143 research outputs found
In general most of the tribes in South Sulawesi has a relationship, both in terms of language, as well as culturally. Bugis Makassar in public life, customs is a factor that was crucial. Indigenous is a manifestation of the "philosophy of life" man Bugis Makassar in their social institutions and occupy the highest positions in the social norms that govern the behavior patterns of people's lives. Social system or societal values that were born under customary provisions have established patterns of behavior and views of human life Bugis Makassar. Adat is the key idea underlying all of his relationships, both with fellow human beings, social institutions, as well as with the natural surroundings, even with the macrocosm. As customs, rules accustomed, certainly can be called traditional, but not in the sense panngaderreng essential. Such a custom would be opposed by panngaderreng because panngaderreng actually build dignity and human dignity. Panngaderreng happenings include ade 'about talking, about rapang, about wari and about sara'. But the progressive side of the law, look to a tendency to ignore the custom that we have and nurture over the years. And penetration protection against the formation of customary law are sometimes forgotten even element values in it have not been able to exist in the underlying fundamental laws of various products. Since most products are still legal hegemony in the interests of society who tend to put in a position pheriperial, or known by the politically conditioned, especially in the context of law in South Sulawesi regressu
Aksiologi Budaya Bugis Makassar terhadap Produk Peraturan Daerah (Perda) di Sulawesi Selatan (Studi Politik Hukum)
In general most of the tribes in South Sulawesi has a relationship, both in terms of language, as well as culturally. Bugis Makassar in public life, customs is a factor that was crucial. Indigenous is a manifestation of the "philosophy of life" man Bugis Makassar in their social institutions and occupy the highest positions in the social norms that govern the behavior patterns of people\u27s lives. Social system or societal values that were born under customary provisions have established patterns of behavior and views of human life Bugis Makassar. Adat is the key idea underlying all of his relationships, both with fellow human beings, social institutions, as well as with the natural surroundings, even with the macrocosm. As customs, rules accustomed, certainly can be called traditional, but not in the sense panngaderreng essential. Such a custom would be opposed by panngaderreng because panngaderreng actually build dignity and human dignity. Panngaderreng happenings include ade \u27about talking, about rapang, about wari and about sara\u27. But the progressive side of the law, look to a tendency to ignore the custom that we have and nurture over the years. And penetration protection against the formation of customary law are sometimes forgotten even element values in it have not been able to exist in the underlying fundamental laws of various products. Since most products are still legal hegemony in the interests of society who tend to put in a position pheriperial, or known by the politically conditioned, especially in the context of law in South Sulawesi regressu
The lack of understanding of the Islamic community in financial institutions often causes problems in obtaining interest-free business capital solutions. Therefore it is necessary to understand people's perceptions of the capital of financial institutions. These problems can be identified by tracing the process of acquiring, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information. The results of tracking people's perceptions of the capital of financial institutions will be analyzed using Islamic economic analysis.This research uses a qualitative approach and in collecting data using methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other materials, was compiled systematically so that it was easily understood and elaborated in the form of quotations to find out how people's perceptions of capital in financial institutions as well as knowing capital concepts in the Cempa community with Islamic economic analysis.The results showed that: 1) Community perception The earthquake on capital issued by financial institutions is very helpful in improving the community's economy, especially in venture capital. 2) The concept of capital in the average earthquake community still uses conventional financial institutions that use the interest system that is prohibited by Islamic law. The Cempa community still uses the services of conventional financial institutions as a place for capital, because there are no Islamic financial institutions in the area. 3) Financial institutions in the Cempa community are quite evident from the results of interviews, the community uses the services of financial institutions as a place for business capital
