42 research outputs found

    Implementacija Nacionalnog programa ranog otkrivanja raka debelog crijeva u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji

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    U Osječko-baranjskoj županiji je 2005. godine kolorektalni karcinom prema broju novooboljelih (N=177) bio na visokom drugom mjestu kod žena (N=76, iza karcinoma dojke; N=171), a na trećem kod muškaraca   sa 101 novooboljelim (iza karcinoma pluća; N=176 i prostate; N=119). U 2007. godini je od posljedica ovog karcinoma u Osječko-barnjskoj županiji umrlo 128 osoba (72 muškaraca i 56 žena). Od malignih bolesti je u 2007. godini više muškaraca umrlo samo zbog karcinoma pluća, a žena više od karcinoma dojke.Ministarstvo zdravstva i socijalne skrbi je pokrenulo u listopadu 2007. godine Nacionalni program ranog otkrivanja raka debelog crijeva. Nosilac Programa je Ministarstvo zdravstva i socijalne skrbi, a   provedba je na županijskim zavodima za javno zdravstvo koji su imenovali koordinatore za provedbu Programa

    Implementacija Nacionalnog programa ranog otkrivanja raka debelog crijeva u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji

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    U Osječko-baranjskoj županiji je 2005. godine kolorektalni karcinom prema broju novooboljelih (N=177) bio na visokom drugom mjestu kod žena (N=76, iza karcinoma dojke; N=171), a na trećem kod muškaraca   sa 101 novooboljelim (iza karcinoma pluća; N=176 i prostate; N=119). U 2007. godini je od posljedica ovog karcinoma u Osječko-barnjskoj županiji umrlo 128 osoba (72 muškaraca i 56 žena). Od malignih bolesti je u 2007. godini više muškaraca umrlo samo zbog karcinoma pluća, a žena više od karcinoma dojke.Ministarstvo zdravstva i socijalne skrbi je pokrenulo u listopadu 2007. godine Nacionalni program ranog otkrivanja raka debelog crijeva. Nosilac Programa je Ministarstvo zdravstva i socijalne skrbi, a   provedba je na županijskim zavodima za javno zdravstvo koji su imenovali koordinatore za provedbu Programa

    Malignant Neoplasms of Male Genital Organs (C60-C63) in the Osijek-Baranja County, Croatia

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    Cancers of male genital organs (C60-C63) and in particular, prostate cancer, represent one of the most frequent cancer groups among males in economically developed countries and growing cancer group in developing countries. The Institute of Public Health of the Osijek-Baranja County in collaborate with different county institutes provide updated information on the cancer occurrence and trends in the Osijek-Baranja County (OBC). The aim of this article is to provide information on the tendencies relating to this cancer group in the OBC during the period from 2001 to 2009, which will be the first report on these cancer sites on a county level in Croatia. This article processes data on cancer incidence and mortality, appertaining age distribution, median age at diagnosis and at death, cancer survival and length of stay in hospital in the OBC. From 2001 to 2009, a total of 891 males were diagnosed with cancers of male genital organs and treated in either of the two OBC hospitals. These cancers accounted for 6.2% of all registered cancers and for 12.5% of all registered cancers among males. Overall age-standardized incidence rate was 60.9/100,000 and it growing strongly during the nine-year period. Although the mortality rate increased too (overall rate was 30.5/100,000), the increase was not as huge as the one in the rate of incidence. Overall median ages at diagnosis and at death were 67.1 years and 74.6 years, respectively. The 5-year relative survival rate was estimated to be 53.4%. This report reveals weak reduction in the average length of stay in hospital per patient in the 9-years period (from 11.8 to 11.3 days) and at the same time, the number of admissions almost tripled (from 84 to 221), which is a consequence of the same rise in the number of newly registered cases. During the course of the illness, an average patient was hospitalized 1.6 times and the average length of hospital care was 11.0 days. All the indicators of the quality of the health care provided to C60-C63 cancer patients in the OBC suggest that further advancement in raising the level of diagnostics and treatment should and can be expected in order to reach the corresponding EU standards. An increased incidence and mortality rate from C60-C63 cancers leads to the conclusion that great efforts should be invested into raising the awareness of the male population over 45 years of age on the recognition of the first symptoms of this cancer group and on early preventive examination as to decrease the mortality rate and increase the survival rate and the quality of life of patients suffering from this cancer group

    Malignant Neoplasms of Breast and Female Genital Organs (C50, C51-C58) in the Osijek-Baranja County, Croatia

