18 research outputs found

    Fast MRI evaluation of pulmonary progressive massive fibrosis with VIBE and HASTE sequences: comparison with CT

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    PURPOSE The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the diagnostic utility of volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination (VIBE) and half-Fourier-acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE) fast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences in the evaluation of pulmonary progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) in comparison with computed tomography (CT) imaging. If fast MRI is proven to be diagnostically significant, this modality can be used for diagnosis and follow-up studies of PMF patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty-two PMF lesions from 20 coal workers were evaluated. After CT imaging, patients underwent pre-contrast VIBE, contrast-enhanced VIBE, and HASTE MRI studies for detection and evaluation of the PMF lesions. Measurements of the three groups were evaluated with intra-class coefficients. Correlation levels between sizes, image quality, and artifact were evaluated with linear Pearson correlation analysis. RESULTS There was almost perfect agreement among radiologists for lesion detection with kappa analysis. There was significant agreement between three MRI study groups and gold standard CT images. We found the best agreement values with contrast- enhanced VIBE images for lesion detection and image quality in comparison with CT imaging. Presence of artifact was also lowest with this protocol. CONCLUSION With fast MRI sequences in pulmonary imaging, image quality has significantly improved being very close to that of CT studies. In this study, contrast-enhanced VIBE protocol provided the best depiction of PMF lesions. This protocol may be an alternative choice for CT, avoiding the use of iodinated contrast material and minimizing exposure to ionizing radiation for follow-up studies

    INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY ORIGINAL ARTICLE Embolization of benign and malignant bone and

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    To reveal the effectiveness and reliability of preoperative, curative, and palliative embolization of benign and malignant bone and soft tissue tumors of the extremities. MATERIALS AND METHODS Diagnostic angiography was performed on 35 patients (14 females, 40%; 21 males, 60%) between 6 and 70 years of age (mean, 32 years) who were referred to our digital subtraction angiography (DSA) unit between March 2000 and March 2004, and had extremity bone or soft tissue tumors. Among 17 patients who were initially assessed to be appropriate for angiographic embolization, DSA-assisted intra-arterial embolization was performed on 11 pre-operatively, and 6 curatively or palliatively. Effectiveness o

    An overview of smas; anatomic and radiologic approach

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    Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System (SMAS) is a network of collagen fibers, elastic fibers and fat interconnecting facial muscles and dermis. Subcutaneous morphology of face is more organized than subcutaneous layer of any part of body. SMAS has distinctive features in forehead, parotid region, zygomatic region, temporal region, cheek, infraorbital region, nasolabial fold, and lower lip. Because SMAS is a key feature for either percutaneous and surgical aesthetic interventions, neurovascular structure embedded in this tissue must be well known. Radiologic views were enrolled from the archive system of radiology department. Images of 50 patients were randomly selected. (29 ale, 21 female). Age width of the participants was in between 18 and 78 years (mean age 40.34± 15.32). Thickness of SMAS for each region is measured. Continuity of the tissue was followed between the junctions of the regions in a proper sequence with MR images. Thickness of SMAS in the zygomatic region was measured in 50 patients and mean value was 0.12 mm. Left and right side measures were compared between genders and no statistical difference between gender groups was found. Correlation between measures and age was analyzed statistically and no correlation was found. A radiologically and clinically neglected tissue: SMAS deserves more attention because of its continuous course interconnecting distinct regions of face and acting as a functional unit for the expressions. Age and gender related changes in SMAS morphology studied in healthy individuals by means of radiology provides an important contribution to the literature

