13 research outputs found

    Environmental Diagnosis of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) of the Capibaribe River in the city of Recife – PE

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    The Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) is critical in the preservation of water resources, highlighting the quality of waterways and maintenance of its volume. However, urban sprawl and the lack of public policies produce undesirable consequences for the population of the deforested region and for the part of the basin that is fed by these waters. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the environmental impacts that enhance the degradation of the river Capibaribe APP, located in Recife. They were predetermined two points (Joana Bezerra and rabbits neighborhood) in which it identified the on-site impact and made a qualitative analysis of areas. It was observed that the chosen points are with APP well below what is determined by the existing laws, in most cases, they are the result of human activities. The release of solid waste and organic matter in these areas leverage the APP degradation, directly affecting the physical and biological characteristics of rivers. Thus, the implementation of awareness programs is critical to population and also an effective surveillance system to combat the impact of permanent preservation areas

    Cálculo da evolução temporal de área degradada às margens do rio Tapacurá na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Atualmente, no município de Vitória de Santo Antão em Pernambuco, ocorre um crescimento econômico por causa dos investimentos na área industrial, com elevação da população urbana e decréscimo da população rural. A combinação de ações impactantes para o meio ambiente quanto a redução dos recursos naturais em função da ação de impactos antrópicos negativos, gerando a degradação ambiental, em muitos casos, ocorre devido a despreocupação humana com a sobrevivência das futuras gerações por conta das necessidades atuais de infraestrutura urbana. O objetivo deste estudou consistiu na identificação da degradação ambiental por ações antrópicas em área urbana as margens do rio Tapacurá no município de Vitória de Santo Antão-PE, utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento de dados em área delimitada. Com o auxílio do Google Earth Pro foram analisadas as áreas vegetadas nos mapas nos meses de julho de 2006, junho de 2011 e novembro de 2015. A área estudada foi considerada degradada após avaliação visual local, através de construções irregulares, ocorrendo a incidência de aterro com resíduos de construção e disposição incorreta de resíduos sólidos, o que provocou danos a vegetação em especial nas matas ciliares as margens do rio, com resultados de área vegetada em evolução decrescente nos anos 2006, 2011 e 2015, respectivamente de 61,65%, 40,30% e 13,49%, totalizando 86,51% de degradação da área de estudo, o que prejudica o escoamento de água em períodos de altas precipitações, gerando camadas impermeáveis em áreas de vales, o que o causa vulnerabilidade as áreas urbanas a riscos de inundações


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    Environmental contamination by hydrocarbons resulting from activities related to the oil sector is one of the great problems of our time and with the growth of production, distribution and consumption in recent years accidents involving oil or its derivatives have been increasingly steady. This environmental problems and frequent have become increasingly critical, since as can reach the soil, air and bodies of surface and underground water. Besides that, contain compounds with high level of toxicity, mobility and persistence in the environment, and generate a major ecological impact, these pollutants hinder the treatment of contaminated areas. The objective this work is to analyze from the law involved in the prevention of environmental damage this work also sought to introduce control measures and repair of the impacts caused by the oil industry, with emphasis on bioremediation technology as a mitigation measure, working in the recovery of degraded areas. Several studies developed in Brazil and the world has shown good results in restoring environments that have been polluted by hydrocarbons. It was also demonstrated the importance of the choice of technique bioremediation that followed the most used techniques for the biodegradation of hydrocarbons, both in situ and ex situ, as well as the processes involved for the bioremediation occurs effectively and safely. The development of studies like this can help generate new technologies or improve those that already exist, which is fundamental for the enrichment of new environmental decontamination projects.Environmental contamination by hydrocarbons resulting from activities related to the oil sector is one of the great problems of our time and with the growth of production, distribution and consumption in recent years accidents involving oil or its derivatives have been increasingly steady. This environmental problems and frequent have become increasingly critical, since as can reach the soil, air and bodies of surface and underground water. Besides that, contain compounds with high level of toxicity, mobility and persistence in the environment, and generate a major ecological impact, these pollutants hinder the treatment of contaminated areas. The objective this work is to analyze from the law involved in the prevention of environmental damage this work also sought to introduce control measures and repair of the impacts caused by the oil industry, with emphasis on bioremediation technology as a mitigation measure, working in the recovery of degraded areas. Several studies developed in Brazil and the world has shown good results in restoring environments that have been polluted by hydrocarbons. It was also demonstrated the importance of the choice of technique bioremediation that followed the most used techniques for the biodegradation of hydrocarbons, both in situ and ex situ, as well as the processes involved for the bioremediation occurs effectively and safely. The development of studies like this can help generate new technologies or improve those that already exist, which is fundamental for the enrichment of new environmental decontamination projects

    Study of the temporal variation of the sediment quality of the Tatuoca River, Suape Industrial Port Complex, Ipojuca - Pernambuco

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    O rio Tatuoca está inserido no Complexo Industrial Portuário de Suape (CIPS), que antes da construção do porto era destinado a cultura de cana-de-açúcar e atividades de pesca. Nos últimos anos, o rio vem sofrendo impactos antropogênicos diretos advindos do porto. O presente estudo tem por finalidade analisar a qualidade de sedimentos do Rio Tatuoca observando e comparando a evolução das espécies químicas presentes em testemunhos coletados com base nos metais As, Cr, Cu, Pb e Zn. A pesquisa foi baseada em duas coletas (2010 e 2017), em cinco pontos, utilizando o amostrador de percussão l com 25 cm e intervalos de 5cm, e aplicação de índices geoquímicos (Índice de Carga de Poluição (ICP), Fator de Enriquecimento (FE) e Índice Geoquímico (IGeo) para aferição da qualidade ambiental dos sedimento e os metais foram analisados pelo Laboratório Geosol-Lakefield, e a Análise de componentes principais para avaliação da associação geoquímica. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi observado que a média das concentrações totais dos pontos analisados nenhum metal apresentou valor superior ao limite estabelecido pelo Conama 454/12, porém os metais Cu e Zn ultrapassaram estes valores na camada superficial do sedimento em alguns dos pontos estudados. Quanto ao ICP, variou de moderadamente poluído a poluído em ambas as coletas. Quanto ao FE e IGeo foram fortemente marcados pelos metais Cu e Zn como moderadamente poluído. Os resultados das análises dos sedimentos compreenderam 23 elementos químicos (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Ti, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Ba, Co, La, Li, Mo, Sr, V, Y e Zr), desta forma a ACP revelou que os metais tiveram comportamentos distintos entre as coletas, podendo estar correlacionado com o período de maior impacto antrópicos durante a construção do dique. Foi possível concluir que tais resultados delinearam zonas de maior influência dos elementos de origens pedológicas distintas, ou de atividades portuárias existentes no local, que afetaram os sedimentos depositados ao longo do tempo no rio Tatuoca. De maneira geral, este estudo contribuiu para o monitoramento do sedimento com a evolução do tempo, visto que as concentrações médias das espécies químicas coletadas reduziram, e estar correlatado com os impactos na construção do dique, ou seja, temporada em que o rio sofreu interferência direta das atividades do complexo portuário e do estaleiro de forma mais efetiva. Em conjunto a isso, as atividades portuárias e a contribuição do material terrígeno, afetam diretamente no compartimento estudado. Diante de todos os resultados, faz-se necessário o monitoramento periódico da área para evitar e mitigar efeitos de maior gravidade ao meio ambiente.The Tatuoca River is part of the Suape Harbor Industrial Complex (CIPS), which used to be used to grow sugarcane and fishing activities before the construction of the port. In recent years, the river has suffered direct anthropogenic impacts from the port. The present study aims to analyze the quality of Tatuoca River sediments by observing and comparing the evolution of the chemical species present in the collected samples based on metals As, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn. The research was based on two collections (2010 and 2017) in five points, using percussion sampling (25cm) with 5cm intervals, and application of geochemical indexes (Pollution Loading Index (CPI), Enrichment Factor (FE) and Index Geochemical (IGeo) to assess the environmental quality of the sediment and metals were analyzed by the Geosol-Lakefield Laboratory, and Principal Component Analysis for geochemical association assessment. Based on the results obtained, it was observed that the average of the total concentrations of the analyzed points no metal presented a value higher than the limit established by the Conama 454/12, but Cu and Zn metals exceeded these values in the superficial layer of the sediment in some of the studied points . Regarding the ICP, it ranged from moderately polluted to pollute in both collections. The FE and IGeo were strongly marked by Cu and Zn metals as moderately polluted. The results of the analysis of the sediments comprised 23 chemical elements (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Ti, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Ba, Co, La, Li, Mo, Sr , V, Y and Zr). In this way the PCA revealed that the metals had different behaviors between the collections, being able to be correlated with the period of greater anthropic impact during the construction of the dam. It was possible to conclude that these results delineated zones of greater influence of the elements of different pedological origins, or of existing port activities at the site, that affected the sediments deposited over time in the Tatuoca river. In general, this study contributed to the monitoring of the sediment with the evolution of the time, since the average concentrations of the collected chemical species reduced, and to be correlated with the impacts in the construction of the dam, that is, season in which the river suffered interference direct the activities of the port complex and the shipyard more effectively. Together with this, the port activities and the contribution of the terrigenous material, affect directly in the studied compartment. In view of all the results, it is necessary to periodically monitor the area to avoid and mitigate effects of greater gravity to the environment

