39 research outputs found

    Fatores afetando o consumo e utilização de forrageiras de baixa qualidade por ruminantes - revisão.

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    A quantidade máxima de alimento capaz de ser consumida por um ruminante e de grande importância para o produtor. De um modo geral, quanto maior for o consumo, menor será a quantidade de alimento necessário por unidade de produção. Este fato e que caracteriza a eficiência produtiva de um animal. A conseqüência econômica seria que maiores lucros estariam dependentes da capacidade dos ruminantes em digerir alimentos fibrosos mais baratos e disponíveis em maiores quantidades. O Maximo consumo de uma forragem pelo ruminante depende, primariamente, das taxas de escoamento do rúmen da celulose e hemicelulose. Estas taxas, por sua vez, depende de vários fatores que interferem na atividade da flora microbiana do rúmen, quais sejam: evolução do processo de lignificação com o estágio de maturação das forrageiras, parcial ausência de nutrientes para a microflora como nitrogênio ou minerais e a presença em excesso de agentes bacteriostáticos. Dada a sua importância econômica e cientifica, este assunto vem sendo estudado extensivamente por nutricionistas e fisiologistas em varias partes do mundo, gerando uma enorme gama de conceitos relacionados ao binômio animal-planta, parte dos quais foram reunidos no presente trabalho de revisão.bitstream/item/131377/1/fatores-afetando-o-consumo.pd

    Електоральна культура в Україні (на прикладі виборів до Верховної Ради України 2012 року)

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    Електоральна культура – це відносно стійка система знань, оцінок і норм електоральної поведінки та відносин, виборчого процесу в цілому [1,72]. Електоральна культура виявляється у ставленні до партій, кандидатів, виборчих комісій, виборчого законодавства, у самоідентифікації себе як прихильника тієї чи іншої партії, політичної сили, у реалізації свого права на голос. Електорат, його рішення є ключовими у виборчих кампаніях, тому насамперед важливо визначити, чому і як виборці голосують на виборах. Визначальними при характеристиці електоральної культури є розуміння виборцями значимості виборів, інтерес до них і вміння оцінити ситуацію, співвіднести свої інтереси з пропозиціями і перевагами кандидатів і партій. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3477

    Relevance of animal studies in regulatory toxicology : current approaches and future opportunities

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    With rapidly increasing knowledge of toxicological processes, the scientific value and relevance of toxicity studies for risk assessment must be re-evaluated. In this paper, it is proposed that the rigid risk evaluation currently required should be replaced by a more flexible, case-by-case approach, in order to increase the relevance of each animal test conducted. The development of new types of toxicity studies and their application in risk evaluation are also described

    Relative absorption and dermal loading of chemical substances: Consequences for risk assessment

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    Quantification of skin absorption is an essential step in reducing the uncertainty of dermal risk assessment. Data from literature indicate that the relative dermal absorption of substances is dependent on dermal loading. Therefore, an internal exposure calculated with absorption data determined at a dermal loading not comparable to the actual loading may lead to a wrong assessment of the actual health risk. To investigate the relationship between dermal loading and relative absorption in a quantitative manner, 138 dermal publicly available absorption experiments with 98 substances were evaluated (87 in vitro, 51 in vivo; molecular weight between 40 and 950, log P between -5 and 13), with dermal loading ranging mostly between 0.001 and 10 mg/cm2. In 87 experiments (63%) an inverse relationship was observed between relative dermal absorption and dermal loading, with an average decrease of factor 33 ± 69. Known skin irritating and volatile substances less frequently showed an inverse relationship between dermal loading and relative absorption. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Cryopreservation of precision-cut rat liver slices using a computer-controlled freezer

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    Precision-cut liver slices are frequently used to study hepatic toxicity and metabolism of xenobiotics in vitro. Successful cryopreservation techniques will enhance an efficient and economic use of scarcely available (human) liver tissue. For primary hepatocytes, slow freezing has been accepted as the best approach towards successful cryopreservation. For slices, however, no agreement exists on the optimal way of cryopreservation and both slow and fast freezing techniques have been reported. The aim of the present study was to determine the applicability of a computer-controlled slow freezing technique for the cryopreservation of (rat) liver slices. Thus far, this technique has not been described in detail. Our studies confirmed that slow freezing was most successful in the cryopreservation of primary rat hepatocytes. Based on this observation, the slow freezing technique was applied to the cryopreservation of rat liver slices. Directly after thawing, slice viability was between 60 and 100␘f fresh values, depending on the parameter determined. However, after additional culturing, slice viability was reduced. This decrease in slice viability was more pronounced in comparison to primary hepatocytes. In conclusion, the slow freezing technique was confirmed to be a successful approach for the cryopreservation of primary rat hepatocytes, and was found to be of limited use for the cryopreservation of rat liver slices

    Cryopreservation of precision-cut rat liver slices using a computer-controlled freezer