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    Breast cancer (C50) and neoplasms of female genital organs (C51-C58) represent one of the most frequent cancer groups among females in economically developed countries. The Institute of Public Health of the Osijek-Baranja County in collaboration with different county institutes provide updated information on the cancer occurrence and trends in the Osijek-Baranja County (OBC). The aim of this article is to provide information on the tendencies relating to these cancer groups in the OBC during the period from 2001 to 2009, which will be the first report on these cancer sites on a county level in Croatia. This article processes data on cancer incidence and mortality, appertaining age distribution, median age, cancer survival and length of stay in the county hospitals collected in period 1996–2010. In the OBC, the overall incidence rates of breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary cancer were, using the EU standard population, 82.9, 13.0, 19.0 and 14.5/100,000, respectively, and are all characterized by a declining tendency in the second period except breast cancer. The overall breast incidence rate resembles the Croatian average and way exceeds the corresponding Central and Eastern Europe incidence rates, but is still bellow the Northern Europe ones. Also, the overall mortality rates of breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary cancer were 29.6, 5.0, 8.1 and 9.6/100,000, respectively, and are all featured by a increasing tendency. The cancer 5-year relative survival rate from breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary cancer in period 2001–2005 amounted to 64.2%, 66.1%, 57.4% and 43.0%, respectively. The overall median ages at diagnosis of breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary cancer totalled 61.9, 56.4, 66.4 and 60.8 years, respectively, while the median ages at death from these cancers were 68.7, 65.7, 70.3 and 67.6 years, respectively. During the entire 9-year period, the average length of stay in hospital due to breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary cancer were 12.1, 14.8, 18.5 and 11.3 days, respectively. The length of stay in hospital decreased for all but for ovary cancer. Implementation and consolidation of women’s awareness of these cancers and relating early diagnostic activities within the OBC population seem to be the most effective ways to reduce the appertaining risks and thus to encourage changes in the lifestyle

    Five-Year Cumulative Incidence of Smoking in Adult Croatian Population: the CroHort Study

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the incidence of smoking and changes in smoking habits in Croatia during a 5-year period. Data from the Croatian Adult Health Study of 2003 and 2008 was used for the study (N=3229). The results of this study suggest that the incidence of smoking is the highest in youngest men and decreases with age. In ages 35 to 64 and older than 65 the incidence was higher in women than men. The cumulative smoking incidence is low in Croatia, but particularly alarming is a higher incidence in women than in men

    Drinking in Adolescents – Qualitative Analysis

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    The aim of this paper was to explore alcohol consumption and the development of this habit in the adolescent population based on qualitative data from 59 anonymous essays written by high school students. We found that the most of adolescents had their first experiences with alcohol in the seventh or eighth grades. They reported that they usually drank alcohol to be happy, to relax, to be courageous in approaching the opposite sex, to fit into society, and to be popular. Factors affecting drinking are influence of peers, family and social attitude towards drinking, laws and enforcement of legislation. In further prevention programs, we must be able to demonstrate that »having a good time« does not mean drinking alcohol. Programs for the prevention of alcohol-related problems must begin by adolescence, including both sexes equally and can be achieved through a coordinated and intense public health effort

    Health Related Quality of Life of Smokers in Croatia

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the health related quality of life (HRQOL) in relation to the smoking status. The data from the Croatian Adult Health Survey conducted in 2003 were used for this study. Sample comprised 9,070 participants, 68.1% women and 31.9% men, from 18 to 101 years old. Results indicated that there were significant differences in HRQOL between smokers and non-smokers even in a young adult age when there is no difference in objective health status (for example diagnosis of disease). Generally health decreased with the age for both groups but direction of difference between smokers and non-smokers varied for different health dimensions across the age groups. The most notable difference in HRQOL in relation to smoking was found in the age group of 65 and older where women smokers reported better HRQOL than non-smokers, and men smokers significantly worse HRQOL than non-smokers. As we found significant differences according to gender in age groups, we suggest that it is essential for future studies to take those characteristics into consideration. Many other factors, for example education, income, marital status, and the socio-cultural acceptability of smoking may have an impact on the quality of life, and also need to be considered in future research. The existing differences in mental health and social functioning should be taken into account in planning of the future prevention programs

    Zdravstveno stanje i zdravstvena zaštita pučanstva starije životne dobi u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji

