1,049 research outputs found

    Clique Cover Width and Clique Sum

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    For a clique cover CC in the undirected graph GG, the clique cover graph of CC is the graph obtained by contracting the vertices of each clique in CC into a single vertex. The clique cover width of G, denoted by CCW(G)CCW(G), is the minimum value of the bandwidth of all clique cover graphs of GG. When GG is the clique sum of G1G_1 and G2G_2, we prove that CCW(G)≀3/2(CCW(G1)+CCW(G2))CCW(G) \le 3/2(CCW(G_1) + CCW(G_2))

    New separation theorems and sub-exponential time algorithms for packing and piercing of fat objects

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    For C\cal C a collection of nn objects in RdR^d, let the packing and piercing numbers of C\cal C, denoted by Pack(C)Pack({\cal C}), and Pierce(C)Pierce({\cal C}), respectively, be the largest number of pairwise disjoint objects in C{\cal C}, and the smallest number of points in RdR^d that are common to all elements of C{\cal C}, respectively. When elements of C\cal C are fat objects of arbitrary sizes, we derive sub-exponential time algorithms for the NP-hard problems of computing Pack(C){Pack}({\cal C}) and Pierce(C)Pierce({\cal C}), respectively, that run in nOd(Pack(C)dβˆ’1d)n^{O_d({{Pack}({\cal C})}^{d-1\over d})} and nOd(Pierce(C)dβˆ’1d)n^{O_d({{Pierce}({\cal C})}^{d-1\over d})} time, respectively, and O(nlog⁑n)O(n\log n) storage. Our main tool which is interesting in its own way, is a new separation theorem. The algorithms readily give rise to polynomial time approximation schemes (PTAS) that run in nO((1Ο΅)dβˆ’1)n^{O({({1\over\epsilon})}^{d-1})} time and O(nlog⁑n)O(n\log n) storage. The results favorably compare with many related best known results. Specifically, our separation theorem significantly improves the splitting ratio of the previous result of Chan, whereas, the sub-exponential time algorithms significantly improve upon the running times of very recent algorithms of Fox and Pach for packing of spheres.Comment: 28th European Workshop on Computational Geometry,2012 - Assisi, Perugia, Italy, 269-27

    New representation results for planar graphs

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    A universal representation theorem is derived that shows any graph is the intersection graph of one chordal graph, a number of co-bipartite graphs, and one unit interval graph. Central to the the result is the notion of the clique cover width which is a generalization of the bandwidth parameter. Specifically, we show that any planar graph is the intersection graph of one chordal graph, four co-bipartite graphs, and one unit interval graph. Equivalently, any planar graph is the intersection graph of a chordal graph and a graph that has {clique cover width} of at most seven. We further describe the extensions of the results to graphs drawn on surfaces and graphs excluding a minor of crossing number of at most one.Comment: 29th European Workshop on Computational Geometry March 17-20, 2013, 177-18

    Unit Incomparability Dimension and Clique Cover Width in Graphs

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    For a clique cover CC in the undirected graph GG, the {\it clique cover graph} of CC is the graph obtained by contracting the vertices of each clique in CC into a single vertex. The {\it clique cover width} of GG, denoted by CCW(G)CCW(G), is the minimum value of the bandwidth of all clique cover graphs in GG. Any GG with CCW(G)=1CCW(G)=1 is known to be an incomparability graph, and hence is called, a {\it unit incomparability graph}. We introduced the {\it unit incomparability dimension of GG}, denoted byUdim(G)Udim(G), to be the smallest integer dd so that there are unit incomparability graphs HiH_i with V(Hi)=V(G),i=1,2,...,dV(H_i)=V(G), i=1,2,...,d, so that E(G)=∩i=1dE(Gi)E(G)=\cap_{i=1}^d E(G_i). We prove a decomposition theorem establishing the inequality Udim(G)≀CCW(G)Udim(G)\le CCW(G). Specifically, given any GG, there are unit incomparability graphs H1,H2,...,HCC(W)H_1,H_2,...,H_{CC(W)} with V(Hi)=V(G)V(H_i)=V(G) so that and E(G)=∩i=1CCWE(Hi)E(G)=\cap_{i=1}^{CCW} E(H_i). In addition, HiH_i is co-bipartite, for i=1,2,...,CCW(G)βˆ’1i=1,2,...,CCW(G)-1. Furthermore, we observe that CCW(G)β‰₯s(G)/2βˆ’1CCW(G)\ge s(G)/2-1, where s(G)s(G) is the number of leaves in a largest induced star of GG , and use Ramsey Theory to give an upper bound on s(G)s(G), when GG is represented as an intersection graph using our decomposition theorem. Finally, when GG is an incomparability graph we prove that CCW(G)≀s(G)βˆ’1CCW (G)\le s(G)-1