    Anatomical and radiologic approach to tracheal diverticula

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    Tracheal diverticula (TD) are benign conditions characterized by single or multiple outpouchings from the tracheal wall. Different series which demonstrate tracheal diverticula on autopsy series, fiber optic bronchoscope examinations, and CT images are found in the literature. Treatment options for TD are surgical resection, endoscopic cauterization with laser or electrocoagulation and conservative management. Surgery is the treatment choice for young patients, while conservative treatment is recommended for elderly patients. We performed a retrospective study on 2271 patients who underwent thoracic CT examination for different reasons. Presence, number, anatomical location, level, diameter, cystic component, and accompanying variations were assessed and recorded. A total of 2271 patients were evaluated in the present study. 73 patients (38 females, 35 males) with TD were detected. The prevalence of TD was found to be 3.2%. It was found more frequently in women (52.1%) than in men (47.9%). The mean diameter of the diverticula was 4.5 mm (range 1-15 mm) in females and 5mm (1-14) in males. There was no difference between gender groups according diameter median values (p=0.811). TD was solitary in 71 (97.2%) patients and doubled (2.7%) in two patients. In conclusion our data showed a female predilection of prevalence, but no statistically significant difference between gender and other parameters (diameter, side, and level) was indicated. Patients with paratracheal air cysts that have no connection with the tracheal lumen were also analyzed in this study, and cystic groups diameter values were found to be higher than the non-cystic group. This difference was found to be statistically significant. [Med-Science 2019; 8(4.000): 796-9

    Karotis arter stenozlarında endovasküler tedavi ve erken takip sonuçları

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    Giriş: Karotis arterin oklüzif hastalığında karotis anjiyop-lasti ve stentleme karotid endarterektomiye oranla daha az invazif olan bir alternatiftir. Bu çalışmada ünitemizde 90 hastaya uygulanan karotis arter endovasküler tedavi ve stentleme işlemlerinin erken takip sonuçlarını bildir-meyi amaçladık. Materyal ve Metot: Mart 2004 ve Nisan 2008 tarihleri arasında 90 hastanın 99 lezyonuna endovasküler tedavi ve stentleme uygulanmıştır. Tüm hastalara transfemoral yolla koruma şemsiyesi kullanılarak kendiliğinden geniş-leyen stentler ve gerekli görülürse balon dilatasyon uygulandı. Tüm hastalara 3, 6, 12. aylarda ve daha sonra yılda bir rutin doppler US kontrolü yapıldı. Bulgular: On sekiz hastada komplikasyon gelişti. İşlem sonrası 5 (%5,5) hastada geçici iskemik atak 3 (%3,3) hastada major stroke, 5 (%5,5) hastada miyokard in-farktüsü ve 8 (%8,8) hastada ölüm görüldü. Sonuç: Karotis arter aterosklerotik hastalığında endo-vasküler stentleme işlemi karotid endarterektomiye giderek artan oranda alternatif olarak gösterilmektedir. Özellikle cerrahi için yüksek risk taşıyan hasta grubunda tek seçenek olarak görülmektedir. Son dönemde distal koruma filtrelerinin gelişmesi ile karotis arter stentleme işlemi daha güvenilir ve etkili bir yöntem olmuştur.Purpose: Carotid artery angioplasty and stenting currently represents a less invasive percutaneous alternative to conventional carotid endarterectomy for the carotid occlusive disease. The aim of this article is to report our experience and early outcomes of carotid stenting in our first 90 consecutive patients. Material and Method: Between March 2004 and April 2008, 90 consecutive patients (74 males, 16 females) with 99 lesions underwent carotid artery angioplasty and stenting at the our interventional radiology unit. All procedures were performed through long transfemoral way with using protection device, self-expandable stents, and balloon dilatation. All patients underwent routine Doppler ultrasound scanning. Results: Within four year of the procedure 18 patients had complications, including cerebrovascular death in one patient, 3 non-fatal major stroke, 5 transient ischemic attacks, 3 stent occlusion, restenosis in five patients. Conclusion: Endovascular stent and treatment of carotid artery atherosclerotic disease is growing as an alternative to vascular surgery, especially for patients that are at high risk for standard carotid endarterectomy. Carotid artery angioplasty and stenting is more feasible and effective when distal protection devices are used

    Intramesenteric Steroid Application for Steroid Refractory Gastrointestinal Graft versus Host Disease