    Utilização de ferramentas biogeoquímicas como indicadoras do status de saúde de dois estuários tropicais no Nordeste do Brasil

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    Os ecossistemas marinhos e estuarinos da costa brasileira formam um mosaico de ambientes interconectados através do fluxo de energia e por espécies que ocupam diferentes habitats ao longo de seu ciclo de vida, sustentando inúmeras atividades econômicas como pesca ou turismo. O Nordeste é uma das regiões costeiras mais densamente povoadas do Brasil, destacando-se pela urbanização e degradação dos ecossistemas, resultado de múltiplos impactos, principalmente devido à poluição doméstica, atividade agro-industrial, e modificação do habitat em torno dos principais centros urbanos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo o uso de diferentes técnicas complementares para diagnosticar a qualidade ambiental de dois estuários tropicais em Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil: o estuário da Barra de Sirinhaém (SIR), no litoral sul de Pernambuco e o estuário do Canal de Santa Cruz (ITAP), litoral norte. Como ferramentas para este diagnóstico foram utilizados a integração de ferramentas biológica e geoquímica através da mensuração dos metais nos peixes e no sedimento, o uso de biomarcadores histopatológicos nas brânquias e no fígado, e aplicação do isoscape associado a isótopos δ13C e δ15N como biomarcadores de poluição através da matéria orgânica no sedimento (MOS). No Capítulo 1, avaliamos as concentrações de metais traços nos peixes (Bardiella ronchus, Caranx latus, Centropomus undecimalis, Centropomus parallelus e Gobionellus stomatus) e no sedimento, a partir da matriz abiótica observamos que, em SIR, a contaminação está a nível de alerta apenas para Cu de acordo com o Guia de qualidade de sedimentos do Canadá, e os demais metais (Cd, Cr Hg, Pb e Zn) são classificados como com baixa probabilidade de causar efeitos na biota. Em ITAP, os metais Cd, Cr, Pb e Zn no sedimento estiveram classificados como baixa probabilidade de causar efeitos deletérios na biota. Adicionalmente, ao utilizar vários índices aplicados no sedimento e através da concentração de metais nos peixes, também foram observados baixo risco através da avaliação de risco ecológico. Entretanto, foi observada contaminação por Cu e principalmente o Hg em ITAP, e este impacto persistente do Hg foi refletido com valores acima do permitido para ingestão de pescado nas espécies Centropomus undecimalis e Bardiella ronchus. No Capítulo 2, com o uso de biomarcadores histopatológicos, permitiu observar que os efeitos desses metais e dos demais agentes contaminantes presentes nos estuários, SIR e ITAP, resultaram em um impacto com grau e severidade de lesões graves nos peixes. No capítulo 3 usamos isótopos estáveis δ13C e δ15N com os modelos de mistura e isoscape aplicados em sedimentos e peixes para avaliar os impactos antropogênicos presentes em SIR. Através destas técnicas foi observado que a assinatura isotópica da SOM para δ13C era mais alta no estuário superior próximo da indústria de cana de açúcar e de outros efluentes domésticos, em comparação com o estuário inferior próximo do mar. O δ15N do SOM variou espacialmente no estuário sendo mais alta no estuário inferior, devido aos efluentes da indústria canavieira transportados da parte superior do estuário e à descarga de efluentes. Estas ferramentas foram adequadas como forma de biomonitoramento, especialmente o modelo de mistura para avaliar a contribuição de regiões com maior aporte de contaminantes na dieta das espécies C. undecimalis, C. paralleus e Caranx latus. Baseados nos três capítulos, as espécies supracitadas possuem atributos ideais para serem utilizadas como biomonitoras de contaminação, especialmente as espécies C. undecimalis e C. paralleus. Todas as metodologias e análises realizadas convergiram para o mesmo resultado. O ITAP está potencialmente mais contaminado do que o SIR, sendo este último considerado uma região com baixo impacto. A presente tese utilizou técnicas eficientes e facilmente aplicáveis e replicáveis em outras áreas de estudo, com o intuito de fornecer subsídios à gestão ambiental dos estuários e os efeitos da poluição na biota, além da relevância no âmbito dos avanços nas pesquisas na área de recursos pesqueiros e aquicultura.The marine and estuarine ecosystems of the Brazilian coast form a mosaic of environments interconnected through energy flow and by species that occupy different habitats throughout their life cycle, sustaining numerous economic activities such as fishing or tourism. The Northeast is one of the most densely populated coastal regions of Brazil, standing out for urbanization and degradation of ecosystems, the result of multiple impacts, mainly due to domestic pollution, agro-industrial activity, and habitat modification around major urban centers. The present study aimed to use different complementary techniques to diagnose the environmental quality of two tropical estuaries in Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil: the estuary of Barra de Sirinhaém (SIR), on the southern coast of Pernambuco and the estuary of Canal de Santa Cruz (ITAP), northern coast. As tools for this diagnosis were used the integration of biological and geochemical tools through the measurement of metals in fish and sediment, the use of histopathological biomarkers in gills and liver, and application of isoscape associated with δ13C and δ15N isotopes as biomarkers of pollution through organic matter in sediment (SOM). In Chapter 1, we evaluated the concentrations of trace metals in fish (Bardiella ronchus, Caranx latus, Centropomus undecimalis, Centropomus parallelus and Gobionellus stomatus) and in sediment, from the abiotic matrix we observed that, in SIR, the contamination is at the alert level only for Cu according to the Canadian Sediment Quality Guide, and the other metals (Cd, Cr Hg, Pb and Zn) are classified as with low probability of causing effects in biota. In ITAP, the metals Cd, Cr, Pb and Zn in the sediment were classified as low probability to cause deleterious effects on biota. Additionally, by using various indices applied to the sediment and through metal concentration in fish, low risk was also observed through the ecological risk assessment. However, Cu and especially Hg contamination was observed in ITAP, and this persistent impact of Hg was reflected with values above the allowable for fish ingestion in the species Centropomus undecimalis and Bardiella ronchus. In Chapter 2, using histopathological biomarkers, it was observed that the effects of these metals and the other contaminants present in the estuaries, SIR and ITAP, resulted in an impact with a degree and severity of severe injury to fish. In chapter 3 we used stable isotope δ13C and δ15N with the mixing and isoscape models applied to sediment and fish to assess the anthropogenic impacts present in SIR. Using these techniques, it was observed that the isotopic signature of the SOM for δ13C was higher in the upper estuary near the sugarcane industry and other domestic effluents, compared to the lower estuary near the sea. The δ15N of the SOM varied spatially in the estuary being higher in the lower estuary due to the sugarcane industry effluents transported from the upper part of the estuary and the effluent discharge. These tools were suitable as a form of biomonitoring, especially the mixing model to evaluate the contribution of regions with higher inputs of contaminants in the diet of C. undecimalis, C. paralleus and Caranx latus. Based on the three chapters, the species have ideal attributes to be used as biomonitors of contamination, especially the species C. undecimalis and C. paralleus. All methodologies and analyses performed converged to the same result. The ITAP is potentially more contaminated than the SIR, the latter being considered a region with low impact. This thesis used efficient techniques that are easily applicable and replicable in other areas of study in order to provide subsidies for the environmental management of estuaries and the effects of pollution on biota, as well as relevance to the advancement of research in the area of fishery resources and aquaculture.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPE

