2 research outputs found

    Organizing Public Procurement in Ukraine and the European Union Countries

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    The article is concerned with the topical issues of improving the competitiveness of the national economy by improving the procedure of public procurement. The article is aimed at identifying the features of organization of public procurement in Ukraine and comparing it with the organization of these procedures in the countries of the European Union, which would reveal shortcomings of the Ukrainian model of public procurement, and developing recommendations as to overcoming them and approximation to the standards of the European Union. The mechanism of organization of procurement procedures in accordance with the EU directives has been determined, the analysis of both centralized and decentralized models of public procurement in the EU countries has been carried out. A comparative characterization of organizing the domestic electronic system of public procurement and the Georgian and European ones was carried out. The stages of procurement in the EU organizational model, which are absent in the Ukrainian model and require implementation to improve the efficiency of public procurement procedures, are defined

    Reforming the System of Public Procurements in the Context of the European Integration Processes

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    The article analyzes reforming the system of public procurements in Ukraine in the context of the European integration processes and provides proposals for further directions of reforming, taking into account successful international practices. As result of research, the system of public procurements and its development in the independent Ukraine, phases of reforming in the context of the European integration processes, as well as compliance of the law of Ukraine of 10.04.2014 No.1197-VII «On fulfillment of public procurements» with standards of the European Union in the field of public procurements were analyzed; the main directions of reforming the public procurement system in accordance with the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU has been summarized. It is displayed that, despite a number of shortcomings in the system of public procurements, an active reforming and implementing in the legislation of the main requirements for public procurement in the EU is going on currently. Directions of further reforms of the public procurements system have been suggested. Prospects of the further research will be studying and analyzing international experience in implementing the electronic public procurements with a view to formulating proposals as to the best model for a native procurements system