69 research outputs found

    Iron in East Antarctic Snow: Implications for Atmospheric Iron Deposition and Algal Production in Antarctic Waters

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    To evaluate the deposition and solubility of aerosol iron in the Antarctic seasonal sea ice zone (SSIZ), iron was measured in snow samples collected from three areas in the SSIZ (Prydz Bay, Dumont d\u27Urville Sea and Ross Sea) and one continental area (Princess Elizabeth Land) of East Antarctica. Concentrations of total-dissolvable iron (that soluble at pH ~2) ranged from 20-2950 pg g-1, with the lowest concentrations measured in snow from the Dumont d\u27Urville Sea. Using estimates of snow accumulation rates, we calculate atmospheric iron deposition fluxes of 0.017-0.11 mg m-2 yr-1(0.30-2.0 μmol m-2 yr-1, which are generally lower than previously published estimates. Measurements of iron in filtered meltwaters of snow samples from Prydz Bay and Princess Elizabeth Land suggest that similar to 10-90% of the total atmospheric iron is readily soluble. Assuming our results to be broadly representative of atmospheric deposition over seasonally ice-covered, high-nutrient Antarctic waters, we use our mean estimates of atmospheric iron deposition (1.1 μmol m-2 yr-1 and solubility (32%) to calculate that atmospheric iron potentially supports annual phytoplankton production of 1.1 X 1012 mole C in the Antarctic SSIZ, which is less than 5% of the estimated total annual primary production in this ocean region

    Regulation of Algal Blooms in Antarctic Shelf Waters by the Release of Iron From Melting Sea Ice

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    During summer 1995-96, we measured iron in the water column and conducted iron-enrichment bottle-incubation experiments at a station in the central Ross Sea (76°30\u27S, 170°40\u27W), first, in the presence of melting sea ice, and 17 days later, in ice-free conditions. We observed a striking temporal change in mixed-layer dissolved iron concentrations at this station, from 0.72-2.3 nM with sea ice present, to 0.16-0.17 nM in ice-free conditions. These changes were accompanied doubling of algal (diatom) biomass. Our incubation experiments suggest that conditions were iron-replete in the presence of sea ice, and iron-deficient in the absence of sea ice. We surmise that bioavailability iron was released into seawater from the melting sea ice, stimulating phytoplankton production and the biological removal of dissolved iron from the mixed layer, until iron-limited conditions developed. These observations suggest that the episodic release of bio-available iron from melting sea ice is an important factor regulating phytoplankton production, particularly ice-edge blooms, in seasonally ice-covered Antarctic waters

    On the Fractional Solubillity of Copper in Marine Aerosols: Toxicity of Aeolian Copper Revisited

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    Paytan et al. (2009) argue that the atmospheric deposition of aerosols lead to copper concentrations that are potentially toxic to marine phytoplankton in a large area of tropical and subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. A key assumption in their model is that all marine aerosols (mineral dust and anthropogenic particles) have a high (40%) fractional solubility of copper. Our data show that the fractional solubility of copper for Saharan dust over the Sargasso Sea and Bermuda is significantly lower (1-7%). In contrast, anthropogenic aerosols with non-Saharan sources have significantly higher values (10-100%). Hence, the potential Cu toxicity in the tropical and subtropical North Atlantic should be re-estimated, given the low fractional solubility of Cu in the Saharan dust that dominates aerosol deposition to this region

    Iron and Manganese in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Seasonal Iron Limitation in Antarctic Shelf Waters

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    Dissolved iron and manganese and total dissolvable iron were measured in water column samples from the Polynya Region of the southern Ross Sea in cruises in Nov.-Dec. 1994 (spring 1994) and Dec. 1995 to Jan. 1996 (summer 1995). Iron and manganese addition bottle incubation experiments were also performed on these cruises to assess the nutritional sufficiency of ambient iron and manganese concentrations for phytoplankton growth. Generally high dissolved iron concentrations (\u3e0.5 nM) and relatively complex iron and manganese vertical profiles were obtained in spring 1994 vs. summer 1995. Dissolved iron concentrations in the upper water column averaged 1.0 nM in spring 1994 and 0.23 nM in summer 1995, excluding 2 stations where concentrations exceeding 1 nM were attributed to inputs from melting sea ice. The Observed differences in the iron and manganese distribution between spring 1994 and summer 1995 were attributed to seasonal decreases in bottom water upwelling and sea ice melting, which supplied these metals to the upper water column, combined with the cumulative removal of iron and manganese from the water column throughout the spring and summer, due to biological uptake, vertical export, and scavenging by suspended and sinking particles. Results of metal addition bottle incubation experiments indicated that ambient dissolved Iron concentrations were adequate for phytoplankton growth requirements in spring and early summer, when algal production is highest and Phaeocystis antarctica dominates the algal community, whereas low dissolved Iron concentrations limited algal community growth later in the summer, except in stratified, Iron enriched water near melting sea ice, where diatoms are able to bloom. Observations and inferred seasonal distribution of P. antarctica and diatoms in this water suggested that iron availability and vertical mixing (i.e., irradiance) exert the primary controls on phytoplankton growth and community structure in the southern Ross Sea in spring and summer

