27 research outputs found

    Immediate Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery in Patients with Bilateral Visually Significant Cataracts

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    Dasi Raju,1 Stephen J Hannan,1 Mirna Belovari,1 Noelle C Hannan,1 Colin W Berry,1 Jan A Venter,1 David Teenan,1 Steven C Schallhorn,2,3 Julie M Schallhorn2,4 1Optical Express, Glasgow, UK; 2Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA; 3Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc, Dublin, CA, USA; 4F.I. Proctor Foundation, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USACorrespondence: Dasi Raju, Clinical Services Department, Optical Express, 200 Street Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5SG, UK, Email [email protected]: To report our experience of performing immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS) in patients with visually significant cataracts and reduced preoperative corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA).Methods: Data of patients who underwent ISBCS for visually significant cataracts and had preoperative CDVA ≤ 20/32 (≤ 0.2 logMAR) in each eye were retrospectively reviewed. Refractive and visual outcomes were evaluated for the last available postoperative visit. Intraoperative and serious postoperative adverse events occurring within the first three months of surgery were reviewed.Results: A total of 1335 patients (2670 eyes) were included in the analysis, with a mean age of 71.9 ± 9.5 years. On the last visit, 50.2% and 89.1% of eyes achieved uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) ≥ 20/20 (0.0 logMAR) and ≥ 20/32 (0.2 logMAR), respectively. Of all eyes, 83.8% were within ± 0.50D, and 96.4% were within ± 1.00 D of emmetropia. Ten patients had postoperative bilateral ametropia of more than 1.00D in each eye, but eight of them still achieved binocular UDVA ≥ 20/40. Intraoperative events occurred in 14 eyes of 13 patients (per-eye incidence: 0.524% or 1 in 191 eyes). A total of 86 postoperative adverse events occurred in 80 eyes of 53 patients (per-eye incidence 2.996% or 1 in 33 eyes), of which cystoid macular edema was the most common. Only three eyes had CDVA reduced by more than two Snellen lines compared to preoperative CDVA, two of which were not related to cataract surgery. There was no patient with bilateral CDVA loss.Conclusion: In our cohort of patients with visually significant cataracts, ISBCS resulted in good refractive predictability and a low incidence of serious adverse events.Keywords: immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery, visual outcomes, refractive outcomes, adverse event

    Comparison of visual and refractive results of Toric Implantable Collamer Lens with bioptics for myopic astigmatism

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    PURPOSE: To compare visual and refractive results of Toric Implantable Collamer Lens (TICL) and bioptics (ICL plus excimer corneal surgery) to treat myopic astigmatism. METHODS: Eighty-one eyes underwent TICL implantation and 83 eyes were treated with bioptics (corneal ablation was performed between 1.5 and 6 months after ICL implantation). Uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), refraction, adverse events, safety, and efficacy were evaluated 12 months postoperatively. RESULTS: At 12 months postoperatively, the mean spherical equivalent was -0.15 ± 0.36 diopters (D) in the TICL group and -0.08 ± 0.26 D in the bioptics group (p = 0.099). Sixty-six (81.5 %) and 78 (94.0 %) eyes were within ±0.50 D for TICL and bioptics groups, respectively. The mean Snellen UDVA was not statistically different between both procedures (p = 0.909); 53 (65.4 %) and 54 (65.1 %) eyes achieved at least 20/25 or better in TICL and bioptics groups, respectively. No eye had lost more than two lines of CDVA, and 32.1 % of eyes (26/81) in the TICL group and 57.8 % of eyes (48/83) in the bioptics group had better postoperative UDVA than preoperative CDVA (p < 0.001). Safety was not statistically different between groups (p = 0.464) while efficacy was significantly higher in the bioptics group (p = 0.000). Two eyes with a TICL were treated to correct TICL decentration. CONCLUSIONS: Bioptics showed slightly better outcomes in some clinical measures such as uncorrected visual acuity, efficacy, and refractive predictability. TICL implantation shows reliable results similar to bioptics. A single procedure with TICL implantation might be preferred, eliminating the inherent risks of laser treatments and the risks of a second surgical procedure.The authors have no proprietary interests in any of the materials mentioned in this article. This research was supported in part by a Universitat de Valencia Research Grant to Robert Montes-Mico (#SAF2009-13342 and #SAF2008-01114-E#) and Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia of Portugal through a Grant to Paulo Fernandes (#FCT-SFRH-BD-34303-2007#)

    Role of the treating surgeon in the consent process for elective refractive surgery

