57 research outputs found

    Bells and Whistles on Fertilizers: Molecular Hands to Hang Nanoporous Foliar Fertilizer Reservoirs

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    Porous materials are highly explored platforms for fertilizer delivery. Among porous materials, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are an important class of coordination polymers in which metal ions and organic electron donors as linkers are assembled to form crystalline structures with stable nanoporosity. Selected amino acids were inherently found to have the capacity to hold the leaf cuticle. Hence, MOF synthesis was attempted in the presence of amino acids, which can act as surface terminators and can assist as hands to hold to the leaf for a controlled nutrient supply. By serendipity, the amino acids were found to act as modulators, resulting in well-stabilized porous MOF structures with iron metal nodes, which are often noted to be unstable. Thus, the composite, i.e., (MOF@aa) MOF modulated with amino acids, has efficient nutrient-feeding ability through the foliar route when compared to the control

    Plant Metabolomics: Current Initiatives and Future Prospects

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    Plant metabolomics is a rapidly advancing field of plant sciences and systems biology. It involves comprehensive analyses of small molecules (metabolites) in plant tissues and cells. These metabolites include a wide range of compounds, such as sugars, amino acids, organic acids, secondary metabolites (e.g., alkaloids and flavonoids), lipids, and more. Metabolomics allows an understanding of the functional roles of specific metabolites in plants' physiology, development, and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. It can lead to the identification of metabolites linked with specific traits or functions. Plant metabolic networks and pathways can be better understood with the help of metabolomics. Researchers can determine how plants react to environmental cues or genetic modifications by examining how metabolite profiles change under various crop stages. Metabolomics plays a major role in crop improvement and biotechnology. Integrating metabolomics data with other omics data (genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics) provides a more comprehensive perspective of plant biology. This systems biology approach enables researchers to understand the complex interactions within organisms

    Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in Ethiopian Mustard (<i>Brassica carinata</i> A. Braun) as Revealed by Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers

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    Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun) is currently one of the potential oilseeds dedicated to the production for biofuel and other bio-industrial applications. The crop is assumed to be native to Ethiopia where a number of diversified B. carinata germplasms are found and conserved ex situ. However, there is very limited information on the genetic diversity and population structure of the species. This study aimed to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of B. carinata genotypes of different origins using high-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. We used Brassica 90K Illumina InfiniumTM SNP array for genotyping 90 B. carinata genotypes, and a total of 11,499 informative SNP markers were used for investigating the population structure and genetic diversity. The structure analysis, principal coordinate analysis (PcoA) and neighbor-joining tree analysis clustered the 90 B. carinata genotypes into two distinct subpopulations (Pop1 and Pop2). The majority of accessions (65%) were clustered in Pop1, mainly obtained from Oromia and South West Ethiopian People (SWEP) regions. Pop2 constituted dominantly of breeding lines and varieties, implying target selection contributed to the formation of distinct populations. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a higher genetic variation (93%) within populations than between populations (7%), with low genetic differentiation (PhiPT = 0.07) and poor correlation between genetic and geographical distance (R = 0.02). This implies the presence of gene flow (Nm > 1) and weak geographical structure of accessions. Genetic diversity indices showed the presence of moderate genetic diversity in B. carinata populations with an average genetic diversity value (HE = 0.31) and polymorphism information content (PIC = 0.26). The findings of this study provide important and relevant information for future breeding and conservation efforts of B. carinata

    Melatonin imparts tolerance to combined drought and high-temperature stresses in tomato through osmotic adjustment and ABA accumulation