    Analytical Intercomparison Between Flow Injection-Chemiluminescence and Flow Injection-Spectrophotometry for the Determination of Picomolar Concentrations of Iron in Seawater

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    A lab- and ship-based analytical intercomparison of two flow injection methods for the determination of iron in seawater was conducted, using three different sets of seawater samples collected from the Southern Ocean and South Atlantic. In one exercise, iron was determined in three different size-fractions (\u3c 0.03 &μm, \u3c 0.4 μm, and unfiltered) in an effort to better characterize the operational nature of each analytical technique with respect to filter size. Measured Fe concentrations were in the range 0.19 to 1.19 nM using flow injection with luminol chemiluminescence detection (FI-CL), and 0.07 to 1.54 nM using flow injection with catalytic spectrophotometric detection with N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride (FI-DPD). The arithmetic mean for the FI-CL method was higher (by 0.09 nM) than the FI-DPD method for dissolved (\u3c 0.4 μm) Fe, a difference that is comparable to the analytical blanks, which were as high as 0.13 nM ( CL) and 0.09 nM (DPD). There was generally good agreement between the FI-CL determinations for the \u3c 0.03 μm size fraction and the FI-DPD determinations for the \u3c 0.4 μm size fraction in freshly collected samples. Differences in total-dissolvable ( unfiltered) Fe concentrations determined by the two FI methods were more variable, reflecting the added complexity associated with the analysis of partially digested particulate material in these samples. Overall, however, the FI-CL determinations were significantly (P = 0.05) lower than the FI-DPD determinations for the unfiltered samples. Our results suggest that the observed, systematic inter-method differences reflect measurement of different physicochemical fractions of Fe present in seawater, such that colloidal and/or organic iron species are better determined by the FI-CL method than the FI-DPD method. This idea is supported by our observation that inter-method differences were largest for freshly collected acidified seawater, which suggests extended storage (\u3e6 months) of acidified samples as a possible protocol for the determination of dissolved iron in seawater

    Influence of Irradiance and Iron on the Growth of Colonial Phaeocystic antarctica: Implications for Seasonal Bloom Dynamics in the Ross Sea, Antarctica

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    Laboratory culture experiments were used to investigate the growth rate of colonial Phaeocystis anarctica as a function of irradiance and dissolved iron concentration. The experiments were conducted with a P. antarctica strain isolated from the southern Ross Sea, Antarctica, and made use of natural, low-iron (P. antarctica attained an average maximum cell-specific growth rate of 0.37 d-1at an irradiance of 68 μE m-2s-1, above which growth rates decreased to 0.27 d-1 at an irradiance of 314 μE m-2s-1. The dependence of growth rate on ambient dissolved iron concentration was examined in dose-response type bioassay experiments using realistic subnanomolar additions of dissolved iron. The experimental results indicate significant changes in the iron requirements for growth of colonial P. antarctica as a function of irradiance, with our estimates of the half-saturation constant for growth with respect to dissolved iron (Kμ) ranging from 0.26 nM at ~20 μE m-2s-1, to 0.045 nM at similar to 40 μE m-2s-1 and to 0.19 nM at ~ 90 μE m-2 s-1. We interpret these variations in K, as reflecting an increase in the cellular iron requirements of colonial P. antarctica at suboptimal and supraoptimal irradiance, such that the cells require higher ambient dissolved iron concentrations to attain maximum growth rates under Such irradiance conditions. The experiments also provide evidence of a relationship between iron availability and the relative proportion of colonial versus solitary P. antarctica cells, whereby the colonial form appears to be favored by higher dissolved iron concentrations. Our experimental results suggest that the initiation and termination of colonial P. antarctica blooms in the Ross Sea are determined by the combined effects of irradiance-driven changes in cellular iron requirements and a seasonal decrease in dissolved iron availability

