1 research outputs found

    IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PROGRAM CSR DI KOTA MATARAM (Study Arranging Implementation Policy Model of CSR in Community Empowerment)

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    Development is a process of conscious, planned and sustainable change,   In general, the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the city of Mataram has not met the expectations, given that not all companies carry out the same obligations, generally the implementation of CSR is still limited to voluntary. For the City Government of Mataram, CSR is believed to be able to help local governments overcome the limitations of fiscal capacity, specifically to overcome poverty problems which are currently still relatively high, which in 2016 reached 9.80%. Realizing the importance of the existence of CRS, the Government of the City of Mataram has provided support by issuing regulations in the form of Local regulation No. 2/2014 on Corporate Social Responsibility and facilitating the establishment of a CSR forum, but the Mataram City CSR Forum was not effective, it was also in line with the stagnation of the NTB Province CSR forum so that CSR had not yet appeared on the surface. This was the background of the implementation of this research. This study aims to examine the potential of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for community empowerment in the city of Mataram, using a descriptive approach with the object of research is the process of implementing CSR program policies using elements of policy implementation according to Van Meter and Van Horn. The findings of this study indicate that CSR policy implementation is seen as a potential that can be optimized as an alternative source of development funding, CSR policies have been implemented with reference to the Van Meter and Van Horn public policy models. but there are still some shortcomings so that CSR does not appear on the surface, namely: (1). Implementation of CSR programs by companies still overlaps with regional government programs; (2). There is no accurate database; (3). An integrated system of coordination has not yet been created, because the CSR forum is not functioning and (4). financial resources support is inadequate. To create an ideal model for managing CSR programs in community empowerment, it is necessary to establish a special CSR management agency that will bridge the obligations of companies and governments as regulators in community empowerment by implementing the CSTA (Control Sustainability Transparency Account) model in managing CSR for community empowerment to achieve targets such as economic development. Keywords: CSR, Corporate, Special Institutions, Local Government, Community   Empowerment, CSTA. DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-6-10 Publication date:June 30th 201