47,412 research outputs found

    The interface between transactional and relational orientation in small service firm's marketing behaviour

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    This paper presents and discusses findings of a cross-country study of small service firm marketing behavior. These findings demonstrate that small service firms are flexible in the marketing approaches that they adopt. They reveal that such firms are transactional and relational orientated in their marketing activities and that for growing firms, marketing activities are used to create short-term transactions and form relations with key stakeholders. This finding implies that transactional and relationship marketing should be regarded as complementary. The findings presented also demonstrate that the marketing approach selected by participating small firms is determined by a range of customer characteristics of which repeat business is only one. An integrated framework containing elements of transactional and relational approaches is proposed as an appropriate way of describing the marketing behaviours of investigated firms

    Entrepreneurial marketing : a historical perspective on development and practice

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    Entrepreneurial marketing is a term which is receiving increasing use. It essentially encompasses two very distinct areas of management: marketing and entrepreneurship. This article is dedicated to exploring the emergence of this area of theory, its history and the current developments in the interface between these two areas. Scholars from both the worlds of marketing and entrepreneurship have long identified similarities in the key issues concerning both. Recent years have seen the emergence of increased study in the area of overlap between the two disciplines. Academics working in this field are undertaking research in a number of key areas, namely entrepreneurial management, networking and the resource and skills implications of adopting an entrepreneurial approach to marketing activities. This research has now built up into a sizeable body of literature and this article introduces the reader to the essence of this research and identifies its usefulness in viewing many areas of management

    Women's business ownership : recent research and policy developments

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    This report aims to provide a current assessment of recent research investigating women's business ownership. The report builds on a previous review undertaken by the authors on behalf of the Small Business Service (Carter, Anderson and Shaw, 2001). The report also explores in broad terms the role and contribution of recent policy developments in changing the landscape of women's enterprise in the UK

    Unethical aspects of homeopathic dentistry

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    In the last year there has been a great deal of public debate about homeopathy, the system of alternative medicine whose main principles are that like cures like and that potency increases relative to dilution. The House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology concluded in November 2009 that there is no evidence base for homeopathy, and agreed with some academic commentators that homeopathy should not be funded by the NHS. While homeopathic doctors and hospitals are quite commonplace, some might be surprised to learn that there are also many homeopathic dentists practising in the UK. This paper examines the statements made by several organisations on behalf of homeopathic dentistry and suggests that they are not entirely ethical and may be in breach of various professional guidelines

    RBR E3 ubiquitin ligases: new structures, new insights, new questions

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    The RBR (RING-BetweenRING-RING) or TRIAD [two RING fingers and a DRIL (double RING finger linked)] E3 ubiquitin ligases comprise a group of 12 complex multidomain enzymes. This unique family of E3 ligases includes parkin, whose dysfunction is linked to the pathogenesis of early-onset Parkinson's disease, and HOIP (HOIL-1-interacting protein) and HOIL-1 (haem-oxidized IRP2 ubiquitin ligase 1), members of the LUBAC (linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex). The RBR E3 ligases share common features with both the larger RING and HECT (homologous with E6-associated protein C-terminus) E3 ligase families, directly catalysing ubiquitin transfer from an intrinsic catalytic cysteine housed in the C-terminal domain, as well as recruiting thioester-bound E2 enzymes via a RING domain. Recent three-dimensional structures and biochemical findings of the RBRs have revealed novel protein domain folds not previously envisioned and some surprising modes of regulation that have raised many questions. This has required renaming two of the domains in the RBR E3 ligases to more accurately reflect their structures and functions: the C-terminal Rcat (required-for-catalysis) domain, essential for catalytic activity, and a central BRcat (benign-catalytic) domain that adopts the same fold as the Rcat, but lacks a catalytic cysteine residue and ubiquitination activity. The present review discusses how three-dimensional structures of RBR (RING1-BRcat-Rcat) E3 ligases have provided new insights into our understanding of the biochemical mechanisms of these important enzymes in ubiquitin biology. INTRODUCTIO

    A promising biotechnical approach to pest management of the western corn rootworm in Illinois maize fields shielded with a MCA kairomone baited trap line

