307 research outputs found

    Interpreting the Federal Rules of Evidence: The Use of Abuse of the Advisory Committee Notes

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    Book Review: Metaphor and Reason in Judicial Opinions. by Haig Bosmajian.

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    Book review: Metaphor and Reason in Judicial Opinions. By Haig Bosmajian. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. 1992. Pp. xiv, 240. Reviewed by: Eileen A. Scallen

    Classical Rhetoric, Practical Reasoning, and the Law of Evidence

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    How the Statute of Uses Became Operative in Colorado with a Telling Effect

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    Classical Rhetoric, Practical Reasoning, and the Law of Evidence

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    Coping with Crawford: Confrontation of Children and Other Challenging Witnesses

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    Book Review: Metaphor and Reason in Judicial Opinions. by Haig Bosmajian.

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    Book review: Metaphor and Reason in Judicial Opinions. By Haig Bosmajian. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. 1992. Pp. xiv, 240. Reviewed by: Eileen A. Scallen
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