53 research outputs found

    A Considerate Approach to Space; Selection of Texts; Sonja Jurković

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    With a collection of texts written between 1990 and 2010, Sonja Jurković marked her forty-year long professional career in architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, and teaching at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. Eighty selected texts clearly reflect the authorā€™s intention to teach her students how to treat space with respect. She favours the ethical approach and aesthetically pleasing architecture well integrated with its surroundings in order to manifest a considerate approach to space which is the underlying message of this monograph. The book contains a series of texts addressing the role of planning in contemporary society from an expert point of view aimed at raising awareness of the importance of urban, physical and landscape planning. The structure of the book reflects the authorā€™s consistency in dealing with key issues within the domain of her competence. Thus the majority of texts are dedicated to urban quality of life in Zagreb, a river in a city, specifically the Sava river, Park Maksimir, park heritage, problems related to landscape, and the interventions in landscape, cities, and Istria region

    Urban Planning Criteria for Defining Privately Owned Public Spaces (POPS)

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    This research is based on the systematic literature review related to the definition of Privately Owned Public Spaces (POPS). POPS arise as a bonus of the urban planning concession resulting from negotiations between private investors and city administration. The question arises whether, during their formation, the urbanistic criteria that ensure public space quality are sufficiently represented, or the superior private interest results in critical urban quality aspects. By comparatively analyzing the definitionsā€™ key features, nine specific POPS aspects have been identified and classified into two categories according to basic criteria: impact on investors and on broader urban contexts. The results show that a group of spatial criteria (usage impact, userā€™s perception, connectivity, urbanity and socialization) have been neglected or ignored in defining POPS. Current definitions do not consider the importance of POPS influence in a wider urban context and POPS is not, in any way, controlled or connected to the comprehensive process of urban planning, which can lead to a neglect of the fundamental roles and quality of public space. Further studies should focus on analyzing the impact of POPS in a broader urban context as well as defining mandatory urban planning criteria for insuring the quality of public space

    The Role of Landscape in Planning the City of Zagreb from the Early 20th to the Early 21st Century

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    Razvoj teorije pejsažne arhitekture i suvremenih svjetskih primjera dobre urbanističko-pejsažističke prakse govore u prilog sve većem značenju i viÅ”estrukim ulogama pejsaža za razvoj grada. Članak donosi pregled uloga i zastupljenosti pejsažnog koncepta u urbanističkim planovima grada Zagreba od početka 20. do početka 21. stoljeća. Ukazuje na problem postupnog zapostavljanja jasnoga planerskog stajaliÅ”ta prema pejsažu i slabljenja aktivnog pristupa njegovu planiranju.The development of landscape architecture theory as well as some contemporary examples of good urban and landscape practice amply illustrate a growing importance of landscape and the multiple roles it performs in the development of a city. This article gives an overview of the landscape planning concepts, their roles and presence in the urban plans of Zagreb from the early 20th to the early 21st century. It brings into focus a gradual decline of a clear landscape planning strategy

    Survey on Attitudes to High-rise Buildings in Zagreb

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    U članku se istražuju stajaliÅ”ta stanara prema stanovanju na viÅ”im katovima stambenih viÅ”ekatnica, a dobiveni su putem ankete provedene među stanovnicima viÅ”ih katova zgrada u Zagrebu. Daje se kratki pregled vremenskoga konteksta u kojem su nastale takve zgrade. Navode se pozitivni i negativni aspekti takvog oblika stanovanja u odnosu na dobne skupine, tip obitelji i mogućnost odabira stana na viÅ”im katovima.This paper gives an analysis of the occupants\u27 attitudes to residential high-rise buildings. The analysis is based on a survey conducted among the occupants of high-rise buildings in Zagreb. A brief review of the time when these buildings were built is also given as well as positive and negative aspects of living in such buildings in relation to age group, family type and the opportunity to choose an apartment on upper floors

    Quarries on the Island Veliki Brijun; The Beginnings of their Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse in Croatia

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    Istražuju se primjeri oblikovanja i prenamjene povijesnih kamenoloma Velikoga Brijuna nastali u sklopu pejsažne sanacije otoka na prijelazu 19. na 20. stoljeće. Å est detaljno analiziranih primjera perivojnog preoblikovanja predstavljaju značajan primjer ranog obrata paradigmi pejsaža degradiranog eksploatacijom kao prostora potencijalno visokih ambijentalnih vrijednosti. To su prvi primjeri sanacije i prenamjene kamenoloma u Hrvatskoj i meĆ°u prvima u Europi.This article explores several cases of the old quarries on the island Veliki Brijun which were rehabilitated and converted during the process of the entire landscape restoration of the island in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. An in-depth analysis of six cases of landscape redesign shows the potential to transform devastated and degraded landscapes into areas with great ambience value. These are the first cases of stone quarry rehabilitation and conversion in Croatia and among the first ones in Europe

    Landscape Models of Reclamation and Conversion of Quarries; Recovering Landscapes

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    U članku je analizirano 20 suvremenih primjera prenamjene i sanacije kamenoloma u svijetu i kod nas. Njihovom usporedbom, prema utvrđenim osnovnim obilježjima, ponuđena su četiri moguća modela oporavka pejsaža i određene osnovne smjernice za odabir modela prilikom saniranja napuÅ”tenih kamenoloma.The paper analyses 20 contemporary examples of reclamation and conversion of quarries in Croatia and abroad. Their mutual comparison according to determined basic features offers four possible models of landscape recovery and basic guidelines for the choice of models during the reclamation of deserted quarries
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