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    The leaf beetle Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), (D.v.v.), also called the western corn rootworm, is endemic to the New World and ranks among the top ten insect pests in worldwide grain production. D.v.v. causes annual damages of 1 billion US Dollars and is a notoriously difficult insect pest to control and manage, as entomological history of the past 50 years amply demonstrates (METCALF 1986). Considering recent emphasis on environmentally compatible and sustainable management strategies, entomologists and practitioners are encouraged to pay increased attention to novel approaches such as biotechnial methods which today are characterized by preferential use of signal compounds. Fortunately, both insect and plants provide a wide variety of such natural resources. In the case of D.v.v., sex pheromonesand plant kairomones as specific attractants and management tools are relatively well investigated through numerous contributions by GUSS et al. (1982), METCALF & METCALF (1992), METCALF (1994) and many recent publications on the advance and spread of D.v.v. within Europe (BERGER 1995-2004, HUMMEL 2003). Principle of MSD method: In this paper, the plant kairomone 4-methoxycinnamaldehyde (MCA), a specific attractant for D.v.v., is being used as a tool within the newly proposed "MSD" strategy. It combines a two pronge approach consisting as the well known mass trapping with the novel shielding and deflecting, called in short "diversion" and introduced here for the first time. An invisible “curtain” or “fence” of MCA vapor released from a MCA trap line establishes a behavioral barrier which the flying beetles cannot easily pass without being 1. either caught in one of the high capacity traps or 2. being diverted elsewhere. The net effect is a significant reduction in adult population density and oviposition within the MCA treated field as compared to an untreated control field. These effects can be experimentally measured by 1. adult beetle counts on maize plants, 2. by counts in independent monitoring traps baited with the D.v.v. sex pheromone, and 3. by egg counts taken in soil samples.Umweltgerechter und nachhaltiger Pflanzenschutz erfordert eine Vielzahl verschiedener Strategien zum Management von Schadinsekten auf ihren Wirtspflanzen. Insekten- und pflanzeneigene Signalstoffe sowie ihre synthetischen Analoga bieten einen nahezu unerschöpflichen Vorrat spezifischer Lockwirkungen und Interventionsmöglichkeiten an, der bisher leider nur unzureichend genutzt wird. Kürzliche Entdeckungen sowohl neuer Kairomon-Lockstoffe als auch neuer Verfahrensschritte für das Management des Westlichen Maiswurzelbohrers Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (D.v.v.) erweitern das Spektrum anwendbarer Management- Optionen für diesen schwer bekämpfbaren Schädling im nordamerikanischen Maisanbau. Seit seiner Einschleppung nach Europa (ČAMPRAG & BAČA 1995) wird D.v.v. neuerdings auch zunehmend zum Problemschädling an Mais in Europa. Die neue "MSD"-Technik besteht aus einer Kombination von Massenabfang ("mass trapping"), Abschirmung ("shielding") und Umlenkung ("diversion") der Blattkäfer. Fallen hoher Fangkapazität, die das Kairomon 4-Methoxyzimtaldehyd (MCA) und Cucurbitacin- Pulver als fraßfördernden Stoff enthalten, können bei Aufstellung als "Fallenzaun" relativ geringer Dichte die Käfer so umlenken, dass zwischen den beiden Seiten dieses Zauns eine unsichtbare Geruchs-Barriere entsteht. Diese führt zu einer messbaren und signifikanten Verminderung der Käferzahl zwischen MCA behandelten Feldabschnitten gegenüber ihren unbehandelten Kontrollen. In 0,27 ha bzw. 0,12 ha großen Maisversuchsfeldern der Standorte Urbana und Champaign des US-Staates Illinois ließen sich während der Monate August und September 2003 und 2004 nach MCA-Behandlung gegenüber Kontrollen deutliche und signifikante Verminderungen von D.v.v. an Hand dreier Kriterien nachweisen: 1. Käferzahlen auf Maispflanzen innerhalb des "MSD-Feldes", 2. Käferzahlen in Sexuallockstoff-Fallen im MSD Feld und 3. die Zahl abgelegter D.v.v.-Eier im Boden des MSD Feldes nehmen ab. Der beobachtete Effekt läßt sich nicht allein auf die Populationsverminderung infolge hoher Abfangzahlen zurückführen. Es gibt darüber hinaus einen Abschirm- und Umlenkeffekt, dessen sinnes- und verhaltensphysiologische Mechanismen zusätzliche künftige Erforschungen erforderlich machen

    State-Branded Programs and Consumer Preference for Locally Grown Produce

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    Revitalization of state brands is deemed important to several constituencies. Stated preference with choice experiment methods were used to elicit consumer preferences for two locally grown products: spinach, which has had a well-publicized food safety incidence, and carrots, which have had no such incidence in recent history. A full factorial design was used to implement the choice experiment, with each commodity having four identical attributes varying at different levels. Findings reveal that consumers are willing to pay a premium for locally grown spinach marked with the Arizona Grown label over locally grown spinach that was not labeled. This premium was higher than the premium that would be paid for state-branded carrots. This difference highlights consumers’ perceptions of “locally grown†as an indicator of safety in their food supply. Findings have important implications with respect to providing consumer value and point to differentiated positioning strategies for state-branded produce.state-branded produce, certification, food safety, traceability, discrete choice models, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing,