55 research outputs found


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    Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    What an economist argues about managing the hazards of new production technologies depends on that individual's beliefs about the scientific credibility of assessed risk of new technologies, about the meaning of voluntary risk and compensations, and about the meaning of "progress" and "nature." None of these beliefs is derived from the core of the economics discipline. Indeed, the economist's arguments often rest not on economic considerations, but on these matters of belief that are established outside the discipline.Environmental Economics and Policy,


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    As the environmental policy recommendations of economists become more acceptable, differences in the professional understanding of, and support for, different policy forms are becoming more apparent. These different approaches to environmental policy and research are described around a taxonomy of four perspectives: "rational analysts," "cost analysts", "market managers," and "free market environmentalists." These perspectives are compared and contrasted. Recognition of these differences can result in a better appreciation of the different research agendas of economists and can improve clarity in teaching and policy advising.Economic incentives, Environmental policy, Regulation, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    The Contribution of Nonmarket Valuation to Policy: The Case of Nonfederal Hydropower Relicensing

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    The contribution of nonmarket valuation studies to decisions about the operation of nonfederal hydroelectric facilities is examined. Hydropower licensing reforms by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to better weigh market and nonmarket tradeoffs did not require or use nonmarket valuation. License negotiation processes are interpreted as a substitute for valuation.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    The Use and Opportunity of Cooperative Organizational Forms as an Innovative Regulatory Tool Under the Clean Water Act

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    Numerous reforms to introduce financial incentives and flexibility into the Clean Water Act have been proposed. Cooperative organizational forms that consolidate multiple regulated entities under a single organizational umbrella are an overlooked, but potentially useful avenue for reform. In concept, these new organizational forms would function much like a farmer cooperative using coordination and consolidation to lower input costs to its members. Illustrations of how cooperative organizational forms can be used to lower costs and enhance regulatory flexibility in both the water quality and wetland programs are provided.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Mitigating Damages From Coastal Wetlands Development: Policy, Economics and Financing

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    This paper looks at the problem of modeling the welfare consequences of the effects of environmental changes on the bioeconomic equilibrium of fisheries. The equilibrium catch equation is suggested as the most appropriate mechanism for modelling these effects. Several different models are presented, based on the availability of data. It is shown that a model in which the equilibrium catch function is estimated directly as a function of environmental quality will be superior to a model which takes the stock effects from an independent ecosystem model. Models are also suggested for those cases in which only proxies for stock levels are available, and for those cases in which no stock data are available.Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Public Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty,

    The Future of Wetlands Mitigation Banking

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    Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Environmental Services Programs for the Chesapeake Bay

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    Ecosystem Services, Payment for Ecosystem Services, Water Quality, Chesapeake Bay, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q25, Q28, Q53, Q57,
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