39 research outputs found

    An Analytical Study of Relationship between Socio-Economic Profile and Impact of Minimum Support Price Scheme on Small Farmers of Begusarai District of Bihar

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    Minimum Support Price fixed by the government to protect the farmers against excessive fall in price during bumper production years. Questions, are being raised about the efficacy and effectiveness of the instruments of price policy specifically the Minimum Support Prices. Under these circumstances it assumes greater significance to understand the impact caused by the minimum support prices on small farmers with socio-economic scale. Total of 60 beneficiaries and 60 non-beneficiaries was selected in Teghara block of Bihar district by purposive sampling method.  The primary data were collected with the help of interview schedule and the responses were recorded, classified and tabulated and appropriate statistical tools were employed. The results showed that higher percentage of small farmers were middle aged, attained middle school level education and had low income, the beneficiaries who had primary school level education with high farm experience, present near to the market and contacted extension agents had been sought to have more impacted. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i8.00

    Association between Knowledge, Adoption and Socio-Economic Profile of Maize Growers regarding Improved Maize Production Practices in Begusarai District of Bihar

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    The present study on socio-economic profile of the respondents and determine the level of knowledge and adoption in improved maize cultivation practices as enterprises. Begusarai district of Bihar is selected purposively for the present study, because there were large number of maize farmers in the district and also the researcher knows about the area and well conversant with language, geographical, agricultural and other aspect of the area. There are 18 blocks in the selected district out of that Teghra block is selected purposively for present study because there are large number of farmers. From that seven villages were randomly selected and a total of 120 maize farmers were selected using proportionate random sampling method. a comprehensive structured interview schedule covering all aspects of the improved maize production practices was prepared. The items included in the interview schedule were structured questions and objective type questions which were suitable to all categories of respondents. The data was collected from them, analyzed using MS-excel and the finding of the study has been given below. Majority of the respondents possessed middle level of innovativeness and economic motivation and high level of decision making ability and risk orientation. The overall knowledge an adoption level of the maize farmers was found under medium level. The local extension officials along with scientists should take appropriate knowledge promotional strategies such as training, demonstrations, exhibitions, etc., to impart cent per cent knowledge level and to increase the extent of adoption among the respondents. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i8.00


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    The study conducted was to understand the perception and attitude of the farmers towards sustainable farming in Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh. Seven random villages were selected in Jasra block at Bara tehsil, in total 110 respondents were selected randomly for this study, the data was collected with the help of a self-designed well-structured interview schedule by personally interviewing by the researcher. The data was then statically analysed. The results concluded that majority of the respondents 43.63% had a highly favourable perception towards sustainable farming followed by 31.82% favourable and only 24.55% had unfavourable perception about it. And the findings also revealed that most of the respondents i.e. 50% had favourable attitude regarding sustainable farming while the other 29.09% had unfavourable and 20.91% highly favourable attitude. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2022.v09i05.00

    Information Seeking Behavior and Utilization of Social Media for Agricultural Information by Farmers of Prayagraj District of Uttar Pradesh

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    Social media is becoming very important implement in agriculture to edge people to people due to its capacity to connect with farmers and agribusiness people around the globe over hug geographical distances. At present time there are 2.078 billion social media user in the world. The study was conducting in purposely selected Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh of also purposely two selecting blocks two villages from each block. Selected for the study   Thus, in all, four villages thirty farmers were selected randomly. Thus, total 120 respondents were selected randomly and interviewed with the help of well semi structured schedule. The statistical tools/technique was used to computing the data and information. Descriptive research design was followed for the analysis. Maximum number respondents communicate through social media and WhatsApp is highly exposed and adopted by the respondents in the study area. Smart phones, computer usage and internet should be promoted among stakeholders (esp. farmers).majority of the respondents information getting through Kisan SMS Portal. The highest utilization level of the respondents about social media programme was WhatsApp with a weighted mean score of 1.58 and it was ranked first, followed by the Kisan SMS Portal a weighted mean score was 1.43 with ranked was second, while YouTube was ranked third and so on. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i8.00


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    The present study was conducted in Korukonda and Ramchandrapuram   division having prominent area under brinjal in East Godavari district by selecting 4 villages  from each  mandal  for study. Total 72 brinjal growers were selected. The study revealed  that personal and socio economic characteristics of the respondents education, , land holding , extension  participation , area under brinjal , extension contact and mass media exposure  were positively and significantly correlated with their level of adoption of IPM  practices.  The variable age, family type, annual income and occupation had negative and significant correlation with the adoption level. Availability of biopesticides, pheromone traps and light traps at reasonable price and at local places were the important suggestions made by brinjal growers. The other suggestions were insect organization of demonstration campaign for proper guidance on IPM practices and for identifying insect pest from state department of agriculture and state agricultural universities. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i10.00