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    Steven C Schallhorn,1&ndash;3 Stephen J Hannan,3 David Teenan,3 Julie M Schallhorn1 1Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, 2Roski Eye Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 3Optical Express, Glasgow, UK Purpose: To compare patient&rsquo;s perception of consent quality, clinical and quality-of-life outcomes after laser vision correction (LVC) and refractive lens exchange (RLE) between patients who met their treating surgeon prior to the day of surgery (PDOS) or on the day of surgery (DOS). Design: Retrospective, comparative case series. Setting: Optical Express, Glasgow, UK. Methods: Patients treated between October 2015 and June 2016 (3972 LVC and 979 RLE patients) who attended 1-day and 1-month postoperative aftercare and answered a questionnaire were included in this study. All patients had a thorough preoperative discussion with an optometrist, watched a video consent, and were provided with written information. Patients then had a verbal discussion with their treating surgeon either PDOS or on the DOS, according to patient preference. Preoperative and 1-month postoperative visual acuity, refraction, preoperative, 1-day and 1-month postoperative questionnaire were compared between DOS and PDOS patients. Multivariate regression model was developed to find factors associated with patient&rsquo;s perception of consent quality. Results: Preoperatively, 8.0% of LVC and 17.1% of RLE patients elected to meet their surgeon ahead of the surgery day. In the LVC group, 97.5% of DOS and 97.2% of PDOS patients indicated they were properly consented for surgery (P=0.77). In the RLE group, 97.0% of DOS and 97.0% of PDOS patients stated their consent process for surgery was adequate (P=0.98). There was no statistically significant difference between DOS and PDOS patients in most of the postoperative clinical or questionnaire outcomes. Factors predictive of patient&rsquo;s satisfaction with consent quality were postoperative satisfaction with vision (46.7% of explained variance), difficulties with night driving, close-up vision or outdoor/sports activities (25.4%), visual phenomena (12.2%), dry eyes (7.5%), and patient&rsquo;s satisfaction with surgeon&rsquo;s care (8.2%). Conclusion: Perception of quality of consent was comparable between patients that elected to meet the surgeon PDOS, and those who did not. Keywords: consent process, refractive surgery, laser vision correction, refractive lens exchange, quality of life outcome

    Angle Kappa is Not Correlated with Patient-Reported Outcomes After Multifocal Lens Implantation

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    Xi Liu,1,2 Stephen J Hannan,3 Steven C Schallhorn,4,5 Julie M Schallhorn5,6 1Southwest Hospital/Southwest Eye Hospital, Third Military Medical University (Army Military Medical University), Chongqing, People’s Republic of China; 2Key Laboratory of Visual Damage and Regeneration & Restoration in Chongqing, Chongqing, People’s Republic of China; 3Optical Express, Glasgow, UK; 4Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA, USA; 5Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 6Francis I. Proctor Foundation, University of California United States, San Francisco, CA, USACorrespondence: Julie M Schallhorn, Francis I. Proctor Foundation, University of California, 490 Illinois St, San Francisco, CA, USA, Tel +1 415-514-1922, Email [email protected]: To examine the effect of preoperative angle kappa on patient-reported outcomes after multifocal lens placement during cataract surgery and determine if it is an effective measure for preoperative patients screening for multifocal lens placement.Setting: Private refractive surgery clinics.Design: Retrospective cohort study.Methods: All patients undergoing bilateral cataract or refractive lens exchange surgery with a target of emmetropia between 2013 and 2017 at Optical Express (Glasgow, UK) with multifocal lens placement for whom preoperative angle kappa measurement and a postoperative month 1 patient-reported outcomes measures were available were included.Results: A total of 1368 patients were identified. Median preoperative angle kappa was 0.41mm with an interquartile range of 0.30mm to 0.53mm. Preoperative angle kappa did not have a significant association with patient-reported satisfaction with vision (correlation coefficient 0.15, 95% confidence interval − 0.081 to 0.39, P = 0.20) nor with patient-reported photic phenomena (P > 0.09 for all comparisons). A receiver-operator characteristic analysis did not yield a viable cutoff predictive of patient-reported satisfaction.Conclusion: Angle kappa was not predictive of patient-reported satisfaction in this study. This study did not find evidence that it should be used as a screening test for patients considering multifocal intraocular lens placement.Keywords: angle kappa, multifocal intraocular lens, refractive lens exchang

    Informed consent in refractive surgery: in-person vs telemedicine approach

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    Steven C Schallhorn,1&ndash;3 Stephen J Hannan,2 David Teenan,2 Martina Pelouskova,2 Julie M Schallhorn1,4 1Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2Optical Express, Glasgow, UK; 3Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA, USA; 4F.I. Proctor Foundation, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the quality of consent process in refractive surgery between patients who had a preoperative consent discussion with the surgeon using a telemedicine approach and those who had a face-to-face discussion.Methods: Patients treated between January and December 2017 (8,184 laser vision correction [LVC] and 3,754 refractive lens exchange [RLE] patients) that attended day 1 and 1-month postoperative visit were retrospectively reviewed. Preoperative consent preparation included a consultation with an optometrist, observation of an educational video, and written information. Patients then selected either a face-to-face appointment with their surgeon (in-clinic group) or a telemedicine appointment (remote group) for their consent discussion, according to their preference. Patient experience questionnaire and clinical data were included in a multivariate model to explore factors associated with consent quality.Results: Prior to surgery, 80.1% of LVC and 47.9% of RLE patients selected remote consent. Of all LVC patients, 97.5% of in-clinic and 98.3% of remote patients responded that they were adequately consented for surgery (P=0.04). Similar percentages in the RLE group were 97.6% for in-clinic and 97.9% for remote patients (P=0.47). In a multivariate model, the major predictor of patient&rsquo;s satisfaction with the consent process was postoperative satisfaction with visual acuity, responsible for 80.4% of variance explained by the model. Other significant contributors were postoperative visual phenomena and dry eyes, difficulty with night driving, close-up and distance vision, postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity, change in corrected distance visual acuity, and satisfaction with the surgeon&rsquo;s approach. The type of consent (remote or in-clinic) had no impact on patient&rsquo;s perception of consent quality in the regression model.Conclusion: The majority of patients opted for telemedicine-assisted consent. Those who chose it were equally satisfied as those who had a face-to-face meeting with their surgeon. Dissatisfaction with surgical outcome was the major factor affecting patient&rsquo;s perception of consent quality, regardless of the method of their consent. Keywords: informed consent, telemedicine, refractive surgery, LASIK, photorefractive keratectomy, refractive lens&nbsp;exchange&nbsp

