485 research outputs found

    Study of analeptics

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    The improvement of lowered conditions of vitality brought on by disease or poisoning must have been a problem engaging the serious attention of people practising the healing art from the earliest days of human civilisation. This led to the use of various agencies, supposed to possess reviving powers, some of which survived through long periods of usage. Therapeutics in early days was purely empirical. Even after considerable advances in the knowledge of the pathology of these lowered conditions of vitality, very little attention was paid to enquiring into the nature of the reviving power of these agencies(by which was perhaps meant the improvement of some symptoms of lowered conditions). In many cases the improvement was due to the strong local irritant action of alcohol and other irritant constituents of the medicaments on the gastric mucosa, setting up a strong reflex stimulation of the respiratory and vasomotor centres and also perhaps partly to alcoholic contents thereof, acting as a diffusible stimulant, and supplying ready nutrition to tissues. A few did act after absorption, and some of these caused improvements in lowered conditions by improving the circulation as cardio -vascular stimulants and a few others really acted through the nervous system, especially through the respiratory and other vital centres.Development of modern surgery brought in its train the use of anaesthetics which have their risks of extreme depression. This inspired an increased study of the nature of reviving drugs. With the rapid increase in the use of barbiturates as basal narcotics and anaesthetics, and also with the occurrence of poisoning, following their therapeutic administration, self- medication or suicidal attempts, the study of analeptic drugs has, in recent years, been engaging a good deal of attention of pharmacologists. Of the older drugs, picrotoxin and strychnine have been very thoroughly investigated, as also coramine and cardiazol amongst the newer synthetic drugs. Caffeine, cocaine, ephedrine, lobeline and a few others have also received some attention.The clinical use of some of these still persists in spite of their questionable status as judged by experimental evidences.No doubt a good number of therapeutic agents are of more or less symptomatic value in combating some of the effects of hypnotics and narcotics. But there is still a good deal of lack of unanimity regarding their usefulness in different stages of depression produced by the narcotics. The importance of the subject therefore called for further study of the analeptics.Moreover, methods employed for the study of the problem were diverse in nature, and most of them had some unsatisfactory feature or other. For a truer evaluation and determination of the comparative worth of these drugs it was found necessary to evolve an efficient method free from those unsatisfactory features. Investigations undertaken for these purposes form the subject of this thesis.Appendix - Two reprints from Quart. J. exper.Physiol. (a) Antagonism of evipan by picrotoxin, coramine and cardiazol. 1939 . 29, 355. || (b) (with J. Raventos). The Clearance of sodium evipan. 1939. 29, 343

    Changing Men: Challenging Stereotypes. Reflections on Working with Men on Gender Issues in India

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    This article describes the journey and lessons of a 12?year?long and still ongoing experience of the two authors in working with men at the community level in different parts of India. Starting with addressing domestic violence, the work has proceeded to address issues of power, control and autonomy within the context of deep?seated cultural beliefs and practices, challenging and changing the roles of men both within homes and outside in different institutions. This work has been spread over a number of ‘projects’, most of which remain interconnected, and currently is spread across a number of states in India. In reviewing the lessons from their practice the authors propose a set of precepts or a ‘theory of change’ for working with men and boys to challenge gender discrimination within the South Asian context. To conclude the article, the authors discuss some of the challenges and predicaments in continuing this work within the current development paradigm

    Emission Reduction Techniques for Printed Circuit Board

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    In this paper two prototypes of PCB have been used to measure the emission pattern from the board. Both boards have the same dimensions, material properties and connectors. In prototype PCB1(Good Board) have been created to improve the emission results and analyze the difference in results by following proper layout rules and incorporating various emission reduction techniques. However PCB2(Bad Board) proper layout techniques are not followed to analyze the radiation pattern and it has been created to violate the layout rules. The emissions from the two boards were then measured and compared demonstra -ting an improvement in radiated emissions and passing FCC Class B limits. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16049

    Development of Starch-Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Biodegradable Film: Effect of Cross-Linking Agent and Antimicrobials on Film Characteristics

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    To satisfy the need of developing eco-friendly flexible antimicrobial packaging film with minimum use of synthetic chemical ingredients, the present study examined the efficacy of citric acid (CA) as cross-linking agent and essential oils (EOs), viz., cinnamon essential oil (CEO) and oregano essential oil (OEO) as natural antimicrobials in corn starch-polyvinyl alcohol (CS-PVA) film. Compared to film prepared from filmogenic solution (FS) containing 75 kg CS+8.75 kg PVA+24.6 kg glycerol per m3 FS, film additionally containing CA at 0.07 kg/kg CS indicated 95% higher ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and 27% lower water vapor permeability (WVP). Film developed with incorporation of CEO and OEO at 1.875 m3 in 100 m3 FS (CS:PVA= 8.5:1) containing CA at 0.07 kg/kg CS exhibited antimicrobial action against Staphylococcus aureus. Added advantage was, both EOs could reduce WVP of film with no EO by about 50%, though CEO exhibited better antimicrobial action. Structural alteration in film matrix due to incorporation of EOs was evident from FTIR and SEM analyses. Thus, from the overall results, CEO (at 1.875 m3 /100 m3 FS) incorporated CS-PVA film cross-linked with CA, in prescribed amounts, was found to be the suitable antimicrobial film with appreciable mechanical properties (UTS ≈4 MPa, Elongation ≈50%) and water vapor permeability (≈0.5×10-6 kg.m.m-2.kPa-1.h-1)

