152 research outputs found

    Facilitating text reading in posterior cortical atrophy

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    Objective We report 1) the first quantitative investigation of text reading in posterior cortical atrophy (PCA); and 2) the effects of two novel software-based reading aids that result in dramatic improvements in PCA patients' reading ability. Methods Reading performance, eye movements and fixations were assessed in PCA and typical Alzheimerā€™s disease (tAD) patients and healthy controls (Experiment 1). Two reading aids (single- and double-word) were evaluated based on the notion that reducing the spatial and oculomotor demands of text reading might support reading in PCA (Experiment 2). Results PCA patientsā€™ mean reading accuracy was significantly worse (57%) compared to both tAD patients (98%) and healthy controls (99%); spatial aspects of passages were the primary determinants of text reading ability in PCA. Both aids led to considerable gains in reading accuracy (PCA mean reading accuracy: single-word reading aid = 96%; individual patient improvement range: 6%-270%) and self-rated measures of reading. Data suggest a greater efficiency of PCA patientsā€™ fixations and eye movements under the single-word reading aid. Conclusions These findings demonstrate how neurological characterisation of a neurodegenerative syndrome (PCA) and detailed cognitive analysis of an important everyday skill (reading) can combine to yield aids capable of supporting important everyday functional abilities. Classification of evidence This study provides Class III evidence that for patients with posterior cortical atrophy, two software-based reading aids (single-word and double-word) improve reading accuracy

    Defining a Conceptual Topography of Word Concreteness: Clustering Properties of Emotion, Sensation, and Magnitude among 750 English Words

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    Cognitive science has a longstanding interest in the ways that people acquire and use abstract vs. concrete words (e.g., truth vs. piano). One dominant theory holds that abstract and concrete words are subserved by two parallel semantic systems. We recently proposed an alternative account of abstract-concrete word representation premised upon a unitary, high dimensional semantic space wherein word meaning is nested. We hypothesize that a range of cognitive and perceptual dimensions (e.g., emotion, time, space, color, size, visual form) bound this space, forming a conceptual topography. Here we report a normative study where we examined the clustering properties of a sample of English words (N = 750) spanning a spectrum of concreteness in a continuous manner from highly abstract to highly concrete. Participants (N = 328) rated each target word on a range of 14 cognitive dimensions (e.g., color, emotion, valence, polarity, motion, space). The dimensions reduced to three factors: Endogenous factor, Exogenous factor, and Magnitude factor. Concepts were plotted in a unified, multimodal space with concrete and abstract concepts along a continuous continuum. We discuss theoretical implications and practical applications of this dataset. These word norms are freely available for download and use at http://www.reilly-coglab.com/data/

    Looking but Not Seeing: Recent Perspectives on Posterior Cortical Atrophy

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    Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is the canonical ā€œvisual dementia,ā€ with affected individuals experiencing a progressive disintegration of their visual world owing to dysfunction and atrophy at the back of the brain. The syndrome, which also affects literacy, numeracy, and gesture, is typically caused by Alzheimerā€™s disease, but is distinguished from more common amnestic presentations by virtue of relatively preserved episodic memory and insight. Although problems with object and space perception are the most widely reported and investigated symptoms, these higher-order perceptual difficulties are often underpinned by an array of changes in more basic visual and oculomotor processes. Here we review recent studies providing insights into these more elementary aspects of vision in PCA, including fixation stability, saccade generation, point localization, excessive crowding, and factors affecting the effective field of vision. We argue that a more detailed appreciation of these fundamental changes in the early visual system not only will improve the characterization and understanding of this rare clinico-radiological syndrome but will also guide the design of visual aids and strategies aimed at maintaining everyday abilities in individuals with PCA

    The oral spelling profile of Posterior Cortical Atrophy and the nature of the graphemic representation

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    Spelling is a complex cognitive task where central and peripheral components are involved in engaging resources from many different cognitive processes. The present paper aims to both characterize the oral spelling deficit in a population of patients affected by a neurodegenerative condition and to clarify the nature of the graphemic representation within the currently available spelling models. Indeed, the nature of graphemic representation as a linear or multi-componential structure is still debated. Different hypotheses have been raised about its nature in the orthographic lexicon, with one positing that graphemes are complex objects whereby quantity and identity are separately represented in orthographic representations and can thus be selectively impaired. Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a neurodegenerative condition that mainly affects visuoperceptual and visuospatial functions. Spelling impairments are considered part of the disease. Nonetheless the spelling deficit has received little attention so far and often it has been interpreted in relation to peripheral impairments such as writing difficulties associated with visuoperceptual and visuospatial deficits. In the present study we provide a detailed characterization of the oral spelling profile in PCA. The data suggest that multiple deficits underpin oral spelling problems in PCA, with elements of surface and phonological dysgraphia but also suggesting the involvement of the graphemic buffer. A large phenotypic individual variability is reported. Moreover, the larger proportion and the specific nature of errors involving geminate (i.e., double) as compared to non-geminate (i.e., non-double) letters suggest that a further central impairment might be associated with the abstract graphemic representation of letter numerosity. The present study contributes to the clinical characterization of PCA and to the current debate in the cognitive literature on spelling models. Findings despite not definitive, support the hypothesis that graphemic representations are multidimensional mental objects that separately encode information about grapheme identity and quantity