    Concentrations of dissolved iron and dissolved iron(II) from R/V Knorr cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01 in the Subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

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    Dataset: GT10-11 - dFe and dFe-IIThis dataset includes concentrations of dissolved iron and dissolved iron(II) from R/V Knorr cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01 in the Subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at: https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/3826NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) OCE-092728

    Iron in Ice Cores from Law Dome, East Antarctica: Implications for Past Deposition of Aerosol Iron

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    Total-dissolvable iron has been measured in sections of three ice cores from Law Dome, East Antarctica, and the results used to calculate atmospheric iron deposition over this region during the late Holocene and to provide a preliminary est. of aerosol iron deposition during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Ice-core sections dating from 56-2730 BP (late Holocene) and ∼18 000 BP (LGM) were decontaminated using trace-metal clean techniques, and total-dissolvable iron was determined in the acidified meltwaters by flow-injection analysis. Our results suggest that the atmospheric iron flux onto the Law Dome region has varied significantly over time-scales ranging from seasonal to glacial-interglacial. The iron concentrations in ice-core sections from the past century suggest (1) a 2-4-fold variation in the atmospheric iron flux over a single annual cycle, with the highest flux occurring during the spring and summer, and (2) a nearly 7-fold variation in the annual maximum atmospheric iron flux over a 14 yr period. The average estimated atmospheric iron flux calculated from our late-Holocene samples is 0.056-0.14 mg m-2 a-1, which agrees well with Holocene flux estimates derived from aluminum measurements in inland Antarctic ice cores and a recent order-of-magnitude estimate of present-day atmospheric iron deposition over the Southern Ocean. The iron concentration of an ice-core section dating from the LGM was more than 50 times higher than in the late-Holocene ice samples. Using a snow-accumulation rate est. of 130 kg m-2 a-1 for this period, we calculate 0.87 mg m-2 a-1 as a preliminary estimate of atmospheric iron deposition during the LGM, which is 6-16 times greater than our average Late-Holocene iron flux. Our data are consistent with the suggestion that there was a significantly greater flux of atmospheric iron onto the Southern Ocean during the LGM than during the Holocene

    Distributions, sources, and transformations of dissolved and particulate iron on the Ross Sea continental shelf during summer

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (2017): 6371–6393, doi:10.1002/2017JC013068.We report water column dissolved iron (dFe) and particulate iron (pFe) concentrations from 50 stations sampled across the Ross Sea during austral summer (January–February) of 2012. Concentrations of dFe and pFe were measured in each of the major Ross Sea water masses, including the Ice Shelf Water and off-shelf Circumpolar Deep Water. Despite significant lateral variations in hydrography, macronutrient depletion, and primary productivity across several different regions on the continental shelf, dFe concentrations were consistently low (<0.1 nM) in surface waters, with only a handful of stations showing elevated concentrations (0.20–0.45 nM) in areas of melting sea ice and near the Franklin Island platform. Across the study region, pFe associated with suspended biogenic material approximately doubled the inventory of bioavailable iron in surface waters. Our data reveal that the majority of the summertime iron inventory in the Ross Sea resides in dense shelf waters, with highest concentrations within 50 m of the seafloor. Higher dFe concentrations near the seafloor are accompanied by an increased contribution to pFe from authigenic and/or scavenged iron. Particulate manganese is also influenced by sediment resuspension near the seafloor but, unlike pFe, is increasingly associated with authigenic material higher in the water column. Together, these results suggest that following depletion of the dFe derived from wintertime convective mixing and sea ice melt, recycling of pFe in the upper water column plays an important role in sustaining the summertime phytoplankton bloom in the Ross Sea polynya.National Science Foundation's United States Antarctic Program Grant Numbers: ANT-0944174 , ANT-0944165; National Science Foundation Grant Number: OCE-06495052018-02-1

    Introduction to Special Section: SAZ Project

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    Oceanographic processes in the subantarctic region contribute crucially to the phys. and biogeochemical aspects of the global climate system. To explore and quantify these contributions, the Antarctic Cooperative Research Center organized the SAZ Project, a multidisciplinary, multiship study carried out south of Australia in the austral summer of 1997-1998. We present an overview of the SAZ Project and some of its major results
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