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    Demografske značajke pučanstva Osječko-baranjske županije Procesi promjene dobne strukture stanovništva, baš kao i najrazvijenije zemlje Europe, zahvatili su i Hrvatsku. Udio stanovništva starijeg od 65 godina je premašio 10% 1971. godine, i od tada se povećava. Prema klasifikaciji Ujedinjenih Naroda zemlje s udjelom stanovništva starijeg od 65 godina većim od 10% se ubrajaju u zemlje sa vrlo starim pučanstvom. Prema popisu stanovništva iz 2001. godine u Hrvatskoj je bilo 15,5%, a u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji 14,7% osoba starijih od 65 godina. Mortalitet osoba starije životne dobi Dobna struktura ukupnog mortaliteta u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji pokazuje da najviši udjel od 77,2% imaju stariji od 65 godina (3.031 od ukupno umrlih 3.927) (slika 1). Od svih umrlih muškaraca je 33%(628 muškaraca) mlađe od 65 godina. Od svih umrlih žena je 13% (265 žena) mlađe od 65 godina

    Pojedini prilozi za ocjenu zdravstvenih i socijalnih prilika u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji

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    Opći podaci o Osječko-baranjskoj županijiOsječko-baranjska županija kao jedinica područne (regionalne) samouprave dio je upravno-teritorijalnog ustrojstva Republike Hrvatske ustanovljenog 1993. godine.Smještena je u sjeveroistočnom dijelu Republike Hrvatske u Panonskom prostoru i prostire na površini od 4.152 km2. Obuhvaća krajeve oko donjeg toka rijeke Drave prije njezinog utoka u Dunav. Plavno područje rijeke Dunav stvorilo je Kopački rit, svjetski poznato utočište brojnih ptičjih vrsta, proglašeno Parkom prirode i zaštićeno kao posebni zoološki rezervat. Pretežito je ravničarsko područje koje pogoduje razvitku poljoprivrede. O poljoprivrednom karakteru ovog područja govori činjenica da 260.778 ha čine obradive poljoprivredne površine, a 82.868 ha nalazi se pod šumama.Područje Županije ispresijecano je s preko 1.700 km cesta i 180 km željezničkih pruga. Rijeke Dunav i Drava (koja je plovna do Donjeg Miholjca a sa statusom međunarodnog plovnog puta do Osijeka) povezuju ovo područje i s riječnom mrežom europskih rijeka. S dvije zračne luke kod Osijeka (Osijek i Klisa) Županija je povezana s mrežom hrvatskih zračnih luka. Preko Osijeka vodi i europski prometni koridor C5 koji povezuje sjever Europe (Baltik) s njegovim jugom (Jadransko more). U pripremi je izgradnja transeuropske autoceste (u okviru TEM projekta) Budimpešta-Osijek-Sarajevo-Ploče

    Starije osobe i pušenje: rezultati Hrvatske zdravstvene ankete 2003

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    Pušenje je u svijetu drugi uzrok smrtnosti i četvrti rizični čimbenik za nastanak bolesti. Od posljedica pušenja umire trećina do polovina osoba koje puše, odnosno umiru prosječno 15 godina ranije. U radu smo koristili podatke dobivene Hrvatskom zdravstvenom anketom koja je provedena 2003. godine. Uzorak je odredio Državni zavod za statistiku i reprezentativan je za dob, spol i šest regija Hrvatske. U Istočnoj regiji je obuhvaćeno ukupno 1707 ispitanika starijih od 18 godina od kojih je 587 bilo starijih od 65 godina. Cilj rada je prikazati osobine pušača starijih od 65 godina u Istočnoj regiji. U Istočnoj regiji je udio pušača starijih od 65 godina veći od udjela u Hrvatskoj, a najveći je i u odnosu na ostale regije. Više od polovice pušača je u skupini najmanje obrazovanih osoba (osnovna škola i manje). Kod najvećeg broja pušača prisutni su i ostali činitelji rizika (konzumacija alkohola i pretilost). Starije osobe su izrazito vulnerabilni dio populacije, a nezdrave navike dodatno opterećuju njihovo zdravstveno stanje. Pušenje je značajan javnozdravstveni problem i jedan od najznačajnijih rizičnih čimbenika za nastanak kardiovaskularnih bolesti. U Hrvatskoj, kao i u zapadnuropskim zemljama, raste udio osoba starijih od 65 godina. Kako je ova populacija opterećena bremenom kardiovaskularnih bolesti, potrebno je planirati intervencije kako bi se smanjio udio pušača ove dobi