Analisis Efektivitas Pelatihan Online Untuk Tim Gerak Cepat Puskesmas Dalam Penanggulangan Wabah Dan Kejadian Luar Biasa
Pandemi Covid-19 memaksa pelatihan online harus dilaksanakan di Pusdiklat (Balai Pelatihan) Kesehatan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Seberapa efektifnya bagi peserta dilihat dari kebutuhan belajar peserta (sebelum pelatihan), proses pembelajaran (saat pelatihan) dan penerapan hasil pembelajaran (setelah pelatihan online) perlu diketahui. Penelitian kualitatif digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi pelatihan online untuk Tim Gerak Cepat Puskesmas dalam Penanggulangan Wabah dan Kejadian Luar Biasa. Wawancara semi terstruktur dilakukan terhadap 13 orang yang terlibat dalam pelatihan penanganan KLB Tim Gerak Cepat di Puskesmas dan hasilnya diolah dengan N-Vivo. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kebutuhan pembelajaran peserta pelatihan tidak diawali oleh permasalahan kinerja pegawai dan Puskesmas. Proses pembelajaran diikuti oleh peserta dari rumah, puskesmas dan lain-lain. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan tugas diberikan melalui zoom meeting dan grup whatsapp. Ada hal yang mendukung dan menghambat pembelajaran. Pelatihan daring dirasakan informan mampu menambah pengetahuan dan mengubah sikap namun tidak meningkatkan keterampilan. Penerapan hasil pembelajaran dirasa bermanfaat namun tetap memerlukan bantuan dan dukungan
Penelitian ini membahas tentang Strategi Marketing Funding dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Nasabah di Bank BNI Syariah Parepare. Strategi pada suatu bank merupakan hal yang sangat penting karena dengan adanya strategi yang baik akan mempermudah pekerjaan utamanya bagi seorang marketing funding dimana seorang marketing funding bertanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan jumlah nasabah bank. Terkait dengan hal tersebut tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Strategi Marketing Funding dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Nasabah di Bank BNI Syariah Parepare..
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, sumber data penelitian yaitu data primer merupakan data yang diperoleh langsung di lapangan berdasarkan wawancara dengan informan yakni dengan nasabah dan karyawan funding Bank BNI Syariah Parepare dan data sekunder diperoleh dari beberapa sumber pendukung seperti buku, jurnal dan sumber data lainnya yang terkait dengan judul penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teori strategi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu perencanaan, implementasi dan evaluasi.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Perencanaan strategi yang dilakukan marketing funding dalam meningkatkan jumlah nasabah di BNI Syariah Parepare adalah dengan menentukan tujuan sasaran terlebih dahulu, adapun tujuan sasaran dari marketing funding BNI Syariah Parepare adalah Instansi dan Nasabah perorangan. 2) Implementasi strategi yang dilakukan marketing funding untuk mencapai tujuan sasaran tersebut adalah dengan melakukan sosialisasi ke istansi dan untuk nasabah perorangan dilakukan dengan cara melakukan kunjungan langsung door to door untuk meperkenalkan produk BNI Syariah. 3) Evaluasi strategi yang dilakukan marketing funding di BNI Syariah Parepare adalah dengan meninjau faktor internal dan eksternal, menilai kinerja yang telah dilakukan dengan melihat pencapaian target apakah target tersebut dapat dicapai dan terus mengalami peningkatan atau tidak dan jika tidak tercapai maka langkah selanjutnya adalah dengan melakukan tindakan perbaikan salah satunya yang dilakukan adalah dengan terus meningkatkan produk dan program bank syariah sehingga mampu untuk menarik minat masyarakat.This study discusses the Marketing Funding Strategy in Increasing the Number of Customers at BNI Syariah Parepare Bank. Strategy in a bank is very important because with a good strategy it will facilitate the main job for a marketing funder where a marketing funder is responsible for increasing the number of bank customers. Related to this, the purpose of this research is to find out the Marketing Funding Strategy in Increasing the Number of Customers at BNI Syariah Parepare Bank.
The type of research used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method, the source of research data, namely primary data is data obtained directly in the field based on interviews with informants, namely with customers and employees of funding Bank BNI Syariah Parepare and secondary data obtained from several supporting sources such as books, journals and other data sources related to the research title. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The theory of strategy used in this research is planning, implementation and evaluation.