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    Precision-cut liver slices are frequently used to study hepatic toxicity and metabolism of xenobiotics in vitro. Successful cryopreservation techniques will enhance an efficient and economic use of scarcely available (human) liver tissue. For primary hepatocytes, slow freezing has been accepted as the best approach towards successful cryopreservation. For slices, however, no agreement exists on the optimal way of cryopreservation and both slow and fast freezing techniques have been reported. The aim of the present study was to determine the applicability of a computer-controlled slow freezing technique for the cryopreservation of (rat) liver slices. Thus far, this technique has not been described in detail. Our studies confirmed that slow freezing was most successful in the cryopreservation of primary rat hepatocytes. Based on this observation, the slow freezing technique was applied to the cryopreservation of rat liver slices. Directly after thawing, slice viability was between 60 and 100␘f fresh values, depending on the parameter determined. However, after additional culturing, slice viability was reduced. This decrease in slice viability was more pronounced in comparison to primary hepatocytes. In conclusion, the slow freezing technique was confirmed to be a successful approach for the cryopreservation of primary rat hepatocytes, and was found to be of limited use for the cryopreservation of rat liver slices

    Prediction of in vivo embryotoxic effect levels with a combination of in vitro studies and PBPK modelling

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    The new EU legislations for chemicals (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals, REACH) and cosmetics (Seventh Amendment) stimulate the acceptance of in vitro and in silico approaches to test chemicals for their potential to cause reproductive effects. In the current study seven compounds with known in vivo developmental effects were tested in the embryonic stem cell test (EST). The EST correctly classified 5-fluorouracil, methotrexate, retinoic acid, 2-ethoxyacetic acid and 2-methoxyacetic acid for their in vivo embryotoxic potential. The toxicity of 2-methoxyethanol and 2-ethoxyethanol was underestimated due to a lack of metabolic capacity in the EST. This study further investigated the possibility to use in silico techniques to extrapolate in vitro effect concentrations determined in the EST to in vivo exposure levels. This approach was evaluated by comparing in silico predicted in vivo effect levels with effect levels measured in rodents. The in vivo effect levels of 2-methoxyethanol, 2-ethoxyethanol, methotrexate and retinoic acid were correctly predicted with in silico modelling. Contrary, in vivo embryotoxicity of 5-fluorouracil was overestimated following this approach. It is concluded that a combination of in vitro and in silico techniques appears to be a promising alternative test method for risk assessment of embryotoxic compounds. © 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    REACH, non-testing approaches and the urgent need for a change in mind set

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    The objectives of REACH cannot be achieved under the current risk assessment approach. A change in mind set among all the relevant stakeholders is needed: risk assessment should move away from a labor-intensive and animal-consuming approach to intelligent and pragmatic testing, by combining exposure and hazard data effectively and trying to group chemicals (category approaches). The focus should be on reducing the overall uncertainties of 30,000 chemicals while acknowledging the existence of the uncertainty paradox: reducing uncertainty in the assessment of individual chemicals following the classical chemical-by-chemical approach as we have in previous decades will result in a prolongation of uncertainty for the entire group of 30,000 chemicals as a whole. With the first REACH registration deadline (2010) rapidly approaching, a mind set change is urgently needed. We can speed up the regulatory acceptance process, starting with the maximum use of currently available exposure and hazard data, tools and models. Optimal use should also be made of experimental exposure and hazard data generated under REACH. Only such an approach will make it possible to obtain a sufficient level of information within the time frame of REACH. A much more intensive dialogue between stakeholders is necessary. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Comparative in vitro-in vivo percutaneous penetration of the fungicide ortho-phenylphenol

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    The validity of in vitro and in vivo methods for the prediction of percutaneous penetration in humans was assessed using the fungicide ortho-phenylphenol (OPP) (log Po/w 3.28, MW 170.8, solubility in water 0.7 g/L). In vivo studies were performed in rats and human volunteers, applying the test compound to the dorsal skin and the volar aspect of the forearm, respectively. In vitro studies were performed using static diffusion cells with viable full-thickness skin membranes (rat and human), nonviable epidermal membranes (rat and human), and a perfused pig ear model. For the purpose of conducting in vitro/in vivo comparisons, standardized experimental conditions were used with respect to dose (120 μg OPP/cm2), vehicle (60% aqueous ethanol), and exposure duration (4 h). In human volunteers, the potentially absorbed dose (amount applied minus dislogded) was 105 μg/cm2, while approximately 27% of the applied dose was excreted with urine within 48 h. In rats these values were 67 μg/cm2 and 40%, respectively. In vitro methods accurately predicted human in vivo percutaneous absorption of OPP on the basis of the potential absorbed dose. With respect to the other parameters studied (amount systemically available, maximal flux), considerable differences were observed between the various in vitro models. In viable full-thickness skin membranes, the amount systemically available and the potentially absorbed dose correlated reasonably well with the human in vivo situation. In contrast the Kp/maximal flux considerably underestimated the human in vivo situation. Although epidermal membranes overestimated human in vivo data, the species differences observed in vivo were reflected correctly in this model. The data generated in the perfused pig ear model were generally intermediate between viable skin membranes and epidermal membranes. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA)