185 research outputs found

    The subjective expericience of negative symptoms

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    Dit proefschrift is een onderzoek naar de subjectieve beleving van negatieve symptomen bij schizofrenie. Negatieve symptomen zíjn tekenen van verminderd psychisch functioneren. Emotionele vervlakking, spraakarmoede, apathie, slechte zelfverzorging en gebrek aan interesse voor sociale contacten zijn voorbeelden van negatieve symptomen. Het onderzoeksinstrument is een zelfbeoordelingsschaal, die drie aspecten van de subjectieve beleving beoogt te meten: besef van de aanwezigheid van deze symptomen, de mening van de patient over de oorzaken van deze symptomen, en de mate waarin de patiënt er onder lijdt. Discrepanties tussen de zelfbeoordeling (subjectieve scores) en de beoordeling door een psychiater ("objectieve" scores) zouden een maat kunnen zijn voor het ziektebesef voor negatieve symptomen.... Zie: Samenvatting

    Reported Childhood Abuse and Stress Reactivity in Psychosis: A Conceptual Replication and Exploration of Statistical Approaches

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    A previous study observed that reported childhood abuse moderated psychotic and emotional reactivity to stress among patients with non-affective psychotic disorder. However, that study used a type of analysis unsuited for skewed data. This study aimed (1) to replicate the study and (2) to examine whether we would obtain similar results using a statistical approach better suited to skewed data. Fifty-nine patients with non-affective psychotic disorder were examined for up to 6 days using an intensive diary method to assess levels of negative affect, psychosis, and daily-life stress. A mixed-linear regression largely replicated earlier findings, but a two-component analysis failed to replicate the moderating effect of reported childhood abuse. These results illustrate the importance of exploring different statistical approaches to skewed data. They may also indicate that stress sensitization does not offer a complete account for the effect of reported childhood abuse on psychotic symptom severity

    Use of cardiovascular and antidiabetic drugs before and after starting with clozapine versus other antipsychotic drugs:a Dutch database study

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    Reports of decreased mortality among patients with schizophrenia who use clozapine may be biased if clozapine is prescribed to relatively healthy patients and if intensive monitoring during its use prevents (under-treatment of) somatic disorder. We aimed to assess whether there is a difference in: (1) somatic comorbidity between patients who start with clozapine and those who start with other antipsychotics and (2) prescribed somatic medication, between patients using clozapine and those using olanzapine. Cohort study based on insurance claims (2010-2015). After selecting new users of antipsychotics and those who subsequently switched to clozapine (N = 158), aripiprazole (N = 295), olanzapine (N = 204) or first-generation antipsychotics (N = 295), we compared the clozapine starters to others on cardiovascular or diabetic comorbidity. Those using clozapine and olanzapine were compared on new prescriptions for cardiovascular or antidiabetic drugs. The OR(adj)of cardiovascular or diabetic comorbidity among other starters compared with clozapine starters was 0.77 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.43-1.39], that is, a nonsignificantly increased prevalence associated with clozapine was found. Users of clozapine received significantly more new prescriptions for cardiovascular or antidiabetic medication (ORadj: 2.70, 95% CI: 1.43-5.08). Starters with clozapine were not cardiovascular/metabolic healthier than starters with other antipsychotics. During its use, they received more somatic treatment

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of psychosis

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    The objective of the current research was to examine the relation between nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) use and risk of psychosis. To this end we performed a longitudinal case-control study using prescription data from a Dutch health insurance company. Men aged 25 years or over and women aged 30 years or over were excluded to prevent inclusion of non-incident cases. This resulted in eighty-two cases and 359 randomly selected controls from the same population. The overall relative risk of incident antipsychotic use for NSAID users, adjusted for age and prescription frequency, was 0.80 (95% CI: 0.48-1.33). After stratification for gender the risk of psychosis was significantly lower (59%) in male NSAID users only. The relative risks for male and female subjects were 0.41 (95% CI: 0.17-0.97) and 1.31 (95% CI: 0.65-2.64), respectively. These results suggest that in men NSAIDs may lower the risk of psychosis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved

    Treatment seeking for alcohol and drug use disorders by immigrants to the Netherlands: Retrospective, population-based, cohort study

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    Background We compared risks of first contact with services for an alcohol use disorder (AUD) or drug use disorder (DUD) between the largest immigrant groups to the Netherlands and Dutch nationals. We tested the hypothesis that the ethnic pattern for DUD is similar to the previously demonstrated pattern for schizophrenia. Methods Retrospective, population-based cohort study of First Admissions to Dutch psychiatric hospitals during the period 1990-1996 (national data) and First Contacts with inpatient or outpatient centres in Rotterdam for treatment of AUD or DUD during the period 1992-2001 (Rotterdam data). Results In both datasets the risk of service contact for AUD was significantly lower in immigrants from Surinam, Turkey and Morocco than in Dutch nationals. The risk was lower or moderately higher in immigrants from western countries. Analysis of the national data showed that, compared with Dutch males, the risk of first hospital admission for DUD was higher for male immigrants from the Dutch Antilles (RR = 4.6; 95% CI: 4.0-5.3), Surinam (RR = 4.3; 3.94.7) and Morocco (RR = 23; 2.0-2.6), but not for male immigrants from Turkey (RR = 0.9; 0.7-1.1). A similar pattern was found with the Rotterdam data. Female immigrants from Surinam and the Dutch Antilles had a higher risk for DUD according to the national data, but a lower risk according to the Rotterdam data. Female immigrants from Turkey and Morocco had a lower risk (both datasets). Immigrants from western countries had a higher risk for DUD, but many had developed the disorder before emigrating. Conclusion Those immigrant groups in the Netherlands that are at increased risk of schizophrenia appear also at increased risk of developing DUD, but not AUD

    Childhood trauma as a mediator of the association between autistic traits and psychotic experiences evidence from the ALSPAC birth cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known on whether associations between childhood autistic traits and psychotic experiences persist into adulthood and whether genetic confounding and childhood trauma influence them. Here we investigate the associations between childhood autistic traits and psychotic experiences until young adulthood and assess the influence of schizophrenia polygenic risk and childhood traumatic experiences, using the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) population-based birth cohort. STUDY DESIGN: We used a measure of broad autistic traits (autism factor mean score), and four dichotomised measures of autistic traits capturing social communication difficulties (age 7), repetitive behaviours (age 5), sociability (age 3), and pragmatic language (age 9). Psychotic experiences were assessed at ages 18 and 24 using the semi-structured Psychosis-Like Symptoms interview (PLIKSi). Traumatic experiences between ages 5 and 11 were assessed with questionnaires and interviews administered to children and parents at multiple ages. STUDY RESULTS: Broad autistic traits, as well as social communication difficulties, were associated with psychotic experiences that were distressing and/or frequent until age 24 (autism factor mean score, n = 3707: OR 1.19, 95%CI 1.01-1.39; social communication difficulties, n = 3384: OR 1.54, 95%CI 0.97-2.45). Childhood trauma mediated a substantial proportion of the identified associations (~28% and 36% respectively, maximum n = 3577). Schizophrenia polygenic risk did not appear to confound the associations. Multiple imputation analyses (maximum n = 13 105) yielded comparable results. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood trauma may be an important, potentially modifiable pathway between autistic features and later onset of psychotic psychopathology
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