The results of this study indicate that: 1) The strategic planning carried out by marketing funding in increasing the number of customers at BNI Syariah Parepare is to determine the target goals first, while the target goals of marketing funding at BNI Syariah Parepare are institutions and individual customers. 2) The implementation of the strategy carried out by marketing funding to achieve these goals is by conducting outreach to agencies and for individual customers by conducting direct door to door visits to introduce BNI Syariah products. 3) Evaluation of the strategy carried out by marketing funding at BNI Syariah Parepare is by reviewing internal and external factors, assessing the performance that has been carried out by looking at the achievement of targets whether these targets can be achieved and continue to increase or not and if not achieved then the next step is to carry out One of the corrective actions taken is to continue to improve Islamic bank products and programs so that they are able to attract public interest
School cooperatives are cooperatives whose members are students or students of a school that serves as a forum for educating the growing awareness of cooperatives among students. For this reason, we need a forum that is expected to be able to achieve these objectives, namely school cooperatives. Cooperatives have a direct contribution to the welfare of their members because cooperatives have the principle of kinship and also the function of cooperatives for the welfare of their members. DDI Lilbanat Islamic boarding school as one of the business units, Islamic boarding schools aim to meet the needs of teachers and students in daily life. This research was conducted by raising the issue of: 1. How the efforts of DDI Lilbanat boarding school cooperatives in meeting the needs and improving the welfare of teachers and students, 2. How is the function of the DDI Lilbanat boarding school cooperatives in order to improve the welfare of teachers and students.This type of research used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method, the data in this study were obtained from primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the inductive method and the deductive method.Environmental problems will arise from the interaction between human economic activities and natural resources, which starts from the demand of the population for goods and services, which in turn results in increased demand for natural resources. Through economic activities, the natural resources are exploited to produce a product in the form of goods and services.In the kelurahan area in the exploitation of natural resources produced to produce goods or services carried out through sand mining, sand miners are one of the main economic growth factors in an area, especially in the sand mining location.This type of research used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method, the data in this study were obtained from primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique is to use qualitative data analysis.Implications in determining the results of research using a process that results in economic improvement by looking at the good and bad impacts and how to know the economic development of the community before and after the existence of a sand mine in Padaidi Village as a research location, and want to know how to analyze Islamic economic law.The results of this study indicate that: 1) the economic development of the community has been able to improve the economy of the community by looking at the economic development of the community before and after the existence of sand mining 2) the implications generated in seeing the positive and negative impacts have really helped the community, such as the opening of jobs and income levels for the community, and does not have too bad an impact on the environmentMasalah lingkungan akan timbul dari adanya interaksi antara aktivitas ekonomi manusia dan sumberdaya alam, yang berawal dari adanya permintaan penduduk akan barang dan jasa, selanjutnya mengakibatkan meningkatnya permintaan sumber daya alam. Melalui kegiatan ekonomi, sumber daya alam tersebut diekplotasi untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk berupa barang dan jasa.
Pada daerah kelurahan padaidi eksplotasi sumber daya alam yang dihasilkan untuk menghasilkan barang atau jasa dilakukan melalui penambngan pasir, penambang pasir menjadi salahsatu faktor pertumbuhn ekonomi pada suatu daerah khususnya padaidi yang merupakan lokasi penambangan pasir.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisis datanya yaitu menggunakan analisis data kualitatif.