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    In recent years, environmental stresses viz., drought and high-temperature negatively impacts the tomato growth, yield and quality. The effects of combined drought and high-temperature (HT) stresses during the flowering stage were investigated. The main objective was to assess the effects of foliar spray of melatonin under both individual and combined drought and HT stresses at the flowering stage. Drought stress was imposed by withholding irrigation, whereas HT stress was imposed by exposing the plants to an ambient temperature (AT)+5°C temperature. The drought+HT stress was imposed by exposing the plants to drought first, followed by exposure to AT+5°C temperature. The duration of individual and combined drought or HT stress was 10 days. The results showed that drought+HT stress had a significant negative effect compared with individual drought or HT stress alone. However, spraying 100 µM melatonin on the plants challenged with individual or combined drought and HT stress showed a significant increase in total chlorophyll content [drought: 16%, HT: 14%, and drought+HT: 11%], Fv/Fm [drought: 16%, HT: 15%, and drought+HT: 13%], relative water content [drought: 10%, HT: 2%, and drought+HT: 8%], and proline [drought: 26%, HT: 17%, and drought+HT: 14%] compared with their respective stress control. Additionally, melatonin positively influenced the stomatal and trichome characteristics compared with stress control plants. Also, the osmotic adjustment was found to be significantly increased in the melatonin-sprayed plants, which, in turn, resulted in an increased number of fruits, fruit set percentage, and fruit yield. Moreover, melatonin spray also enhanced the quality of fruits through increased lycopene content, carotenoid content, titratable acidity, and ascorbic acid content, compared with the stress control. Overall, this study highlights the usefulness of melatonin in effectively mitigating the negative effects of drought, HT, and drought+HT stress, thus leading to an increased drought and HT stress tolerance in tomato

    Difference in the action spectra for UVR8 monomerisation and HY5 transcript accumulation in Arabidopsis

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    The photoreceptor UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 (UVR8) activates photomorphogenic responses when plants are exposed to ultraviolet-B (UV-B) light. However, whereas the absorption spectrum of UVR8 peaks at 280 nm, action spectra for several photomorphogenic UV-B responses show maximal photon effectiveness at 290–300 nm. To investigate this apparent discrepancy we measured the effectiveness of UV wavelengths in initiating two responses in Arabidopsis: photoconversion of homodimeric UVR8 into the monomeric form, which is active in signaling, and accumulation of transcripts of the ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5) transcription factor, which has a key role in UVR8-mediated responses. When purified UVR8 or Arabidopsis leaf extracts were exposed to UV light monomerisation was maximal at approximately 280 nm, which correlates with the UVR8 absorption spectrum. When intact plants were exposed to UV, monomerisation was most strongly initiated at approximately 290 nm, and this shift in maximal effectiveness could be explained by strong absorption or reflectance at 280 nm by leaf tissue. Notably, the action spectrum for accumulation of HY5 transcripts in the same leaf tissue samples used to assay UVR8 dimer/monomer status peaked at approximately 300 nm. Possible reasons for the difference in maximal photon effectiveness of UVR8 monomerisation and HY5 transcript accumulation in leaf tissue are discussed

    Efficient Protoplast Regeneration Protocol and CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Editing of Glucosinolate Transporter (GTR) Genes in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)

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    Difficulty in protoplast regeneration is a major obstacle to apply the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technique effectively in research and breeding of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). The present study describes for the first time a rapid and efficient protocol for the isolation, regeneration and transfection of protoplasts of rapeseed cv. Kumily, and its application in gene editing. Protoplasts isolated from leaves of 3-4 weeks old were cultured in MI and MII liquid media for cell wall formation and cell division, followed by subculture on shoot induction medium and shoot regeneration medium for shoot production. Different basal media, types and combinations of plant growth regulators, and protoplast culture duration on each type of media were investigated in relation to protoplast regeneration. The results showed that relatively high concentrations of NAA (0.5 mg l(-1)) and 2,4-D (0.5 mg l(-1)) in the MI medium were essential for protoplasts to form cell walls and maintain cell divisions, and thereafter auxin should be reduced for callus formation and shoot induction. For shoot regeneration, relatively high concentrations of cytokinin were required, and among all the combinations tested, 2.2 mg l(-1) TDZ in combination with auxin 0.5 mg l(-1) NAA gave the best result with up to 45% shoot regeneration. Our results also showed the duration of protoplast culture on different media was critical, as longer culture durations would significantly reduce the shoot regeneration frequency. In addition, we have optimized the transfection protocol for rapeseed. Using this optimized protocol, we have successfully edited the BnGTR genes controlling glucosinolate transport in rapeseed with a high mutation frequency

    Comparative Metabolomic Profiling of Horse Gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.) Genotypes for Horse Gram Yellow Mosaic Virus Resistance

