2,758 research outputs found

    The international repercussions of EC agricultural policy

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    The importance of the EC in international agricultural markets has grown steadily since the establishment of the Community and will receive another boost following its southward enlargement. Nevertheless, agricultural policy has been inward-looking and has paid, little heed to the external effects it engenders. Prof. Schmitz shows that EC agricultural policy has tended to depress world market prices, has increased their volatility and artificially distorted the price structure in the world market

    Der Grenzausgleich im Agrarhandel

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    Agrarpolitik im Parteienstreit

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    Internationale Nahrungsmittelkrise: Ursachen und MaĂźnahmen

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    Supply Chain Analysis of Olive Oil in Germany

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    Olive oil is a typical product of the Mediterranean basin, where almost all of the world production takes place. Due to campaigns for a healthier way of living, consumption of olive oil has also increased in non Mediterranean countries in recent years. As a result of the expanded demand the different participants in the supply chain of olive oil strengthen their efforts to obtain a higher market share in these non-traditional markets. Germany with 82.5 million inhabitants is of special interest for olive oil producing countries as it serves as an attractive export destination. Although during the period 1997/98 Germany imported only about 2.6 % of the world?s imports of olive oil and consumed about 0.9 % of the world consumption, it is considered to be a very dynamic market (Ward et al., 2002). Olive oil becomes more and more popular in Germany not only through the ?for a healthier life? campaigns but also through immigrants coming from the Mediterranean basin. Another reason for the growing popularity of olive oil is the increasing convergence of the consumption habits of the European people as a consequence of the expanded tourism to southern countries. The Germans are integrating the Mediterranean diet into their own habits and thus changing gradually their way of cooking in using more and more olive oil in their dishes. Against this background this report aims to analyse the supply chain of olive oil in Germany. For this purpose the report is organised in five chapters. Following the introduction, the second chapter deals with the demand and the third one with the supply of olive oil in Germany. Quality and labelling issues related with the consumption of olive oil are discussed in the fourth chapter. In the fifth chapter the institutions and organisations in Germany occupied with olive oil are briefly presented. After the conclusions follows the annex including detailed tables. --

    Der Streit um den Grenzausgleich

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    Abbau von Handelsverzerrungen oder neuer Agrar-Protektionismus?

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    Supply Chain Analysis of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Germany

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    With a population of 82.5 million, the German market is the largest in the EU and therefore of special interest for the trade partners. Despite an unsatisfying economic development in the last years (lowest GDP growth in the EU and rising unemployment, see Table 9 in the annex) Germany is still a very attractive market with well funded consumers. Although agriculture has a small and declining contribution to the country?s gross domestic product, in the wider definition of the agribusiness, it is still one of the most important sectors with regard to turnover and employment. Taking consumers? expenditure for food as a proxy for the total turnover of the agribusiness yields a figure of 240 billion – in 2003, nearly as much as the turnover of the car industry in Germany. In total, 4.5 million people are employed in the agribusiness, which is 11.6% of Germany?s total labour force. Among agricultural markets, the market of fruit and vegetables is of special interest for the trade with Mediterranean countries and also of special importance for the food industry and the food consumption. In 2003 consumers? expenditure for fresh fruit and vegetables were more than 10 billion ?. The processing industry of fruit and vegetables generated another 6.5 billion – turnover, demonstrating the importance of fruit and vegetables in Germany. Bearing in mind that the self sufficiency ratios for fruit and vegetables in Germany are low (13% respectively 50%), the extent of market opportunities for the Mediterranean countries become obvious. Against this background it is the objective of this report to analyse the supply chain of fresh fruit and vegetables in Germany. In the second chapter the current market situation is briefly presented with regard to production, consumption and trade in Germany. Other aspects covered in this chapter are the demographic structure in Germany, important consumer trends and food quality issues. The third chapter is devoted in depth to the analysis of the supply chains for both fruit and vegetables. In this chapter the different actors and market channels are described with regard to their task and importance in the supply chain. In the fourth chapter the overall institutional structure is analysed. After the conclusions in the fifth chapter extensive tables and figures can be found in the annex. --

    Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU

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    Die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik gehört zu den Kernbereichen der europäischen Integration. Was waren ihre ursprünglichen Ziele und welche Auswirkungen hatte sie? Welche Reformmaßnahmen wurden durchgeführt? Wie ist die europäische Agrarpolitik innerhalb der WTO zu beurteilen? Welchen Herausforderungen muss sie sich in Zukunft stellen? --
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