4 research outputs found

    Vertical sleeve gastrectomy triggers fast β-cell recovery upon overt diabetes

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    While the effectiveness of bariatric surgery in restoring β-cell function has been described in type-2 diabetes (T2D) patients and animal models for years, the mechanistic underpinnings are largely unknown. The possibility of vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) to rescue a clinically-relevant, late-stage T2D condition and to promote β-cell recovery has not been investigated on a single-cell level. Nevertheless, characterization of the heterogeneity and functional states of β-cells after VSG is a fundamental step to understand mechanisms of glycaemic recovery and to ultimately develop alternative, less-invasive therapies. Here, we report that VSG was superior to calorie restriction in late-stage T2D and rapidly restored normoglycaemia in morbidly obese and overt diabetic db/db mice. Single-cell profiling of islets of Langerhans showed that VSG induced distinct, intrinsic changes in the β-cell transcriptome, but not in that of α-, δ-, and PP-cells. VSG triggered fast β-cell redifferentiation and functional improvement within only two weeks of intervention, which is not seen upon calorie restriction. Furthermore, VSG expanded β-cell area by means of redifferentiation and by creating a proliferation competent β-cell state. Collectively, our study reveals the superiority of VSG in the remission of far-progressed T2D and presents paths of β-cell regeneration and molecular pathways underlying the glycaemic benefits of VSG

    Heritable changes in division speed accompany the diversification of single T cell fate

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    Rapid clonal expansion of antigen-specific T cells is a fundamental feature of adaptive immune responses. It enables the outgrowth of an individual T cell into thousands of clonal descendants that diversify into short-lived effectors and long-lived memory cells. Clonal expansion is thought to be programmed upon priming of a single naive T cell and then executed by homogenously fast divisions of all of its descendants. However, the actual speed of cell divisions in such an emerging "T cell family" has never been measured with single-cell resolution. Here, we utilize continuous live-cell imaging in vitro to track the division speed and genealogical connections of all descendants derived from a single naive CD8+ T cell throughout up to ten divisions of activation-induced proliferation. This comprehensive mapping of T cell family trees identifies a short burst phase, in which division speed is homogenously fast and maintained independent of external cytokine availability or continued T cell receptor stimulation. Thereafter, however, division speed diversifies, and model-based computational analysis using a Bayesian inference framework for tree-structured data reveals a segregation into heritably fast- and slow-dividing branches. This diversification of division speed is preceded already during the burst phase by variable expression of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain. Later it is accompanied by selective expression of memory marker CD62L in slower dividing branches. Taken together, these data demonstrate that T cell clonal expansion is structured into subsequent burst and diversification phases, the latter of which coincides with specification of memory versus effector fate.ISSN:0027-8424ISSN:1091-649