161 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Federation Proposals for Nepal

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    An elected constituent assembly is planned to frame a new constitution of Nepal. This paper argues for a federal system of governance and reviews various federal proposals that have been made so far, some of which suggest territorial subdivision and some suggest cultural subdivision of the country. This paper argues that a cultural subdivision offers a greater promise of durable peace and stability of federation than a territorial subdivision and would also help improve economic efficiency in delivery of governmental services. Further, it proposes a cultural federation of 15 small size states, with directly elected governors in the states and a proportional system of representation in the state assemblies

    Comparative study of federation proposals for Nepal

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    At the time Nepal is planning for an unprecedented task of forming constitution through a constituent assembly of people’s representatives, restructuring of Nepal into a federation of autonomous or semi-autonomous states has been prominently proposed by some scholars, the Federation of Indigenous Nationalities, and some major political parties, like the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists), the Communist Party of Nepal (UML), Jana Morcha, and Nepal Sadbhawana Party. To my knowledge there are at least 14 proposals already made, which can be classified into two groups. Proposals in one group consider the meeting of political aspirations and demands of ethnic and indigenous nationalities the main objective of federal restructure. Accordingly, those proposals demarcate states by subdividing Nepal based on ethnic/nationality concentration. The proposals in the next group demarcate states on geographical and/or topographical basis, on broad arguments of improving governance through local control of governments and/or on some economic arguments like demarcating states by major river basins to economically harness hydropower potential of the country. Which type of federation proposal is better

    Determinants of Awareness and Usage of Best Available Local Maternal and Child Health Care Facility by Women in a Selected Rural Area of Nepal

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    In this study we intend to empirically examine the determinants of level of awareness of the best available maternal and child health care facility (BAF) among women who are residing in the neighboring selected rural areas of Nepal and who are either expecting or had an outcome of pregnancy within the last one year; the BAF shall be the facility that is most equipped with physical and human resources among all the facilities that exist in the area and provide maternal and child health care services

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    Papers, abstracts and proceedings of the Third Annual Himalayan Policy Research Conference, Thursday, October 16, 2008, Madison Concourse Hotel and Governors\u27 Club, Preconference Venue of the 37th South Asian Conference at the University of Wisconsin-Madiso

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    Papers, abstracts and proceedings of the Fourth Annual Himalayan Policy Research Conference, Thursday, October 22, 2009, Madison Concourse Hotel and Governors\u27 Club, Preconference Venue of the 38th South Asian Conference at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

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    Papers, abstracts and proceedings of the Third Annual Himalayan Policy Research Conference, Thursday, October 16, 2008, Madison Concourse Hotel and Governors\u27 Club, Preconference Venue of the 37th South Asian Conference at the University of Wisconsin-Madiso

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    Papers, abstracts and proceedings of the Seventh Annual Himalayan Policy Research Conference, Thursday, October 11, 2012, Madison Concourse Hotel and Governors\u27 Club, Preconference Venue of the 41st South Asian Conference at the University of Wisconsin-Madiso
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