    Outcomes of excimer laser enhancements in pseudophakic patients with multifocal intraocular&nbsp;lens

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    Steven C Schallhorn,1&ndash;3 Jan A Venter,2 David Teenan,2 Julie M Schallhorn,3 Keith A Hettinger,2 Stephen J Hannan,2 Martina Pelouskova2 1Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2Optical Express, Glasgow, UK; 3Department of Ophthalmology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess visual and refractive outcomes of laser vision correction (LVC) to correct residual refraction after multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Patients and methods: In this retrospective study, 782 eyes that underwent LVC to correct unintended ametropia after multifocal IOL implantation were evaluated. Of all multifocal lenses implanted during primary procedure, 98.7% were refractive and 1.3% had a diffractive design. All eyes were treated with VISX STAR S4 IR excimer laser using a convectional ablation profile. Refractive outcomes, visual acuities, patient satisfaction, and quality of life were evaluated at the last available visit. Results: The mean time between enhancement and last visit was 6.3&plusmn;4.4&nbsp;months. Manifest spherical equivalent changed from -0.02&plusmn;0.83&nbsp;D (-3.38&nbsp;D to +2.25&nbsp;D) pre-enhancement to 0.00&plusmn;0.34&nbsp;D (-1.38&nbsp;D to +1.25&nbsp;D) post-enhancement. At the last follow-up, the percentage of eyes within 0.50&nbsp;D and 1.00&nbsp;D of emmetropia was 90.4% and 99.5%, respectively. Of all eyes, 74.9% achieved monocular uncorrected distance visual acuity 20/20 or better. The mean corrected distance visual acuity remained the same before (-0.04&plusmn;0.06 logMAR [logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution]) and after LVC procedure (-0.04&plusmn;0.07 logMAR; P=0.70). There was a slight improvement in visual phenomena (starburst, halo, glare, ghosting/double vision) following the enhancement. No sight-threatening complications related to LVC occurred in this study. Conclusion: LVC in pseudophakic patients with multifocal IOL was safe, effective, and predictable in a large cohort of patients. Keywords: excimer laser enhancements, pseudophakic patients, multifocal IO

    Clinical outcomes of wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis to treat moderate-to-high astigmatism

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    Steven C Schallhorn,1,2 Jan A Venter,2 Stephen J Hannan,2 Keith A Hettinger2 1University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2Optical Express, Glasgow, UK Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the refractive and visual outcomes of wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) in eyes with myopic astigmatism and cylindrical component &ge;2.0 diopter (D).Methods: In this retrospective study, 611 eyes that underwent LASIK for simple or compound myopic astigmatism were analyzed. Preoperative refractive cylinder ranged from -2.00&nbsp;D to -6.00&nbsp;D (mean -2.76&plusmn;0.81&nbsp;D), and the sphere was between 0.00&nbsp;D and -9.75&nbsp;D (mean -2.79&plusmn;2.32&nbsp;D). Predictability, visual outcomes, and vector analysis of changes in refractive astigmatism were evaluated.Results: At 3&nbsp;months after LASIK, 83.8% of eyes had uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/20 or better, 90.3% had manifest spherical equivalent within &plusmn;0.50&nbsp;D, and 79.1% had residual refractive cylinder within &plusmn;0.50&nbsp;D of intended correction. The mean correction ratio for refractive cylinder was 0.92&plusmn;0.14, the mean error of angle was -0.45&deg;&plusmn;2.99&deg;, and the mean error vector was 0.37&plusmn;0.38&nbsp;D. A statistically significant correlation was found between the error of magnitude (arithmetic difference in the magnitudes between surgically induced refractive correction and intended refractive correction) and the intended refractive correction (r=0.26, P&lt;0.01).Conclusion: Wavefront-guided LASIK for the correction of myopic astigmatism is safe, effective, and predictable. Keywords: myopic astigmatism, wavefront-guided LASIK, Hartmann&ndash;Shack aberromete