6 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Energy Security Implications of a Carbon-Constrained U.S. Economy

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    Examines how factors linked to U.S. energy security would be affected in eight scenarios in which carbon emissions are limited to a certain level. Assesses the feasibility of and need for low-carbon technology

    A Roadmap for a Secure, Low-Carbon Energy Economy

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    Proposes a set of policies to address both energy security and climate change, including investing in better infrastructure, energy efficiency, and clean-energy jobs; reforming incentives to promote green technology; and forming a natural gas strategy

    US climate policy in a post-Paris context

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    The USA's goal for the UN climate negotiations in Paris last December was to secure broad and meaningful participation from member countries and establish a long-term, durable framework for future actions to cope with a changing climate. Supporters of the Paris Climate Agreement tout its success for delivering on that goal, mobilizing emissions reduction efforts, and sending signals to catalyse additional finance and investment. However, the Agreement is also criticized for falling short of the action necessary to secure the 2 °C temperature rise limit and for lacking strong enforcement mechanisms. Going forward, the objective is to deliver on the commitments secured in Paris and find ways to enable even deeper emissions reductions and more robust adaptation measures that will be necessary to mitigate the climate risks

    Towards a New Era of Gas?: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities [Panel, part 1]

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    This panel presented at the 2014 Sam Nunn Bank of America Policy Forum: U.S. Competitiveness Amid a Changing Natural Gas Landscape: A View from the Southeast, April 16, 2014, in the Georgia Tech Research Institute Conference Center.Adam N. Stulberg is the panel moderator.Sarah O. Ladislaw delivers the opening remarks of the panel, entitled "The Changing Global and National Landscapes: An Overview".Elin Suleymanov presents "The Changing Trans-European/Eurasian Energy Security Landscape".Raoul LeBlanc presents "North America's Resurgence".Timothy C. Lieuwen presents "Impacts of the Gas Revolution on the Southeast".Thomas Kurfess presents "Gas, Economic Competitiveness, and the Southeast Region".Runtime: 80:02 minutesModerator: Adam N. Stulberg ; Panel Discussion (Part 1): Towards a New Era of Gas?: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities: Sarah O. Ladislaw, Director and Senior Fellow, Energy and National Security Program, Center for Strategic & International Studies ; Elin Suleymanov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United States of America ; Raoul LeBlanc, Managing Director, Global Gas, PFC Energy ; Timothy C. Lieuwen, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Executive Director of the Strategic Energy Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology ; Thomas Kurfess, Professor and HUSCO/Ramirez Distinguished Chair In Fluid Power and Motion Control, The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technolog