    Thermal Energy and the Social and Environmental Impacts: Mitigation Alternatives in Thermoelectrics Plants Operation in Brazil | Energia térmica e os impactos sociais e ambientais: alternativas de mitigação na operação de usinas termoelétricas no Brasil

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    The Thermoelectrics Plants are progressive development because of population growth and the consequent increase in demand for energy. However, even with all the benefits for the common good, it can become a major villain in the long term, this because of the generation of toxic waste in its maintenance and operation. In this context, it is of paramount importance to analyze and identify the main impacts of the operation of power plants. The present work had for finality conduct a comprehensive literature review in order to raise the main social and environmental impacts and possible ways to mitigate. It notes that the social and environmental impacts of these projects are immeasurable, being that, mostly, these impacts are unknown and interfere directly and/or indirectly in the local population, flora and fauna, without the necessary protective measures. That way, considered boastful concentration of efforts to develop innovative methods to generate electricity and create more favorable conditions to existing methods. Together, establish means low cost in operation and minimize the impacts resulting from these processes, whether social or environmental

    Thermal Energy and the Social and Environmental Impacts: Mitigation Alternatives in Thermoelectrics Plants Operation in Brazil | Energia térmica e os impactos sociais e ambientais: alternativas de mitigação na operação de usinas termoelétricas no Brasil

