390 research outputs found

    Innovations in Natural Coke Studies

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    In Jharia and Raniganj coalfields nearly 3000 million tonnes of coal is baked due to igneous intrusives and underground fires and a part of it is converted into natural coke (Jhama). The heat-affected coals are quite heterogeneous in their physical properties and chemical composition. Due to lack of proper characterization and appropriate technology for mining, this resource was considered colliery waste till recently and has largely remained unutilized

    A study of Financial Performance vis a vis Managerial Effectiveness of Insurance Sector of India

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    Insurance is basically a cooperative endeavor. It is a noble portfolio where in assurance is offered against contingencies. The subject matter of assurance may relate to life or non – life matters. In either case, it mitigates the hardships caused to individuals and through them to society. This helps in fulfilling a social obligation, which result in keeping the economy sounds ‘Insurance’ and ‘social wellbeing for social economy’ are therefore interwove; flourish of one leads to the flourish of the other and vice versa. Insurance plays a very important role in reducing the strain on national economy and helping it to grow directly and indirectly. Beyond the national economy also, it forges ahead in the international areas. In life insurance, very big risks are accepted which are beyond the tolerance limit of LIC, the business is ceded to the foreign insurer thereby distributing the risk and reducing the strain on Indian Insurer. In general insurance, reinsurance helps in a big way in distribution and transfer of risks. Beyond the ceding limit the risk is transferred to the foreign reinsurance. Since 1991 India has liberalized its economy by opening a number of industries for private, joint and international investment. Insurance sector had been opened up for competition from Indian private insurance companies. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) was established on 19th April, 2000 to protect the interests of holders of insurance policy and to regulate, promote and ensure growth of the insurance industry

    Chronic ectopic pregnancy complicated by septicemic shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation

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    Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a life threatening complication of ectopic pregnancy. It results from washing out of all important procoagulants. This is basically a state of increased propensity for clot formation triggered by a variety of stimuli related to such diverse disorders as sepsis ,endothelial cell damage (heat stroke and shock), obstetrical complication (abruptio placenta, amniotic fluid embolism, severe preeclampsia and retained intrauterine dead foetus). A case of disseminated intravascular coagulation with septicemic shock following laprotomy for ectopic pregnancy is reported. She was treated by vasopressors, broad spectrum antibiotic and aggressive blood and blood component therapy

    Contemporary Relevance of Bertrand Russell’s Views on Early Childhood Education

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    Bertrand Russell’s educational thoughts significantly deal with reforming education for school going children and he also supported pre-primary education. He favored early childhood education for physical, intellectual and character development. His emphasis on character development of a child shows the significance of early years of life for development of an individual. This paper aims at exploring Bertrand Russell’s thoughts on early childhood education. It is an attempt to understand the significance of early childhood education for the holistic development of the children. Though there are early childhood education is prevalent in our country, but it was not mandatory to get early childhood education till the approval of National Education Policy (N.E.P., 2020). It has included early childhood education in compulsory school education for promoting better learning and well being of a child. It is a qualitative research in which historical method has been used where data has been collected from primary and secondary sources. The finding of the study shows that Bertrand Russell’sthought on early childhood education is relevant in present Indian context for developing good values, physical and mental development as well as in future learning. This shows that the encouragement to early childhood education and Bertrand Russell’s thoughts on early childhood education would be helpful for holistic development of children

    Over the counter sale of abortion pills - time to act now

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    Background: Government of India has approved abortion pill for termination of early pregnancy. But over the counter availability of this drug instead has earned a bad name for this miracle drug. The aim of this study was to find out the incidence of over the counter availability of abortion pills, the outcome associated with this practice and what cost society has ultimately to pay for this unethical practice.Methods: This is a retrospective observational study. Among 200 patients who reported to Gynecology emergency with signs and symptoms suggestive of abortion process, those with history of abortion pill intake without prescription were included in the study group and their records were evaluated.Results: 70 patients who bought abortion pills over the counter were included in the study group. 90% (63/70) patients were not using any kind of contraceptive method. Only 55.71% (39/70) patients took the abortion pills as per the recommended standard protocol. Gestational age was < 8 weeks in 45.71% (32/70) patients only. Most common presenting complaint was varying amount of bleeding per vaginum followed by abdominal pain met in 97.14% (68/70) and 30% (21/70) patients respectively. 7.14% (5/70) patients presented to emergency in shock. Final diagnosis was complete abortion in 21.42% (15/70) patients, incomplete abortion in 47.14% (33/70), missed abortion in 11.42% ( 8/70), septic abortion in 7.14% ( 5/70) , threatened abortion in 5.71% ( 4/70), ectopic pregnancy in 5.71% ( 4/70) and molar pregnancy in 1.42% ( 1/70) patients and they were managed accordingly as per standard guidelines.Conclusion: The women in India should be aware of their legal right to safe abortion. They should stop buying the drug without prescription as medical abortion facilities are being made easily available, accessible and affordable to all. However strict ban on over the counter availability of abortion pills can make the situation worse

    Recurrent secondary postpartum haemorrhage due to endometritis: requires 18 units blood transfusion

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    Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) represents a serious problem for women and obstetricians. Because of its association with haemorrhagic shock and predisposition to disseminated coagulopathy, it is a leading cause of maternal deaths worldwide. Furthermore, the jeopardy of PPH is rising with the secondary form of PPH occurring between 24 hours and 6 weeks postpartum, when women are already discharged home. The causes of this pathology are severe inflammation (endometritis) inherited coagulation disorders, consumptive coagulopathy, and retained products of conceptions. Others are of rare occurrence, such as vessel subinvolution (VSI) of the placental implantation site, uterine artery pseudo aneurysm, or trauma

    Serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma: an incidental finding in laparotomy for tubo-ovarian mass in woman aged 35 years

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    Serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC) is a precursor lesion for high-grade pelvic serous carcinoma. The incidence of STIC is estimated to occur in 0.6% to 6% of women who are BRCA positive or have a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer. We report a rare case of serous tubal Intraepithelial carcinoma in young woman undergoing laparotomy for tubo-ovarian mass who diagnosed STIC on histopathological examination of specimen. Women diagnosed incidentally at surgery for benign condition should be considered for repeat surgical staging. Etiology and management are similar to epithelial ovarian cancer but stage at diagnosis, lymphatic spread and overall survival appear to be different.