    Evaluation of Economic Losses due to Coccidiosis in Poultry Industry in India

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    Coccidiosis is an old parasitic disease, prevalent all over the country and has a significant impact on poultry production. In this paper, economic loss to poultry industry has been estimated considering the major economic parameters. The estimation has revealed that commercial broiler industry is a major sufferer due to coccidiosis wherein 95.61 per cent of the total economic loss occurs due to the disease. The commercial layer industry shares 3.53 per cent economic loss, mainly due to cost of chemoprophylaxis and reduced egg production. A comparison across economic traits has revealed that loss is maximum due to reduced body weight gain, followed by increased FCR (23.74%) and chemoprophylaxis (2.83%) in the total loss due to coccidiosis in broiler industry of India. The overall comparison of economic traits for all the types of poultry sector it has shown that reduced body wt gain and increased FCR are the major parameters from which 68.08 per cent and 22.70 per cent annual loss has occurred in the total loss from coccidiosis in India during the year 2003-04. The total loss due to coccidiosis has been found to be of Rs 1.14 billion (approx) for the year 2003-04. The study has observed that generation of this data across different geographical regions will be helpful to conclude about the global economic loss due to coccidiosis in the poultry industry.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Embedded Based Drip Irrigation System using WSN and GSM Module

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    Agriculture plays the vital role in economics and survival of people in India. Nowadays Indian agriculture faces a two major problem. We know the government has promoted a free supply of electricity to farmers for irrigation purpose to run their motors and pumps. But it is found that the farmers misusing the electricity to run their home appliances such as radio, TV, fans, and etc. This misuse of electricity has brought a considerable problem for government to supply free electricity. The main objective of this project is to design low cost Automated Irrigation System using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module. The main aim of this project is to provide embedded based system for irrigation to reduce the manual monitoring of the field and GPRS gives their information. This proposed system recognizes whether the free electricity has been used excluding electric motors for pumping water and if so electricity is being misused, it shuts the total stockpile for the farmers through a tripping circuit. By using wireless networks we can intimate the electricity board about this mal convention. The development of this project at experimental level within rural areas is presented and the implementation has to exhibit that the automatic irrigation can be used


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    Abstract- According  to WHO About 347 million people worldwide  have  diabetes, and is predicted to become the seventh leading cause of death in the world by the year 2030.According to Diabetes Atlas 2012, released by ‘International Diabetes Federation’ India has 63 million people living with diabetes and is only second to China. By 2030, India's diabetes burden is expected to cross the 100 million mark as against 87 million earlier estimated.  Many oral hypoglycemic agents, such as biguanides and sulfonylurea are available   along with insulin for the treatment of diabetes mellitus but they have significant side effects and sometimes they are found to be ineffective in chronic diabetic patients.  Since ancient times, diabetes has been treated orally with several medicinal plants or their extracts. Phytochemical study shows  the presences of flavonoids and sterols in Cynodon dactylon(Doob Grass) which exhibit hypoglycemic activity and are also known for their ability of beta cell regeneration  of pancreas. Sterols have also shown to decrease blood sugar in experimental animal models

    Process Study of Joda East Washing Plant, Tata Steel

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    Tata Steel is planning for 7.0 mtpa of crude steel product-ion from the present level of 4 mtpa.Accordingly, the iron ore requirement will also increase significantly. More-over, to increase the blast furnace productivity, signifi-cant improvement in the quality of the iron ore is requi-red. To meet a parts of this enhanced requirement of iron ore, both in terms of quantity and quality, a process audit study was undertaken at Joda Iron ore washing plant. The objectives of the study was to assess the process capabilities and to identify the gap areas for a) improv-ing product quality with respect to A1203 content, size distribution, and b) increasing plant throughput. The studies were carried out at three different ore ratios. The performance of the various unit operations and ore ratios on beneficiation products are discussed in this paper

    Development of Online Defect Detection System for High End Wires

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    Wire rods are drawn into various diameters in multi pass wire drawing machines. These drawn wires should be free from surface defects. Sometimes surface defects are observed in finished wires which can be caused due to poor wire rod surface quality or can be generated during wire drawing process. At present quality assurance is based on visual inspection. Surface quality of entire length of drawn wire cannot be ensured by the existing system causing defective wires delivered to customers. There is a need to develop and implement a low cost online defect detection system to ensure that the finished wires are free from surface defects. In this work, a new system for online inspection of thin wires has been developed. The system will be capable of detecting various types of defects like sliver, transverse crack, fin and lap discontinuities that commonly arise in the process of wire drawing based on the signature of the received signal. This paper will demonstrate the need and way forward to develop a low cost defect identification system for thin wires
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