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    Currently, Steroid refractory severe gastrointestinal (GI) GVHD is one of the important complications in patients undergoing allogeneic transplantation and there has been no standard therapeutical approach of disease yet. We report here the results related to the application of intramesenteric steroid in two cases with steroid refractory GI GvHD. In both cases, the frequency and volume of diarrhea were completely resolved soon after intramesenteric methylprednisolone (MP) injection. In conclusion, intra-arterial steroid injection might be an alternative approach especially steroid refractory GI GvHD

    Multiple primary tumors: Report of a case

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    Multipl primer neoplaziler, bir hastada her biri ayrı, her biri malignitenin belirgin bir örneği olan ve birinin diğerinin metastazı olma olasılığı ekarte edilmiş tümörlerin varlığı şeklinde tanımlanır. Yaşam süresinin uzamasının ve malignitelerin spesifik tedavisinin sonucu sağ kalımında artmış olması nedeniyle MPN'lerin sayısı giderek artmaktadır. Bu makalede bir hastada gelişen senkron kolon adenokarsinomu, kondrosarkom ve renal hücreli karsinom olgusunu sunmayı amaçladık.Multiple primary neoplasms (MPN) is described as multiple tumors in a single patiend so that each of the tumors must present a definite picture of malignancy, each must be distinct, and the probability of one being the metastasis of the other must be excluded. As a result of longevity and of a parallel increase in survival after specific treatment for malignancy, the number of multiple primary malignancies has continued to grow. In this article, we aimed to present a case of synchroneous colon adenocarcinoma, chondrosarcoma and renal cell carcinoma within one patient

    Steroid Dirençli Gastrointestinal Graft Versus Host Hastalığında İntramezenterik Steroid Uygulaması

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    Günümüzde, steroid dirençli gastrointestinal (Gİ) graft versus host hastalığı (GvHH) allogeneik transplantasyon yapılan hastalarda izlenen en sık komplikasyonlardan biridir ve henüz standart bir tedavi yaklaşımı yoktur. Burada, steroid refrakter GvHH olan iki vakanın intramezenterik steroid uygulamasına dair sonuçları bildirilmiştir. Her iki hastada intramezenterik metilprednizolon (MP) enjeksiyonunu takiben diarenin sıklığı ve miktarı tamamen düzelmiştir. Sonuç olarak, intra-arteriel steroid verilimi bu tip olgularda alternative bir tedavi yaklaşımı olabilir.Currently, steroid-refractory severe gastrointestinal (GI) graft versus host disease (GVHD) is among the most important complications of allogeneic transplantation, and as yet there is no standard approach to its treatment. Herein we report two cases with steroid-refractory GI GVHD that received intramesenteric steroid treatment. In both cases the frequency and volume of diarrhea resolved completely following intramesenteric methylprednisolone (MP) injection. In conclusion, intra-arterial steroid injection might be an alternative treatment approach for steroid-refractory GI GVHD

    Correlation between physical measurements and observer evaluations of image quality in digital chest radiography

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper was to investigate the relationship between the physical and subjective (observer) image quality metrics in digital chest radiography. Methods: Five digital radiography systems, four with indirect flat panel detector and one with storage phosphor-based computed radiography system, were used in the study. The physical image quality assessments were carried out using effective detective quantum efficiency (eDQE) metric and subjective performance of the digital radiography systems was evaluated in terms of inverse image quality figure (IQFinv) derived from the contrast-detail (CD) diagrams using CDRAD 2.0 phantom and CDRAD phantom analyzer software. All measurements were performed for different tube voltages (70, 81, 90, 102, 110, and 125 kVp) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) phantom thicknesses. An anthropomorphic chest phantom and visual grading analysis (VGA) technique based on European image quality criteria for chest radiography were used for clinical image quality evaluation. Results: The Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated for the investigation of the correlation between physical image quality and clinical image quality. The results showed strong positive correlation between the physical and clinical image quality findings. The minimum correlation coefficient was 0.91 (p < 0.011) for IQFinv vs VGA scores and 0.92 (p < 0.009) for IeDQE vs VGA scores. Conclusions: Our results confirm that clinical image quality can be predicted with both physical assessments and contrast-detail detectability studies