5 research outputs found

    The development of Cape Town's waterfront in the earlier nineteenth century: history and archaeology of the North Wharf

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    In 1836, prominent shipowners, merchants and others concerned with the commerce of the Cape Colony and the safety of passengers and crews of ships, petitioned Governments to improve maritime conditions in Table Bay. This action resulted in approval for the construction at the seaward end of Bree Street of the North Wharf, started in 1839 and officially opened in 1842. Until the wharf became operational there were no services offered to ships in the bay and no effective means of taking cables and anchors through the surf to vessels in distress. In winter, gales and heavy seas were perilous; in summer, strong south-east winds delayed the loading and unloading of ships arriving or departing from Cape Town. The North Wharf was extended and repaired many times during its term of service. Archaeological excavation located and exposed the original iron and wooden framework of the jetty and the water pipe used to service the ships, and confirmed archival records of additions and modifications

    Standardized analyses of glass trade beads from Mgungundlovu and Ondini, nineteenth century Zulu capitals

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    Renewed interest has been generated in studies of beads from southern African Iron Age sites. Statistical analyses of bead frequencies can now be undertaken, making use of a standardized, internationally recognized classification scheme. Large samples from two nineteenth-century Zulu capitals, Mgungundlovu and Ondini, have been examined according to this typology. Results of statistical analyses are presented to demonstrate variability in bead frequencies within and between sites. The results show that the recovery methods of four excavators have not introduced systematic biases in the consolidated Mgungundlovu bead collection. Assemblages from different parts of the site more closely resemble each other than any of them resemble the bead collection of Ondini. These findings clear the way for more detailed physical and chemical analyses of the beads, so as to quantify the spatial and temporal variability of different bead types