45 research outputs found

    Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and the Professional Competency of the University Teachers: An Investigative Servey

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    A paramount factor in the education system is the teacher. Emotional Intelligence is a significant aspect and growing concerns are now remunerating attention towards its role in teacher’s potential for competency and professional excellence. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is an important trouper and core component of professional success in teaching at higher level of education but, it has been overlooked in past and sufficient information isn’t available.  This research examine the influence of various dimensions of emotional intelligence on professional teaching competencies of the university faculty. The results of the study analyzed and describe by using standard deviation, mean and t-test through SPSS. The result shows that there is a significant positive relationship exist in emotional intelligence and professional competence. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Professional Competenc

    M- Learning: A Contemporary Mode of Instructional Technology in Education

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    The aim  of this research was to find out the modern  developing  trends to adaptation of m-learning in education system in order to enhance interactive  teaching learning performance, achievement , positive social and economic impact and to determine whether m-learning is more effective mode of learning than traditional modes. The study was survey type. Population was consisted of various field of life. The sample size was consisted on 250 participants by using randomly sampling technique. The data were collected from survey, analyzed and interpreted by using mean, standard deviation and t-test through the use of statistical package SPSS. The survey results were very positive and in favor of the mobile phone-based teaching learning system. So it is recommended that the m-learning should be widely used at various levels of education as a contemporary mode of teaching learning process. Keywords: M-learning, Educational technology, interactive learning, individualized   learning, socialization, economic factor

    The Quest of Quality and Accountability Standards of Accreditation of Teacher Education Programmes: A Meta-Analysis

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    This paper is the meta- analysis of accreditation of teachers ‘education programmes which deals with the accreditation process and initiatives regarding improvement of teacher education Programmes. Triangulation was attained through document analysis of NACTE and HEC initiatives along with thirty-one articles related to the international accreditation of Teacher education programmes. Thematic analysis has been completed with reference to accreditation of teacher education programs. Method of  study was critically reviewing and analysis the accreditation practices in teacher education globally and nationally by comparing and contrast the twenty one number of researches, three survey reports along with their sample size and effect size for the aggregate effect. The findings show the gap between the scope of quality accreditation standards and dissimilar dealing with some of the indicators with orientation to its implication. Limitation of the study in particular area is the concern of missing data in multidimensional aspects of the research study and secondly model driven meta-analysis results are based on different sample, population and different sets of studies. Pakistani standards may be reviewed keeping in view the international standards of teacher education programmes accreditation. National accreditation council must have to set new targets to meet the international teacher education program goals, so monitoring and assessment of teacher education programmes must be proceeding regular bases, free of biases to encounter the quality accreditation of teacher education programs. Keywords: Teacher Education, National Accreditation, Quality Assurance, Quality Standards. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-16-04 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Effectiveness of Modular Approach in Teaching at University Level

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    The key purpose of this research was to find out the effectiveness of modular approach in teaching in order to assess the student learning, performance and achievement and to determine whether the modular teaching is more effective than traditional methods. The study was experimental type. Equivalent group study design was used. Population was university students of Master in educational planning and management. Sample size was consisted on 30 students. The data were collected from both groups(controlled and experimental) analyzed and interpreted by using mean, standard deviation and t-test through the use of statistical package SPSS. The result’ scores were in the favor of usage of modular teaching approach. So it is recommended that the modular approach should be widely used at various levels of education. Key words: Modular Approach, Self learning, Individualized Instruction

    The Influence of Working Environment on the Performance and Productivity of the Workers Belongs to Various Sectors of Islamabad: A Statistical Survey

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    A work environment can be identified as the place that one works, which means the milieus around a person. It is the social and professional environment in which a person is supposed to interact with a number of people. The work environment has a significant impact upon employee performance and productivity. This study aims to provide the vital information regarding the work environment factors which have an influence on employee performance. The work place becomes an integral part of the work itself. Businesses must step outside their traditional roles to create a work environment where employees enjoy what they do, have pride in what they do, can reach their potential. The respondents surveyed were the employees of the various government and private sectors of District Islamabad. Total number of employees surveyed was 100. The study showed how the work environment in these organizations is affecting the employee performance. Objectives of the study were to ascertain the relationship between employees and their working environment, to determine the impact of work environment on employee performance and to suggest measures and make appropriate recommendations to improve the working conditions for better performance. Descriptive sample survey used to carry out the study. Simple random sampling technique was respectively used to select the respondents for the study and data was analyzed and interpreted by using the mean, standard deviation and chi-square through SPSS. Keywords: Work Environment, Employee Performance, Participative Management, Productivity, Interpersonal Relationship, Training and Development, Employee Welfare, Monetary Benefits, Supervision, Advancement. DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/60-02 Publication date:October 31st 201

    Clinical skills in undergraduate program and Curricular change – does it make a difference?