    Intact reading in patients with profound early visual dysfunction

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    Despite substantial neuroscientific evidence for a region of visual cortex dedicated to the processing of written words, many studies continue to reject explanations of letter-by-letter (LBL) reading in terms of impaired word form representations or parallel letter processing in favour of more general deficits of visual function. In the current paper, we demonstrate that whilst LBL reading is often associated with general visual deficits, these deficits are not necessarily sufficient to cause reading impairment and have led to accounts of LBL reading which are based largely on evidence of association rather than causation. We describe two patients with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) who exhibit remarkably preserved whole word and letter reading despite profound visual dysfunction. Relative to controls, both patients demonstrated impaired performance on tests of early visual, visuoperceptual and visuospatial processing; visual acuity was the only skill preserved in both individuals. By contrast, both patients were able to read aloud words with perfect to near-perfect accuracy. Reading performance was also rapid with no overall significant difference in response latencies relative to age- and education-matched controls. Furthermore, the patients violated a key prediction of general visual accounts of LBL reading ā€“ that pre-lexical impairments should result in prominent word length effects; in the two reported patients, evidence for abnormal word length effects was equivocal or absent, and certainly an order of magnitude different to that reported for LBL readers. We argue that general visual accounts cannot explain the pattern of reading data reported, and attribute the preserved reading performance to preserved direct access to intact word form representations and/or parallel letter processing mechanisms. The current data emphasise the need for much clearer evidence of causality when attempting to draw connections between specific aspects of visual processing and different types of acquired peripheral dyslexia

    The undiscovered syndrome: Macdonald Critchley's case of semantic dementia

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    Semantic dementia is a unique clinicopathological syndrome in the frontotemporal lobar degeneration spectrum. It is characterized by progressive and relatively selective impairment of semantic memory, associated with asymmetric antero-inferior temporal lobe atrophy. Although the syndrome became widely recognized only in the 1980s, descriptions of cases with typical features of semantic dementia have been on record for over a century. Here, we draw attention to a well documented historical case of a patient with features that would have fulfilled current consensus criteria for semantic dementia, as reconstructed from the notes made by her neurologist, Macdonald Critchley, in 1938. This case raises a number of issues concerning the nosology of the semantic dementia syndrome and the potential value of archived case material

    Linking somatic and symbolic representation in semantic memory: the dynamic multilevel reactivation framework

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    Biological plausibility is an essential constraint for any viable model of semantic memory. Yet, we have only the most rudimentary understanding of how the human brain conducts abstract symbolic transformations that underlie word and object meaning. Neuroscience has evolved a sophisticated arsenal of techniques for elucidating the architecture of conceptual representation. Nevertheless, theoretical convergence remains elusive. Here we describe several contrastive approaches to the organization of semantic knowledge, and in turn we offer our own perspective on two recurring questions in semantic memory research: (1) to what extent are conceptual representations mediated by sensorimotor knowledge (i.e., to what degree is semantic memory embodied)? (2) How might an embodied semantic system represent abstract concepts such as modularity, symbol, or proposition? To address these questions, we review the merits of sensorimotor (i.e., embodied) and amodal (i.e., disembodied) semantic theories and address the neurobiological constraints underlying each. We conclude that the shortcomings of both perspectives in their extreme forms necessitate a hybrid middle ground. We accordingly propose the Dynamic Multilevel Reactivation Frameworkā€”an integrative model predicated upon flexible interplay between sensorimotor and amodal symbolic representations mediated by multiple cortical hubs. We discuss applications of the dynamic multilevel reactivation framework to abstract and concrete concept representation and describe how a multidimensional conceptual topography based on emotion, sensation, and magnitude can successfully frame a semantic space containing meanings for both abstract and concrete words. The consideration of ā€˜abstract conceptual featuresā€™ does not diminish the role of logical and/or executive processing in activating, manipulating and using information stored in conceptual representations. Rather, it proposes that the materials upon which these processes operate necessarily combine pure sensorimotor information and higher-order cognitive dimensions involved in symbolic representation

    Visual dysfunction in Parkinson's disease

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    Patients with Parkinson's disease have a number of specific visual disturbances. These include changes in colour vision and contrast sensitivity and difficulties with complex visual tasks such as mental rotation and emotion recognition. We review changes in visual function at each stage of visual processing from retinal deficits, including contrast sensitivity and colour vision deficits to higher cortical processing impairments such as object and motion processing and neglect. We consider changes in visual function in patients with common Parkinson's disease-associated genetic mutations including GBA and LRRK2 We discuss the association between visual deficits and clinical features of Parkinson's disease such as rapid eye movement sleep behavioural disorder and the postural instability and gait disorder phenotype. We review the link between abnormal visual function and visual hallucinations, considering current models for mechanisms of visual hallucinations. Finally, we discuss the role of visuo-perceptual testing as a biomarker of disease and predictor of dementia in Parkinson's disease

    Retinal phenotyping of variants of Alzheimer's disease using ultra-widefield retinal images

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    Background: Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is the most common atypical variant of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Changes associated with PCA in the brain affect the visual cortex, but little is known about retinal changes in PCA. In this study, we explored retinal phenotypic variations in typical AD (tAD) and PCA. Methods: Retinal phenotyping was carried out on ultra-widefield (UWF) images of 69 control, 24 tAD, and 25 PCA participants. Results: Individuals with tAD (odds ratio [OR]Ā =Ā 2.76 [confidence interval (CI):1.24 to 6.10], PĀ =Ā .012) and PCA (ORĀ =Ā 3.40 [CI:1.25 to 9.22], PĀ =Ā .016) were more likely phenotyped as hard drusen. tAD (ORĀ =Ā 0.34 [CI:0.12 to 0.92], PĀ =Ā .035) were less likely to have soft drusen compared to control. Almost 3-fold increase in reticular pseudodrusen formation in tAD (ORĀ =Ā 2.93 [CI:1.10 to 7.76], PĀ =Ā .030) compared to control was estimated. Discussion: Studying the peripheral retina may contribute to a better understanding of differences in retinal phenotypes of different AD variants
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