    Socio-Economic Condition and Constraints faced by Tea Garden Women Workers in Chhattisgarh

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    The present study was conducted in Jashpur district of Chhattisgarh to find out the socio-economic condition of women tea growers, to find out the constraints faced by them and seek suggestions to improve better working conditions. A total of 120 respondents were selected randomly for the present study. The data was collected through a pre-structured interview schedule and later appropriate statistical analysis was done to find out meaningful result. The result showed that the women tea growers found that there was improper sanitation facility inside the tea garden. They suggested that improved sanitation facility and social mobility could help them to improve better working environment. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i9.00


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    Women plays a significant and crucial role in agricultural development and allied fields. The central role of women in any society ensures stability, progress and long-term development of a nation. Rice is the stable food of more than half of the world’s populations. It is known fact that rural women historically have played and continue to play important role in rice farming activities. Considering the importance regarding the extent of participation of rural women in rice cultivation. Hence the present study was undertaken to find out the extent of participation of rural women in paddy cultivation with respect to socio-economic profile of rural women of Wangoi tehsil in Imphal- West district of Manipur. The study revealed that the relationship between participation and socio-economic profile of respondents were Education(0.295*), Mass media exposure (0.371*), Social participation(0.430*), Sources of information(0.300*), Innovative Proneness(0.478*) and Economic motivation(0.414*) are positively significant at 0.05% whereas Age(-0.164NS), Family size(0.186NS), Annual income(0.177NS) and Land holdings(-0.159NS) are positive but non-significant at 0.05% to extend of participation of the respondent respectively. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i4.00


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    India is an agrarian based country with two third of population as farming community. Wheat, ‘King of cereals’ also the second most cultivated food crop has technological gap in adoption of improved variety, hence the present study aims to understand the socio-economic profile, knowledge, attitude and adoption level of respondents to identify the technological gap and increase the adoption rate. The present study is carried out with 120 respondents from ten villages of Holgarh block of Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh. Primary data collected with the help of semi-structured interview schedule and subjected to statistical analysis. The results indicated that majority of the wheat growers had medium level of knowledge, attitude and adoption towards SHUATS W-6 variety. Further, it was recommended for timely availability of seeds, fertilizer, proper marketing facility and reducing the cost of critical inputs. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i9.00


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    The present study was undertaken with the main objective of assessing the effectiveness of agricultural programmes of different channels as perceived by the televiewing farmers. Before and After research design was followed in the present investigation. The study was conducted in Tirupathi mandal, Chittoor district which were selected purposively. The data were collected randomly by talking personally interview of 120 televiewers. The data was collected by personal interview method through structured interview schedule. Majority of the respondents were middle aged, had medium level of education, medium farming experience, medium land holding, medium level of extension contact, mass media exposure, economic orientation, achievement motivation and innovativeness. Majority of the respondents had perception of televiewing farmers of different channels with respect to components of effectiveness, namely understandability, usefulness, demonstration mode of presentation, entertainment and relevancy of pictures. “Time duration is not sufficient”, “Telecast time is not convenient”, “Telecast programmes are useful to the farming community” and “Telecast programme are drawing attention of the farmers to bring awareness on new technology” were the major reactions of the respondents. Telecast time need to be changed from 6:00am-7.00am and 7.00pm-9.00pm, all programmes should be telecasted should be telecasted daily, information on the schedule of the topics to be telecasted in the telecasted in the consecutive week should be advertised at the starting of the week, separate television channel is required to telecast agriculture related activities. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i9.01

    Socio-Economic Characterization of Farmers Based on Content and Frequency of Messages Being Disseminated Through ICT Tools

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    Socio-economic profile of farmers based on content and frequency of messages being disseminated through ICT tools was studied. ICT plays an important role among the farmers in the village of Pusa block as a source of keeping them updated and connected. The data has been collected from 120 farmers using ICT tools through face to face interview. Descriptive research design was followed for the study. The selection of block and villages was done purposively and randomly as per the ICT users. The study concludes that role of ICTs in agriculture development was influenced by content of information and the respondents age, caste, education, size of family, family type, social participation, family annual income, sources of information and size of land holding, high and medium level of knowledge about agricultural activities among farmers through ICT tools. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i9.02