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    Horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.) is an under-utilized legume grown in India. It is a good source of protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins. We screened 252 horse gram germplasm accessions for horse gram yellow mosaic virus resistance using the percent disease index and scaling techniques. The percentage values of highly resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible, susceptible, and highly susceptible were 0.34, 13.89, 38.89, 46.43, and 0.34, respectively. Repetitive trials confirmed the host-plant resistance levels, and yield loss was assessed. The present disease index ranged from 1.2 to 72.0 and 1.2 to 73.0 during the kharif and rabi seasons of 2018, respectively. The maximum percent yield loss was noticed in the HS (75.0 -89.4), while HR possessed the minimum (1.2-2.0). The methanolic leaf extracts of highly resistant and highly susceptible genotypes with essential controls were subjected to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. Differential accumulation of metabolites was noticed, and a total of 81 metabolites representing 26 functional groups were identified. Both highly resistant and susceptible genotypes harbored eight unique classes, while ten biomolecules were common. The hierarchical cluster analysis indicated a distinct metabolite profile. Fold change in the common metabolites revealed an enhanced accumulation of sugars, alkanes, and carboxylic acids in the highly resistant genotype. The principal component analysis plots explained 93.7% of the variation. The metabolite profile showed a significant accumulation of three anti-viral (octadecanoic acid, diphenyl sulfone, and 2-Aminooxazole), one insecticidal (9,10-Secocholesta-5,7,10(19)-triene-3,24,25-triol), one antifeedant (cucurbitacin B), and six metabolites with unknown biological function in the highly resistant genotype

    Improved fatty acid composition of field cress (Lepidium campestre) by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing

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    The wild species field cress (Lepidium campestre) has the potential to become a novel cover and oilseed crop for the Nordic climate. Its seed oil is however currently unsuitable for most food, feed, and industrial applications, due to the high contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and erucic acid (C22:1). As the biosynthesis of these undesirable fatty acids is controlled by a few well-known major dominant genes, knockout of these genes using CRISPR/Cas9 would thus be more effective in improving the seed oil quality. In order to increase the level of the desirable oleic acid (C18:1), and reduce the contents of PUFAs and C22:1, we targeted three important genes FATTY ACID ELONGASE1 (FAE1), FATTY ACID DESATURASE2 (FAD2), and REDUCED OLEATE DESATURASE1 (ROD1) using a protoplast-based CRISPR/Cas9 gene knockout system. By knocking out FAE1, we obtained a mutated line with almost no C22:1, but an increase in C18:1 to 30% compared with 13% in the wild type. Knocking out ROD1 resulted in an increase of C18:1 to 23%, and a moderate, but significant, reduction of PUFAs. Knockout of FAD2, in combination with heterozygous FAE1fae1 genotype, resulted in mutated lines with up to 66% C18:1, very low contents of PUFAs, and a significant reduction of C22:1. Our results clearly show the potential of CRISPR/Cas9 for rapid trait improvement of field cress which would speed up its domestication process. The mutated lines produced in this study can be used for further breeding to develop field cress into a viable crop

    Production of functional human fetal hemoglobin in Nicotiana benthamiana for development of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers

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    Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers have long been pursued to meet clinical needs by using native hemoglobin (Hb) from human or animal blood, or recombinantly produced Hb, but the development has been impeded by safety and toxicity issues. Herewith we report the successful production of human fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in Nicotiana benthamiana through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transient expression. HbF is a heterotetrameric protein composed of two identical alpha- and two identical gamma-subunits, held together by hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonds, and salt bridges. In our study, the alpha- and gamma-subunits of HbF were fused in order to stabilize the alpha-subunits and facilitate balanced expression of alpha- and gamma-subunits in N. benthamiana. Efficient extraction and purification methods enabled production of the recombinantly fused endotoxin-free HbF (rfHbF) in high quantity and quality. The transiently expressed rfHbF protein was identified by SDS-PAGE, Western blot and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analyses. The purified rfHbF possessed structural and functional properties similar to native HbF, which were confirmed by biophysical, biochemical, and in vivo animal studies. The results demonstrate a high potential of plant expression systems in producing Hb products for use as blood substitutes
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