Implikasi dalam menentukan hasil dari penelitian menggunakan proses sehingga menhasilkan peningkatan perekonomian dengan melihat dampak baik dan buruknya serta bagaimana mengetahui perkembangan perekonomian masyarakkat sebelum dan sesudah adanya tambang pasir di Kelurahan Padaidi sebagai lokasi penelitian, dan ingin mengetahui bagaimana analisis hukum ekonomi islamnya.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa:1) perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat sudah dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat dengan melihat perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat sebelum dan sesudah adanya pertambangan pasir 2) implikasi yang dihasilkan dalam melihat dampak positif dan negatifnya sudahh sangat membantu masyarakat, seperti terbukanya lapangan pekerjaan dan tingkat pendapatannya bagi masyarakat, dan tidak terlalu berdampak buruk pada lingkungan 3)standar produksi jual beli berdasarkan ekonomi islam pada pertambangan yaitu sudah dinilai dengan baik oleh masyarakat, serta tidak terlalu berdampak pada lingkungan dan tingkat kemakmuran masyarakat sangat bai
Judge Consideration of Marriage Dispensation at Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court
This study explains that applications for marriage dispensation at the Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court have increased from year to year, and in 2019 there were 222 cases. The purpose of this study is to describe the development of the marriage dispensation, analyze the reasons behind the application for a marriage dispensation, and reveal the judges' considerations regarding the intent of the Marriage Law in Article 7 paragraph 2 of Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, the research location is at the Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court, for primary data sources, namely copies of decisions, marriage laws, judges, clerks and justice seeking societies and secondary data sources. The results of this study indicate that 1) Marriage dispensation at the Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court, from year to year always increases and in 2019 experienced a very sharp increase; 2) Based on cultural, educational, economic, environmental factors and pregnancy outside of marriage, and 3) Juridical analysis of the legal considerations of the Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court judge regarding the marriage dispensation Law Number 16 of 2019 and based on the rules of fiqhi and maqashid al-Syariah, the reality ignores several administrative requirements that can support judges' considerations to realize and guarantee the best interests of children
Konflik Sosial Keagamaan Islam Non-Mainstream dalam Masyarakat Majemuk di Indonesia
This paper discusses how Islamic religious movements in relation to social conflict in the lives of people in Indonesia khsususnya Makassar, with menggacu in the case of the non-Islamist movements such as the Ahmadiyah congregation maisntream and An-Nadzir. A group of local religious activity can trigger social conflict which considered deviant religious teachings of the dominant religion. Of social conflict, can lead to violence on the grounds of blasphemy, which is triggered by the presence of the social activities of religious communities or followers of certain religious ideas are somewhat different or perceived menyempal (non-mainstream) of the religion practiced in general (mainstream) in the life of Indonesian society. Conflict is often the case in Indonesia in recent years often contain a complex load. Arguably, political charged presumably still dominant influence, in addition to the problems and feelings suppressed disappointment so far.Tulisan ini mendiskusikan bagaimana gerakan keagamaan Islam dalam kaitannya dengan konflik sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat di Indonesia khsususnya di wilayah Makassar, dengan menggacu pada kasus kelompok gerakan Islam non-maisntream seperti jamaah Ahmadiyah dan An-Nadzir. Di mana aktivitas keagamaan sekelompok masyarakat ini dapat memicu munculnya konflik sosial keagamaan yang dianggap menyimpang dari ajaran agama yang dominan. Dari konflik sosial tersebut, dapat menimbulkan aksi-aksi kekerasan dengan alasan penodaan agama, yang dipicu oleh adanya aktivitas sosial keagamaan komunitas atau penganut paham keagamaan tertentu yang agak berbeda atau dianggap menyempal (non-mainstream) dari ajaran agama yang dipraktikkan secara umum (mainstream) dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Konflik yang sering terjadi di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini sering mengandung muatan yang kompleks. Boleh dikatakan, muatan politis agaknya masih dominan mempengaruhi, di samping masalah kekecewaan dan perasaan ditekan selama ini
Kafalah is a guarantee given by a bank to certain parties, be it an individual, company, body or other institution in the form of a guarantee letter. The purpose of providing the guarantee is that the bank guarantees that it will pay or accept the obligations of the party that is guaranteed to the party who received the guarantee, if in the future the guarantor does not fulfill the obligations of the other party in accordance with the agreement. In the services of Bank BTN Syariah using two contracts, namely kafalah and wadi'ah. In the kafalah (guarantee) contract, the bank becomes a kafil for the customer who becomes full to bear the obligations to a party.