    Bounds for the Clique Cover Width of Factors of the Apex Graph of the Planar Grid

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    The {\it clique cover width} of GG, denoted by ccw(G)ccw(G), is the minimum value of the bandwidth of all graphs that are obtained by contracting the cliques in a clique cover of GG into a single vertex. For i=1,2,...,d,i=1,2,...,d, let GiG_i be a graph with V(Gi)=VV(G_i)=V, and let GG be a graph with V(G)=VV(G)=V and E(G)=∩i=1d(Gi)E(G)=\cap_{i=1}^d(G_i), then we write G=∩i=1dGiG=\cap_{i=1}^dG_i and call each Gi,i=1,2,...,dG_i,i=1,2,...,d a factor of GG. We are interested in the case where G1G_1 is chordal, and ccw(Gi),i=2,3...,dccw(G_i),i=2,3...,d for each factor GiG_i is "small". Here we show a negative result. Specifically, let G^(k,n){\hat G}(k,n) be the graph obtained by joining a set of kk apex vertices of degree n2n^2 to all vertices of an nΓ—nn\times n grid, and then adding some possible edges among these kk vertices. We prove that if G^(k,n)=∩i=1dGi{\hat G}(k,n)=\cap_{i=1}^dG_i, with G1G_1 being chordal, then, max2≀i≀d{ccw(Gi)}β‰₯n1dβˆ’12.(2c)1dβˆ’1max_{2\le i\le d}\{ccw(G_i)\}\ge {n^{1\over d-1}\over 2.{(2c)}^{1\over {d-1}}}, where cc is a constant. Furthermore, for d=2d=2, we construct a chordal graph G1G_1 and a graph G2G_2 with ccw(G2)≀n2+kccw(G_2)\le {n\over 2}+k so that G^(k,n)=G1∩G2{\hat G}(k,n)=G_1\cap G_2. Finally, let G^{\hat G} be the clique sum graph of G^(ki,ni),i=1,2,...t{\hat G}(k_i, n_i), i=1,2,...t, where the underlying grid is niΓ—nin_i\times n_i and the sum is taken at apex vertices. Then, we show G^=G1∩G2{\hat G}=G_1\cap G_2, where, G1G_1 is chordal and ccw(G2)β‰€βˆ‘i=1t(ni+ki)ccw(G_2)\le \sum_{i=1}^t(n_i+k_i). The implications and applications of the results are discussed, including addressing a recent question of David Wood

    Largest reduced neighborhood clique cover number revisited

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    Let GG be a graph and tβ‰₯0t\ge 0. The largest reduced neighborhood clique cover number of GG, denoted by Ξ²^t(G){\hat\beta}_t(G), is the largest, overall tt-shallow minors HH of GG, of the smallest number of cliques that can cover any closed neighborhood of a vertex in HH. It is known that Ξ²^t(G)≀st{\hat\beta}_t(G)\le s_t, where GG is an incomparability graph and sts_t is the number of leaves in a largest tβˆ’t-shallow minor which is isomorphic to an induced star on sts_t leaves. In this paper we give an overview of the properties of Ξ²^t(G){\hat\beta}_t(G) including the connections to the greatest reduced average density of GG, or β–½t(G)\bigtriangledown_t(G), introduce the class of graphs with bounded neighborhood clique cover number, and derive a simple lower and an upper bound for this important graph parameter. We announce two conjectures, one for the value of Ξ²^t(G){\hat\beta}_t(G), and another for a separator theorem (with respect to a certain measure) for an interesting class of graphs, namely the class of incomparability graphs which we suspect to have a polynomial bounded neighborhood clique cover number, when the size of a largest induced star is bounded.Comment: The results in this paper were presented in 48th Southeastern Conference in Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, March 201

    A new upper bound for the clique cover number with applications

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    Let Ξ±(G)\alpha(G) and Ξ²(G)\beta(G), denote the size of a largest independent set and the clique cover number of an undirected graph GG. Let HH be an interval graph with V(G)=V(H)V(G)=V(H) and E(G)βŠ†E(H)E(G)\subseteq E(H), and let Ο•(G,H)\phi(G,H) denote the maximum of Ξ²(G[W])Ξ±(G[W]){\beta(G[W])\over \alpha(G[W])} overall induced subgraphs G[W]G[W] of GG that are cliques in HH. The main result of this paper is to prove that for any graph GG Ξ²(G)≀2Ξ±(H)Ο•(G,H)(log⁑α(H)+1),{\beta(G)}\le 2 \alpha(H)\phi(G,H)(\log \alpha(H)+1), where, Ξ±(H)\alpha(H) is the size of a largest independent set in HH. We further provide a generalization that significantly unifies or improves some past algorithmic and structural results concerning the clique cover number for some well known intersection graphs

