14 research outputs found

    A Counterexample on Implicit Variational Inequalities

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    AbstractOur aim in this note is to give a counterexample to show that some existence theorems on implicit variational inequalities recently due to Fu are false

    Integrated Rocket Simulation of Internal and External Flow Dynamics in an e-Science Environment

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    The internal and external flowfield variation of a launch vehicle has been simulated in an e-Science environment. To analyze the igniting process of a solid-rocket propellant, a fluid-structure interaction code has been developed using an ALE (arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) kinematical description and a staggered fluid-structure interaction algorithm. Also, unsteady motion of a detached rocket booster has been predicted by using an external flow analysis with an aerodynamic-dynamic coupled solver. A Korean e-Science environment designed for aerospace engineering, e-AIRS [15], supplies a user-friendly interface for such individual work and it can advance to an integrated rocket simulation of internal combustion and external flow variation by controlling the execution and data flow of two flow solvers. As a consequence, e-Science facilitates multi-disciplinary collaborative research, and makes individual work more convenient.The current work is a product of the Korea National e-Science project. The authors are grateful to the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information for their financial support. Also, the authors appreciate the financial supports provided by NSL(National Space Lab.) program through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Grant 20090091724) and the authors are grateful to the Agency for Defence Development for financial support on solid-rocket propellant research.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2009-01/102/0000004648/4SEQ:4PERF_CD:SNU2009-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000004648ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A001138DEPT_CD:446CITE_RATE:1.2FILENAME:article.pdfDEPT_NM:기계항공공학부EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YCONFIRM:


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    Comparison Examples on Generalized Quasi - Variational Inequalities

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    A Geometric Mean of Parameterized Arithmetic and Harmonic Means of Convex Functions

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    The notion of the geometric mean of two positive reals is extended by Ando (1978) to the case of positive semidefinite matrices A and B. Moreover, an interesting generalization of the geometric mean A # B of A and B to convex functions was introduced by Atteia and Raïssouli (2001) with a different viewpoint of convex analysis. The present work aims at providing a further development of the geometric mean of convex functions due to Atteia and Raïssouli (2001). A new algorithmic self-dual operator for convex functions named “the geometric mean of parameterized arithmetic and harmonic means of convex functions” is proposed, and its essential properties are investigated

    Penalized complementarity functions on symmetric cones

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    Complementarity problem, Complementarity functions, Merit functions, Symmetric cones, Primary: 90C33,

    A Remark on Implicit Vector Variational Inequality

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    Algorithm for Solving a Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problem with Perturbation in a Banach Space

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    Let B be a real Banach space with the dual space B*. Let ϕ:B→R∪{+∞} be a proper functional and let Θ:B×B→R be a bifunction. In this paper, a new concept of η-proximal mapping of ϕ with respect to Θ is introduced. The existence and Lipschitz continuity of the η-proximal mapping of ϕ with respect to Θ are proved. By using properties of the η-proximal mapping of ϕ with respect to Θ, a generalized mixed equilibrium problem with perturbation (for short, GMEPP) is introduced and studied in Banach space B. An existence theorem of solutions of the GMEPP is established and a new iterative algorithm for computing approximate solutions of the GMEPP is suggested. The strong convergence criteria of the iterative sequence generated by the new algorithm are established in a uniformly smooth Banach space B, and the weak convergence criteria of the iterative sequence generated by this new algorithm are also derived in B=H a Hilbert space