18 research outputs found

    Data Assimilation of Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Retrievals with Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter Scheme

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    Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering (Environmental Science and Engineering)This thesis proposes a development of land data assimilation system to produce realistic land surface states, which is performed with diverse remote sensing retrievals using advanced land surface model (LSM) and data assimilation techniques. Remote sensed soil moisture retrievals with high-temporal and ???spatial resolution is recently available. For instance, the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT), a C-band active microwave remote sensing instrument, and the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) L-band passive remote sensing retrievals provide global near-surface soil moisture condition in real-time. Bias corrected observation datasets are used in the assimilation based on cumulative distribution function fitting because there is a large discrepancy of soil moisture contents between each retrieval and LSM offline simulation by difference sensed layer depth and algorithms, and characteristics of model physics. This study performs the soil moisture data assimilation using these bias corrected satellite retrievals with Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) scheme. The impact of the soil moisture assimilation is evaluated with ground based in-situ soil moisture measurement network over the globe. The result reveals that each satellite retrieval provides significant added value in the data assimilation. The impact of the assimilation tends to be better improved when active and passive satellite retrievals are simultaneously used. The temporal correlation of the assimilated soil moisture increases surface soil moisture skills by ??R???0.12 over the continental U.S., and the improvement at root-zone is ??R???0.1. The result is explained by ???Assimilation Gain???, where the quality of assimilated satellite data and the number of assimilated observations strongly contribute to the skill improvement of assimilated soil moisture estimates. The skill improvement through the multi-retrieval assimilation is mostly significant in transitional climate regime where land-atmosphere interaction is strong, and the impact of soil moisture initialization is clearly shown in the forecast model. Furthermore, the skill improvement is also significant in other validated regions (e.g. western Europe, and central Tibetan Plateau). The magnitude of the skill improvement through the assimilation is large when the quality of satellite retrievals tends to be better than that of the open loop. The assimilated soil moisture estimates are widely used in understanding land surface physical process of hydrology cycle and the land-atmosphere interaction. Furthermore, the realistic land surface condition gives the better information in land surface monitoring system.clos

    Investigation of the 2016 Eurasia heat wave as an event of the recent warming

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    This study investigates the physical mechanisms that contributed to the 2016 Eurasian heat wave during boreal summer season (July-August, JA), characterized by much higher than normal temperatures over eastern Europe, East Asia, and the Kamchatka Peninsula. It is found that the 2016 JA mean surface air temperature, upper-tropospheric height, and soil moisture anomalies are characterized by a tri-pole pattern over the Eurasia continent and a wave train-like structure not dissimilar to recent (1980-2016) trends in those quantities. A series of forecast experiments designed to isolate the impacts of the land, ocean, and sea ice conditions on the development of the heat wave is carried out with the Global Seasonal Forecast System version 5. The results suggest that the tri-pole blocking pattern over Eurasia, which appears to be instrumental in the development of the 2016 summer heat wave, can be viewed as an expression of the recent trends, amplified by record-breaking oceanic warming and internal land-atmosphere interactions

    Assimilation of SMAP and ASCAT soil moisture retrievals into the JULES land surface model using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter

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    A land data assimilation system is developed to merge satellite soil moisture retrievals into the Joint U.K. Land Environment Simulator (JULES) land surface model (LSM) using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF). The system assimilates microwave soil moisture retrievals from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) radiometer and the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) after bias correction based on cumulative distribution function fitting. The soil moisture assimilation estimates are evaluated with ground-based soil moisture measurements over the continental U.S. for five consecutive warm seasons (May???September of 2015???2019). The result shows that both SMAP and ASCAT retrievals improve the accuracy of soil moisture estimates. Especially, the SMAP single-sensor assimilation experiment shows the best performance with the increase of temporal anomaly correlation by ??R ~ 0.05 for surface soil moisture and ??R ~ 0.03 for root-zone soil moisture compared with the LSM simulation without satellite data assimilation. SMAP assimilation is more skillful than ASCAT assimilation primarily because of the greater skill of the assimilated SMAP retrievals compared to the ASCAT retrievals. The skill improvement also depends significantly on the region; the higher skill improvement in the western U.S. compared to the eastern U.S. is explained by the Kalman gain in the two experiments. Additionally, the regional skill differences in the single-sensor assimilation experiments are attributed to the number of assimilated observations. Finally, the soil moisture assimilation estimates provide more realistic land surface information than model-only simulations for the 2015 and the 2016 western U.S. droughts, suggesting the advantage of using satellite soil moisture retrievals in the current drought monitoring system. ?? 2020 The Author(s

    Improvement of Soil Respiration Parameterization in a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model and Its Impact on the Simulation of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes

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    The Q(10) value represents the soil respiration sensitivity to temperature often used for the parameterization of the soil decomposition process has been assumed to be a constant in conventional numerical models, whereas it exhibits significant spatial and temporal variation in the observations. This study develops a new parameterization method for determining Q(10) by considering the soil respiration dependence on soil temperature and moisture obtained by multiple regression for each vegetation type. This study further investigates the impacts of the new parameterization on the global terrestrial carbon flux. Our results show that a nonuniform spatial distribution of Q(10) tends to better represent the dependence of the soil respiration process on heterogeneous surface vegetation type compared with the control simulation using a uniform Q(10). Moreover, it tends to improve the simulation of the relationship between soil respiration and soil temperature and moisture, particularly over cold and dry regions. The modification has an impact on the soil respiration and carbon decomposition process, which changes gross primary production (GPP) through controlling nutrient assimilation from soil to vegetation. It leads to a realistic spatial distribution of GPP, particularly over high latitudes where the original model has a significant underestimation bias. Improvement in the spatial distribution of GPP leads to a substantial reduction of global mean GPP bias compared with the in situ observation-based reference data. The results highlight that the enhanced sensitivity of soil respiration to the subsurface soil temperature and moisture introduced by the nonuniform spatial distribution of Q(10) has contributed to improving the simulation of the terrestrial carbon fluxes and the global carbon cycle

    Impacts of soil moisture initialization on the dynamical seasonal forecast for the boreal summer season

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    Improved soil moisture estimation: Synergistic use of satellite observations and land surface models over CONUS based on machine learning

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    Three widely used primary soil moisture (SM) data sources, namely, in-situ measurements, satellite observations, and land surface models (LSM), possess different characteristics. This study combined three SM data sources using machine learning (ML): random forest, artificial neural networks, and support vector regression, and simple averaging ensemble approaches to produce improved daily SM data over the contiguous United States (CONUS). For each ML model, three schemes were tested using different independent variables, namely, satellite-derived, LSM-derived, and both. Triple collocation analysis (TCA) was adopted to address the scale mismatch problem between in-situ and coarse gridded SM data. The proposed approach was evaluated using the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN), Soil Moisture Active Passive Core Validation Sites (SMAP CVS), and TCA. In the ISMN-based evaluation, the proposed ML-based ensemble generally produced better evaluation metrics and showed robust skills over topographically complex and densely vegetated regions where existing SM products showed poor skills. The SMAP CVS-based evaluation demonstrated that the ML ensemble approach yielded a better performance than the existing SM datasets, resulting in a correlation coefficient of 0.78, unbiased root mean squared difference of 0.035 m3/m3, and bias of 0.006 m3/m3. In addition, the TCA results additionally confirmed that the ML-based ensemble had better spatiotemporal quality than the other SM products. The data-driven approach proposed in this study has three major novelties: (1) the proposed ML-based method synergistically merges various data sources to improve SM; (2) the performance of the proposed ML-based SM was robust to topography and vegetation; and (3) the average ensemble of three ML models additionally improves performances. The SM time-series data generated by the proposed approach are expectedly suitable variables for environmental and climate applications over CONUS. The research findings suggest that ML algorithms can be effectively used for modeling dynamic soil moisture

    The role of soil moisture-temperature coupling for the 2018 Northern European heatwave in a subseasonal forecast

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    This study investigates the predictability of the 2018 Northern Europe heatwave using the GloSea5 forecast model from the perspective of land-atmosphere interactions. We focus on an inverse relationship wherein soil drying leads to increased temperatures and the model's ability to simulate this hypersensitivity in the soil moisture-temperature coupling on the dry side of a breakpoint defined as the soil moisture threshold below which land feedbacks nonlinearly amplify extreme heat. When evaluating forecast model performance in predicting this heatwave, we compare deterministic forecast scores (Hit Rate (HR) and True Skill Score (TSS)) for whether model Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) falls within the hypersensitive regime. GloSea5 exhibits enhanced prediction skill for the extreme heat event when the modelled soil moisture is within the hypersensitive regime. To understand the skill of the heatwave forecast for hit and missed cases of capturing SSM below the breakpoint, we first evaluate the climatological model performance for the water- and energy-limited processes, and then perform a comparison classified by whether SSM verifies on the dry side of the wilting point. The composite analysis demonstrates that the reproducibility of the breakpoint is tied to an improvement in climatological land coupling processes, mainly for classification in the water-limited coupling regime. Therefore, the results suggest that the process-based connection between soil moisture and temperature is a potential source for improving heatwave forecasts on subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) time scales

    Performance of Drought Indices in Assessing Rice Yield in North Korea and South Korea under the Different Agricultural Systems

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    Drought affects a region’s economy intensively and its severity is based on the level of infrastructure present in the affected region. Therefore, it is important not only to reflect on the conventional environmental properties of drought, but also on the infrastructure of the target region for adequate assessment and mitigation. Various drought indices are available to interpret the distinctive meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological characteristics of droughts. However, these drought indices do not consider the effective assessment of damage of drought impact. In this study, we evaluated the applicability of satellite-based drought indices over North Korea and South Korea, which have substantially different agricultural infrastructure systems to understand their characteristics. We compared satellite-based drought indices to in situ-based drought indices, standardized precipitation index (SPI), and rice yield over the Korean Peninsula. Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM), and global land data assimilation system (GLDAS) data from 2001 to 2018 were used to calculate drought indices. The correlations of the indices in terms of monitoring meteorological and agricultural droughts in rice showed opposite correlation patterns between the two countries. The difference in the prevailing agricultural systems including irrigation resulted in different impacts of drought. Vegetation condition index (VCI) and evaporative stress index (ESI) are best suited to assess agricultural drought under well-irrigated regions as in South Korea. In contrast, most of the drought indices except for temperature condition index (TCI) are suitable for regions with poor agricultural infrastructure as in North Korea