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    The Thermoelectrics Plants are progressive development because of population growth and the consequent increase in demand for energy. However, even with all the benefits for the common good, it can become a major villain in the long term, this because of the generation of toxic waste in its maintenance and operation. In this context, it is of paramount importance to analyze and identify the main impacts of the operation of power plants. The present work had for finality conduct a comprehensive literature review in order to raise the main social and environmental impacts and possible ways to mitigate. It notes that the social and environmental impacts of these projects are immeasurable, being that, mostly, these impacts are unknown and interfere directly and/or indirectly in the local population, flora and fauna, without the necessary protective measures. That way, considered boastful concentration of efforts to develop innovative methods to generate electricity and create more favorable conditions to existing methods. Together, establish means low cost in operation and minimize the impacts resulting from these processes, whether social or environmental

    Pollution by Heavy Metals: Environmental Implications and Key Strategies for Remediation | Poluição por metais pesados: implicações ambientais e estratégias-chave para remediação

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    Heavy metals in  small amounts found in nature, are essential to the survival of animals and plants on the planet. However, is becoming worring the direct and indirect releases of the heavy metals in the environment, causing negative effects and the imbalance in the cycle of these chemicals. This activity is progressive increase in the face of population growth, agriculture and industrial sectors, the main dispersers of this pollutant for the production of goods and services. The influence of these environmental contaminants is considerably wide and can be found in air, water, soil and consequently in food, passing the necessary conditions for an ecological imbalance. The arrangement of these metals in nature affects, often irreversibly, the ecosystem as a whole, resulting in short- or long-term risk of living organisms and human health. This review reports the contamination caused by different heavy metals and their potential to cause damage to fauna, flora and humans. Thus, in order to minimize the impacts, it is necessary to highlight the problems about polluting activities as a subsidy for concentration of efforts in the development of innovative and sustainable methods for remediation

    Comparative analysis of the environmental impacts of port activities in Pernambuco ports | Análise comparativa dos impactos ambientais das atividades portuárias nos portos de Pernambuco

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    Port activities can create serious consequences to human health, coastal ecosystems and socioeconomic activities. The panorama of the port sector shows a scenario of intense transformation, whose environmental impacts should be analyzed carefully. The main impacts are due to the port operation and infrastructure deployment activities to promote the transit of cargo. In this sense, the objective of this work is to identify the main environmental impacts from port activities in the state of Pernambuco (Suape and Recife’s). Through this, the proposed methodology was based on conducting research and synthesis from bibliographic material of the area to generate this literature review. It was found that port implementation activities can cause the following impacts: the hydrological pattern and sediment dynamics of natural coastal areas (habitats, ecosystems, changes in the coastline), vegetation removal, modification in the layout and channel changes at the bottom of water bodies, water pollution, soil, subsoil and air. On the other hand, port operation activities can generate environmental problems, such as changes in water quality, air pollution due to the emission of gaseous and solid particles, various disorders due to the traffic of heavy vehicles in the urban environments, generation of odors, noise, change of landscape, disturbances in fauna and flora, the increase of endemic disease vectors in man, and the introduction of exotic species. All these problems have been identified both in Port of Suape and Port of Recife as based on previous survey studies. It is concluded that these activities are necessary for the operation of ports, and in this sense the monitoring of these areas becomes necessary to monitor the risks and environmental impacts so that the actions of the ports do not compromise the ecological balance

    Analysis of the procedural and wastewater treatment at a beverage bottling industry in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil | Análise do tratamento processual e de águas residuais em uma indústria de engarrafamento de bebidas no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Currently, the issue of the conscious use of water is highlighted in worldwide discussion. This natural resource is consumed inappropriately generating waste and, in most cases, to discharge to the environment outside the minimum standards of acceptance. Great part of the industries need treated water as a resource to be incorporated in their processes, generating waste that should not be left as environmental liabilities, identifying legal action to act and reduce environmental impacts. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the treatment of wastewater in a beverage industry in the bottling process in the countryside of Pernambuco. a case study was performed through technical visit, the beverage bottling industry, as well as an exploratory research for collection of secondary data. The technical visit consisted of observe the water treatment steps, as well as prevailing environment laws. Analysis of the results, the industry performs preliminary treatment, primary and secondary, common process and sufficient for this type of effluent. Furthermore, there is the process of treating the effluent from the bottle washing process for use in beverage Industry "A" meets the recommendations of studied authors. In turn, the data of the test results have not been studied in this way, it is not possible to draw conclusions about the efficiency of the treatment process. Adding to this the need for further research for analysis of pollutants and hence the creation of effective methods to mitigate impacts from these industries