wave when it jetted through an annular orifice into a 76-mm-diameter, 1-m-long tube attached to the end of the shock tube. A special test section with an annular opening covered by a diaphragm is attached to the end wall of the shock tube. The test section is filled with a combustible gas mixture and initially isolated from the shock tube by both a sliding valve and a very thin diaphragm. The sliding valve is opened immediately prior to the shock tube operation and the diaphragm is ruptured promptly when the shock wave arrives at the end of the shock tube. The test tube was filed with either stoichimetric ethylene-oxygen or propane-oxygen diluted with nitrogen. Piezoelectric pressure transducers and ionization gauges were used to determine the type of combustion event initiated by the annular jet of hot air. The stagnation conditions in the shock tube and the amount of dilution with nitrogen in the test section were varied to find the critical conditions for the onset of detonation in each test mixture. Less sensitive (high dilution) mixtures required larger stagnation pressures in order to initiate a detonation. We were unable to initiate either ethylene or propane-air mixtures within our facility limits. Extrapolation of the low-dilution data indicates that very high stagnation pressures (> 16 bar) are required to initiate detonation in fuel-air mixtures
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