    A new separation theorem with geometric applications

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    Let G=(V(G),E(G))G=(V(G), E(G)) be an undirected graph with a measure function μ\mu assigning non-negative values to subgraphs HH so that μ(H)\mu(H) does not exceed the clique cover number of HH. When μ\mu satisfies some additional natural conditions, we study the problem of separating GG into two subgraphs, each with a measure of at most 2μ(G)/32\mu(G)/3 by removing a set of vertices that can be covered with a small number of cliques GG. When E(G)=E(G1)∩E(G2)E(G)=E(G_1)\cap E(G_2), where G1=(V(G1),E(G1))G_1=(V(G_1),E(G_1)) is a graph with V(G1)=V(G)V(G_1)=V(G), and G2=(V(G2),E(G2))G_2=(V(G_2), E(G_2)) is a chordal graph with V(G2)=V(G)V(G_2)=V(G), we prove that there is a separator SS that can be covered with O(lμ(G))O(\sqrt{l\mu(G)}) cliques in GG, where l=l(G,G1)l=l(G,G_1) is a parameter similar to the bandwidth, which arises from the linear orderings of cliques covers in G1G_1. The results and the methods are then used to obtain exact and approximate algorithms which significantly improve some of the past results for several well known NP-hard geometric problems. In addition, the methods involve introducing new concepts and hence may be of an independent interest.Comment: Proceedings of EuroCG 2010, Dortmund, Germany, March 22-24, 201

    On the largest reduced neighborhood clique cover number of a graph

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    Let GG be a graph and tβ‰₯0t\ge 0. A new graph parameter termed the largest reduced neighborhood clique cover number of GG, denoted by Ξ²^t(G){\hat\beta}_t(G), is introduced. Specifically, Ξ²^t(G){\hat\beta}_t(G) is the largest, overall tt-shallow minors HH of GG, of the smallest number of cliques that can cover any closed neighborhood of a vertex in HH. We verify that Ξ²^t(G)=1{\hat\beta}_t(G)=1 when GG is chordal, and, Ξ²^t(G)≀s{\hat\beta}_t(G)\le s, where GG is an incomparability graph that does not have a tβˆ’t-shallow minor which is isomorphic to an induced star on ss leaves. Moreover, general properties of Ξ²^t(G){\hat\beta}_t(G) including the connections to the greatest reduced average density of GG, or β–½t(G)\bigtriangledown_t(G) are studied and investigated. For instance we show Ξ²^t(G)2≀▽t(G)≀p.Ξ²^t(G),{{\hat\beta}_t(G)\over 2}\le \bigtriangledown_t(G)\le p.{\hat\beta}_t(G), where pp is the size of a largest complete graph which is a tβˆ’minort-minor of GG. Additionally we prove that largest ratio of any minimum clique cover to the maximum independent set taken overall tβˆ’t-minors of GG is a lower bound for Ξ²^t(G){\hat\beta}_t(G). We further introduce the class of bounded neighborhood clique cover number for which Ξ²^t(G){\hat\beta}_t(G) has a finite value for each tβ‰₯0t\ge 0 and verify the membership of geometric intersection graphs of fat objects (with no restrictions on the depth) to this class. The results support the conjecture that the class graphs with polynomial bounded neighborhood clique cover number may have separator theorems with respect to certain measures.Comment: A portion of these results were presented at the 47th Southeast Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, March 7-11, 2016 and will appear in the conference proceedings, Congressus Numerantium (2016

    On the strict endoscopic part of modular Siegel threefolds

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    In this paper we study the non-holomorphic strict endoscopic parts of inner cohomology spaces of a modular Siegel threefold respect to local systems. First we show that there is a non-zero subspace of the strict endoscopic part such that it is constructed by global theta lift of automorphic froms of (GL(2)Γ—GL(2))/Gm(GL(2)\times GL(2))/G_{m}. Secondly, we present an explicit analytic calculation of levels of lifted forms into GSp(4), based on the paramodular representations theory for GSp(4;F)GSp(4; F). Finally, we prove the conjecture, by C. Faber and G. van der Geer, that gives a description of the strict endoscopic part for Betti cohomology and (real) Hodge structures in the category of mixed Hodge structures, in which the modular Siegel threefold has level structure one
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