13 research outputs found

    Consumer perceived brand innovativeness: conceptualisation and measurement

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    Purpose - This paper aims to examine brand innovativeness. While innovativeness has been studied at the product and firm levels, there is little research at the brand level. This paper argues for why this is needed, develops a conceptualization of consumer perceived brand innovativeness (CPBI) from a theoretical perspective and then develops and validates a measure for CPBI

    An examination of selected marketing mix elements and brand equity

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    Predictive validity of two firm innovativeness scales: empirical evidence

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    Innovativeness is an important determinant of firm success. However, most of the current research has investigated this phenomenon from the managerial perspective. Responding to calls by innovation scholars, for a customer-oriented approach, researchers have recently developed customer-based scales for firm innovativeness measurement (e.g. Firm Reputation for Product Innovation - Henard & Dacin, 2010; Perceived Firm Innovativeness - Kunz et al., 2011). Despite the importance of valid and reliable measurement, current research does not provide satisfactory advice on the effectiveness of these measures. To fill this important gap, the present research contributes by examining the relative effectiveness of these scales in two product categories and across four brands. The results indicate that while the Reputation for Product Innovation scale performs better in terms of scale sensitivity the two scales have displayed different degrees of ability in predicating the four outcome variables included

    The role of brand credibility in the relationship between brand innovativeness and purchase intention

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    This paper examines the interrelated effects of brand innovativeness, brand credibility, and consumer innovativeness on consumer purchase intention. While innovativeness has been extensively studied at the product, firm, and consumer level, there is a small but growing body of research that examines innovativeness at the brand level. The brand innovativeness construct has been theoretically validated although its role in consumer response to branded offerings is still underexplored. A structural equations model indicates that brands that are perceived as more innovative garner significantly higher purchase intent among consumers. The paper seeks to explain the mechanism by which this relationship occurs by introducing brand credibility as a partial mediating factor. Results suggest that marketers should emphasise their brand's innovation credentials as this has a positive effect on credibility and purchase intention

    A model and empirical test of evolving consumer perceived brand innovativeness and its two-way relationship with consumer perceived product innovativeness

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    This paper examines the evolution of consumer perceived brand innovativeness through its relationship with product innovativeness. A survey of 617 respondents measured consumer perceptions, brand attitude, and purchase intention, with data analysed using structural equation modelling. Results indicate that after exposure to a product innovation, consumers’ existing perception of brand innovativeness and perception of the technological newness of the innovation shape their perception of product innovativeness. This leads to an updating of perceptions of innovativeness at the brand level, which subsequently influence both brand attitude and purchase intention outcomes. It also mediates the impact of product innovativeness on these variables. This model of the evolution of brand innovativeness shows how it can be strengthened (or weakened) by product innovativeness. A key managerial implication is that investment and production of highly innovative products will result in a virtuous cycle of increasing future perceptions of product and brand innovativeness

    Examination of the technology acceptance model among students

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