This study uses a qualitative method. The data in this study were obtained from primary data and secondary data. With data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and study documentation
The results of this study indicate that several things have occurred: in the guarantee mechanism there are 3 (three) parties involved, namely, the bank as the guarantor, the guarantor (the customer requesting the guarantee), and the guarantee recipient. The implementation of guarantee services at Bank BTN Syariah Parepare is carried out in several stages, namely: the application stage, the analysis stage, the processing stage, and the issuance of the guarantee, as well as the guarantee completion stage. The implementation of guarantee services at Bank BTN Syariah Parepare runs and is carried out properly by referring to the National Sharia Council (DSN) Fatwa Number: 11 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 concerning Kafalah. Bank BTN Syariah Parepare provides a fast service system (one day service) in issuing guarantees. With the issuance of a guarantee, it is very beneficial for both Bank BTN Syariah Parepare and for customers (principals) as users of guarantee service products. The impact for Bank BTN Syariah Parepare is that the bank receives income from the issuance of guarantees, thereby increasing the company's fee-based income. Whereas the customer (principal) can obtain a guarantee facility without requiring a large amount of collateral or cash collateral allocation, only being obliged to pay the following costs: premium costs, insurance costs, administrative costs and stamp duty feesGaransi adalah suatu jaminan yang diberikan bank pada pihak tertentu baik perorangan, perusahaan, badan ataupun lembaga lainnya dalam bentuk surat jaminan. Tujuan pemberian jaminan tersebut yaitu bank menjamin akan membayar atau menerima kewajiban dari pihak yang dijaminkan pada pihak yang menerima jaminan, jika di kemudian hari yang dijamin tidak memenuhi kewajiban pada pihak lain sesuai dengan perjanjian. Pada pelayanan jasa Bank BTN Syariah menggunakan dua akad yakni kafalah dan wadiāah. Pada akad kafalah (garansi) pihak bank menjadi kafil atas nasabah yang menjadi makful lah untuk menanggung kewajiban-kewajiban kepada suatu pihak.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan beberapa hal terjadi: dalam mekanisme garansi terdapat 3 (tiga) pihak yang terkait yaitu, bank sebagai penjamin, terjamin (nasabah peminta jaminan), dan penerima jaminan. Penerapan jasa garansi pada Bank BTN Syariah Parepare dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, yaitu : tahap permohonan, tahap analisa, tahap pemerosesan, dan penerbitan garansi, serta tahap penyelesaian garansi. Penerapan jasa garansi pada Bank BTN Syariah Parepare berjalan dan dilaksanakan dengan baik dengan berpedoman pada Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN) Nomor : 11/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 tentang Kafalah. Bank BTN Syariah Parepare memberikan system layanan yang cepat (one day service) dalam penerbitan garansi. Dengan adanya penerbitan garansi, sangat menguntungkan baik bagi Bank BTN Syariah Parepare maupun bagi nasabah (principal) selaku pengguna produk jasa garansi. Dampak bagi Bank BTN Syariah Parepare adalah bank memperoleh pendapatan dari penerbitan garansi, sehingga meningkatkan fee based income perusahaan. Sedangkan bagi nasabah (principal) dapat memperoleh fasilitas garansi tanpa memerlukan alokasi jaminan atau cash collateral dengan jumlah yang besar, hanya berkewajiban untuk membayar biaya-biaya sebagai berikut : biaya premi, biaya asuransi, biaya administrasi dan biaya matera
The Perspective of The People on The Settlement of Criminal Cases Through Penal Meditation at Parepare City
This study discusses the public perception of criminal cases through penal mediation in the perspective of jinÄyah fiqh in the city of Parepare. crime in the perspective of jinÄyah fiqh. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method that uses a normative and juridical theological approach, while the data sources in this study come from primary data, namely police reports from the Parepare Police and secondary data, namely data relating to documents, books, journals and others. The data collection techniques of this research are in the form of case studies, interviews and documentation. Criminal cases that occurred in Parepare City were caused by perception target factors, namely in the form of events, ways of thinking, and actions as well as public perceptions of criminal cases that were resolved through penal mediation so that it had a positive impact on the community because it was easy to do, benefited all parties, and the process implementation is not long
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