4 research outputs found

    Pemahaman surah Al-ahzab ayat 56 dalam tradisi Maulid Al-diba'i: studi living qur’an jama’ah Musholla Nurul Falah di desa Gunungsari, kecamatan Baureno, kabupaten Bojonegoro)

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    Masalah yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Bagaimana praktik tradisi Maulid Al-Diba’i di Desa Gunungsari 2) Bagaimana pemahaman Jama’ah Musholla Nurul Falah pada surah Al-Ahzab ayat 56 dalam tradisi Maulid Al-Diba’i di Desa Gunungsari, 3) Bagaimana pengaruh pemahaman surah Al-Ahzab ayat 56 terhadap psikologis jama’ah Musholla Nurul Falah di Desa Gunungsari. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan proses pelaksanaan tradisi Maulid Al-Diba’i, mengetahui pemahaman Jama’ah Musholla Nurul Falah pada surah Al-Ahzab ayat 56 dalam tradisi Maulid Al-Diba’i di Desa Gunungsari, serta menjelaskan pengaruh pemahaman surah Al-Ahzab ayat 56 terhadap psikologis jama’ah Musholla Nurul Falah di Desa Gunungsari


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    The aim of the researcher to conduct the research is to describe the concepts, implementation, and solution constraints. This study uses qualitative researchers with the type of case study research. Collecting data in the form of observation, documentation and interviews. Data analysis techniques in the form of data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study are as follows: 1) The concepts of character education through religious activities in the form of morality, norms and upholding the vision of the school. and so forth. 2) Implementation of character education through religious activities in the form of welcoming students, praying together before learning, praying dhuhah in congregation, and praying dzuhur in congregation. 3) Constraints and Solutions used to instill character education through religious activities, namely: a. Constraints as follows: a) Lack of sport from parents and lack of communication with parents b) Lack of parental assistance. c) The character of students is subordinate to their homes. c) there are students who are late and condition students. d) Lack of prayer room space. b. The solution is as follows: a) students are given sanctions and the names of students are recorded in the case book. b) students who do not do well and are not polite, will be reprimanded by educators c) parents of students must be able to guide their children, not be guided by teachers only. d) Schools in the process of building a prayer room so that they can carry out congregational prayers. Keyword: Implementation, Character Building, Religious Activit

    School well-being in high schools that implement the 05.30 am policy

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    Purpose: The aim of this research is to determine the government's efforts to improve the quality of students' school well-being related to the implementation of the 5:30 AM school entry policy, School well being consists of having, loving, being, and health, if not fulfilled it will have a negative impact on students.   Method: This research uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The number of participants in this research was 8 people, determined using a purposeful sampling technique with the criteria that participants attended schools that implemented the school policy at 05.30 am and were grade 12 students.   Reslut: Based on the results of this research, three main themes were found, namely supporting facilities, social support, and the impact of policy implementation.   Conclusion: The implementation of new policies by the government and schools needs to pay attention to the emotional impact, physical impact, impact on learning activities, social support and facilities that need to be provided for students

    Pemanfaatan Sawi Putih menjadi Produk “JASIJO” dan “BRASSICA ICE” untuk Meningkatkan Ekonomi Masyarakat

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    Pembuatan produk stik dan ice dari sawi putih merupakan upaya pemanfaatan sayuran yang dijadikan sebuah produk untuk mengolah sawi yang tidak terjual supaya tidak membusuk, sekaligus untuk meningkatkan pendapatan warga. Desa Pujon Kidul RT 04 mayoritas warganya menanam sayuran sawi putih, karena warga mengeluh mengenai rendahnya harga sawi putih dan kurangnya pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan sawi putih yang dapat menghasilkan produk yang bernilai, untuk itu kami berinisiatif melakukan uji coba pembuatan produk dari sawi putih berupa jajanan stik dan ice cream. Produk stik dan ice cream yang sudah jadi dan telah memenuhi standar pengedaran atau untuk dikonsumsi, bisa dijual untuk menambah pendapatan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara, persiapan, praktik lapangan, evaluasi, revisi produk dan penyuluhan. Hasil dari penyuluhan yaitu, ibu RT akan mengkoordinasi kepada warga setempat dan akan melakukan praktek pembuatan produk stik dan ice cream, dimana kebanyakan warga mengalami kesulitan dalam memanfaatkan sawi putih yang tidak terjual melalui pembuatan produk tersebut. Sehingga dengan adanya kegiatan ini masyarakat dapat menciptakan produk baru, beda dan berkelanjutan dengan tujuan untuk membantu menambah pemasukan