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    Background Clinical Skills Laboratory (CSL) was established at Foundation University Medical College (FUMC) in year 2009 with the introduction of integrated modular teaching program. A structured integrated curriculum was introduced from the Class of year 2013 for learning of clinical skills at CSL. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of introducing the new curriculum on student’s performance in CSL. Methods A comparative analytical study was conducted. The OSCE scores of group A (Class of year 2011) were compared with group B (Class of 2013). Data collection tool was institutional checklist. The OSCE stations were of General Physical Examination (GPE), history taking, systemic examination of Gastrointestinal tract and communication skills. Reliability of the scores was estimated through Cronbach α. Mean scores of the two groups were compared using the independent sample t test and Mann Whitney U-test. Chi-square test was used to compare variables (years, gender and educational background). Comparison of student scores at different components of OSCE using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was done.   Results Reliability of scores was 0.65 for group B and 0.52 for group A. comparison of overall scores of the two groups reflected improved performance in the group B (p 0.001). Comparison of scores at different components of OSCE using ANOVA also reflected better performance of group B (p<0.01). OSCE scores of both the groups were also correlated for gender and educational background. No difference was found in the two groups on the basis of gender and educational background. Conclusion To enhance the value of clinical skills training and to make it more effective, skill lab curriculum must be structured and integrated within the undergraduate curriculum. Key words;Clinical skills laboratory, undergraduate integrated curriculum, clinical skills training&nbsp

    Assessing Gender Mainstreaming in Developmental Organizations of Abbottabad

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    The study assesses strategies of various developmental organizations in Abbottabad to incorporate gender in Project management. This is census based research because of various limitations attached with data collection, whole population considered to reduce the chances of maximum error. Data analysis performed by descriptive statistics, correlation and regression. The results show that there are strategies at national level and various international commitments as well. Moreover, a five year project also implemented successfully by UNDP to spread the awareness of gender mainstreaming and to make the organizations to adopt gender mainstreaming in their policies, planning and managements. However, primary data analysis shows that employers are aware of gender mainstreaming and have aptitude about gender mainstreaming, but due to no implementation of designed national level policies, both genders feel lot of problems regarding the fulfillment of their duties. These problems create stress and frustration and deteriorate the effectiveness of employers work that ultimately impact badly on overall efficiency of organizations

    Using technology acceptance model to measure the use of social media for collaborative learning in Ghana

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    In this Digital era, thousands of teens in the universities use social network sites; it has become a way of life. Social Media Usage has recently received numerous debates in its impact on academics, with its advent, communities have become link to each other, but the lecture room still remains quite isolated, from other teachers, students, and a host of others who could potentially enhance learning. This study aimed at investigating the impact of social media usage on students’ academic performance through collaborative learning among university students in Ghana. Based Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw (1989), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), a conceptual framework was adopted for the study. To achieve the objectives, a quantitative data analysis method was employed. A total of 200 students were randomly surveyed for the study. Regression analysis revealed that, Interaction with peers, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness had a significant positive relationship with collaborative learning. Furthermore, results suggested that there exist a significant mediation effects on the relationship between social media usage dimensions and academic performance. TAM does not take into account environment or economic factors that may influence a person’s intention to perform a behavior. The study recommends a clear mobile learning methodologies, rules and policies for integrating student activities on social media into their final gradesPeer Reviewe

    Barriers to Innovation and Public Policy in Sub-Sahara Africa

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    Countries in sub-Sahara Africa are increasingly becoming aware of the role of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in lifting the region from the doldrums of poverty and deprivation. This is necessary if the continent aims to add value to its raw material in order to remain competitive in the global market and at the same time diversify the structure of its economies.  This paper aims to explore policies on STI implemented across countries in the region and how these policies have managed to change the status quo and ultimately led to building technological capability economies to enhance the wellbeing of the region.The paper primarily focuses on countries within sub-Sahara Africa excluding North Africa and the Middle East. However, comparisons are occasionally drawn from certain countries in the west and emerging economies.The paper systematically reviews national science, technology and innovation plans of selected countries in sub-Sahara Africa. Other secondary sources included credible journal articles, commentary, webpages, working papers and reports published on the selected countries.Empirical evidence gathered from secondary sources indicate that governments in the region have built public organizations and institutions to support STI. Yet technology-capability indicators available illustrates the results are far from expectation. The paper further discusses the barriers faced by governments in the design and implementation of STI policies that have led to the ensuing situation.In the face of the significant progress in setting up institutional frameworks across countries in the region leading to the adoption of a systemic approach, the ensuing results of STI policies in the region is marginal as evidenced in the indicators. Human and financial resources devoted to them are in shortfall. We admonish countries in the region to take all the necessary steps to develop national evaluation and STI data stand. The success of this approach will be contingent on the region first of all being able to evolve a specific conceptual and methodological tools for monitoring and assessing STI policies. Area of financing STI policies have to be reconsidered. Tax incentives and havens for technology related businesses ought to be given priority to augment already existing instruments such as export-led instruments. Keywords: Barriers; Sub-Sahara Africa; Policy, Science and Technology and Innovation (STI); Entrepreneurship

    Review of Catalytic Transesterification Methods for Biodiesel Production

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    Attempts for improving the synthesis procedure of catalysts for fatty acid methyl ester production have been progressing for a considerable length of time. Biodiesel lessens net carbon dioxide emissions up to 78% with reference to conventional fuel. That is the reason for the improvement of new and operative solid catalysts necessary for inexhaustible and efficient fuel production. Homogenous base catalysts for transesterification is risky in light of the fact that its produces soap as byproduct, which makes difficult issues like product separation and not temperate for industrial application. In comparison, heterogeneous process gives higher quality FAME which can be effectively isolated and facilitate costly refining operations that are not required. A focus of this review article is to study and compare various biodiesel synthesis techniques that are being researched. The catalytic strength of numerous heterogeneous solid catalysts (acid and base), specially earth and transition metal oxides were also appraised. It was observed that catalytic proficiency relied upon a few factors, for example, specific surface area, pore size, volume and active site concentration at catalyst surface. This review article will give assistance in assortment of appropriate catalysts and the ideal conditions for biodiesel generation