    Synthesis of (1-ethyl-2-phenyl-1,4-dihydroquinolin-4-yl)-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)-amine by Electrochemical Methods in Aprotic Media

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    The formation of (1-ethyl-2-phenyl-1,4-dihydroquinolin-4-yl)-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)-amine by the electro reduction of (1-ethyl-2-phenyl-1H-quinolin-4-ylidene)-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)-amine occurs through acceptance of two electrons accompanied by two successive peaks, each electron peak followed by a chemical reaction. The electrochemical reduction of (1-ethyl-2-phenyl-1H-quinolin-4-ylidene)- (2,4,6-trimethyl-phenyl)-amine was investigated in 0.1 M tetrabutylammoniumbromide in N,N-dimethylformamide at glassy carbon electrode using the technique of cyclic voltammetry at the room temperature (290K). In this medium the first peak was observed at –0.831 V (vs. Ag|Ag+) at the glassy carbon electrode (GCE) surface, which is more stable and well defined as compared to the second peak. The diffusion coefficient (D) of investigated imine in the investigated solvent media has been calculated using the modified Randles-Sevcik equation. The electron transfer coefficient (α) of the reactant species has also been calculated. (doi: 10.5562/cca1855


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the bioherbicidal activity of Withania somnifera against germination and growth of noxious weeds of Himalaya i.e. Ageratum coenyzoides, Chenopodium album and Achyranthus aspera in a laboratory and foliar spray bioassay which will act as a tool of weed management in the Himalayan region.Methods: Root, stem and leaf aqueous extract of Withania somnifera at 100% concentration were applied to determine their effect on the seed germination and seedling growth of tested weeds under laboratory condition. Foliar spray bioassay was carried out by spraying extracts of Withania somnifera on three-month-old seedlings of weeds for two months. Germination and growth of weeds were assessed using growth parameters into account i.e. germination percentage, stem length, root length, fresh weight, dry weight, no of shoot branches and no of root branches.Results: The results revealed that all the aqueous extracts markedly suppressed germination and seedling growth of A. coenyzoides, C. album and A. aspera. Withania extracts remarkably effected germination, the growth of Ageratum coenyzoides in comparison to other studied weeds. The leaf extract of Withania was more pronounced than stem and root extracts in germination assay. Infoliarspray bioassay, aqueous leaf extracts of 100% w/v concentrations were sprayed on three month old seedlings of weeds at an interval of 5 d. All the aqueous extracts significantly suppressed shoot length, root length, fresh weight and dry weight of Ageratum coenyzoides, Chenopodium album and Achyranthus aspera seedling. In foliar spray bioassay, leaf extract suppressed the stem length, root length, fresh weight, dry weight, no. of root branches and no of shoot branches of studied weeds more commendably than stem and root extract. The suppression of growth parameters could be attributed to the presence of phytochemicals present in the extracts of Withaniasomnifera.Conclusion: The present study concludes that Withania somnifera contain bio-herbicidal compounds in leaf, stem and root as plant extracts adversely affect weed growth of studied weeds. Henceforth the strategy bio-control of weed is a safe and effective method which could prove a milestone in weed management in Mid-Himalaya

    Maternal and fetal outcome in preterm premature rupture of membrane

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    Background: The objective was to study the maternal and fetal outcome in women with premature rupture of membranes.Methods: It was a prospective analytic hospital based study, study population include 100 obstetrics cases of singleton pregnancy with gestational age of 28 week to 36 week with spontaneous rupture of membranes over a period of 2 years, 100 pregnant women without PROM upto 36 completed week taken as control. Detailed clinical examination of the patient was done to see any co-morbidity. Data was collected using a performa. Detailed workup including history, general physical examination, abdominal and pelvic examination and relevant specific investigation were noted.Results: PROM occurs more frequently in primigravida compared to that of multigravida (p=0.679). Risk factors unknown factors 71% and history of coitus 5% UTI (p=0.001) which was highly significant, incidence of LSCS were found higher in PROM than in controls (p&lt;0.05) which was statistically significant. Out of all vaginal deliveries, percentage of patients who had spontaneous labour were 69.86%, while 30.14% were induced, 60% of cases was spontaneous out of which 51% delivered successfully vaginally and, 9% landed in cesarean section. 16% were given prostaglandin gel out of which 10% delivered successfully. 8% were augmented by oxytocin of which 6% delivered successfully and 2% landed in cesarean section. Out of 100 cases studies, 24% accounted for respiratory distress syndrome, while 6% in control group. 12% septicemia in study group (p=0.001) which was highly significant value, while conjunctivitis, neonatal jaundice (hyperbilirubinaemia) and intraventricular haemorrhage accounted for 2%, 3%, and 2% each.Conclusions: Present study concluded that most common cause of PPROM was unknown. Most common maternal morbidity was puerperal fever and neonatal morbidity was respiratory distress. Maternal and fetal morbidity increases with increase in duration between rupture of membranes and delivery of fetus, so augmentation of labour should be done