17 research outputs found


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    Depression is a mood disorder that is characterized by profound and sustained sadness and sadness until the loss of life passion. Lemongrass which contains eugenol is thought to have the potential as an antidepressant that works by inhibiting the Mono Amine Oxidase enzyme. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of antidepressant citronella extract (Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle) on male white mice. This study used 5 treatment groups namely CMC Na 0.5%, amitriptilyn, lemongrass extract dose 1.5 mg/kgBB, 15 mg/kgBB and 150 mg/kgBB. Antidepressant testing was determined based on immobility time using the forsed swim test method. Data analysis using statistics was tested for normality and continued with the One Way Anova method with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that the most effective treatment group as an antidepressant was amitriptilyn followed by lemongrass extract dose 150 mg/kgBB. The conclusion of this study is that lemongrass extract dose 150 mg/kgBB has the effectiveness as an antidepressant but is no more effective than the comparison of amitri


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    The wound is a physical injury that results in tears and damage to skin tissue. One type of wound is excision wound, excision wound is of the a wound that is caused by cutting tissue by sharp object scratches. The main goal in wound management is to achieve rapid healing with optimal function and good results. That can be achieved by preventing further infection and trauma with the availability of an environment that can optimize the healing of the wound. One plant that has the potential to heal wounds is the paper petal plant. The purpose of thes study is to find out the effectiveness of giving paper petal extract to the healing of excision wounds in male rats. The study conducted in the Laboratory Health Institute of the Deli Husada Deli Tua. The extracts formulated into ointment preparations with concentrations of 10%, 15%, and 20% then conducted evaluation of ointment preparations, namely organoleptic tests, homogeneity tests, ph tests, visicosity tests, hedonic tests and spread power tests. The results of organoleptic tests and irritant tests of paper petal ethanol extract ointment preparations, all concentrations were declared good while in the most preferred hedonic test was a concentration of 10%. From the results of the spread test is a concentration of 15% with a static test value on the 21st day which is 6.3000 where this value is equal to the value of povidone iodine, while in the pH test on the 21st day the concentration that sees the best statistic test value is 10% concentration with a value of 6.4467 which is close to the value of povidone iodine which is 7.3133. The results of the study is each treatment group experienced a decrease in the diameter of the cut wound. Of the 5 treatment groups, the best reduction in the diameter of the cut wound was the positive control group (povidone iodine) and the 20% concentration where the statistic test value on the 15th day was 0.0000 where this value was equal to the value of povidone iodine. &nbsp


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    Background: The skin of the key orange (Citrus aurantiifolia) contains kuersetin, miristin, routinely, tangerine, naringin and hesperine, while the skin of the red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) contains betaalanin, anthocyanin, vitamin a, vitamin a, vitamin e, turnioid, flavonoid, tiamin, niacin, piridoine, kobalamin, carotene, and fitoalbumin. The research was intended to formulate it in a availability of facial serum and then evaluate its quality formula for a better facial serum from 16-4954-1998. Methods : This method of research is experimental in the laboratory by making 4 formulas consisting of  F1 as serum bases, F2 ratio     EKJN and EKBNM (1:1), F3 ratio EKJN  and EKBNM (1:2) ,F4 ratio EKJN and EKBNM  (2:1).Results : The results of all the formulas for existing existing face-serum EKJN ethanol and EKBNM viscers show a clear, clear, yellowish color, a gel-based, characteristic and homogenous odor. pH and viscosity scores on each condensed formula. No irritation test on the formula showed irritation to the skin.Conclusion : Based on this, it can be concluded that the combined ethanol extract of lime peel extract and red dragon fruit peel extract can be formulated into a facial serum cosmetic preparation and meets the quality requirements according to SNI

    Penyuluhan Tentang Manfaat Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleivera L.) Sebagai Obat Bisul Di Desa Sidomulyo

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    Moringa leaves are plants with a heap of advantages that come from the Moringaceae clan. Notwithstanding its little size, Moringa leaves likewise have an oval shape and stem. The tallness of the tree can arrive at 11 meters with the closures of the branches designed with yellow blossoms with a fragrant smell. Individuals of Sidomulyo town, have an extremely basic existence with jobs as development laborers, watchmen, occasional ranchers, and jobless. Every day necessities, for example, vegetables are gotten by establishing Moringa tree plants around the home climate. As well as addressing the necessities of vegetables, Advising on the Utilization of Moringa Leaves as a remedy for ulcers, it is surely known that Moringa leaves are excellent for the body and carry many advantages to our wellbeing. The proposer through the Local area Administration program gives preparing on Moringa leaves to be an amazing ulcer medication. This movement intends to give guiding with regards to the advantages of Moringa leaves for ulcers by home grown medication and can likewise urge the local area's economy to foster Moringa leaves. The consequences of this action include: 1) expanding the sound soul of each top of the family with an end goal to help wellbeing advancement exercises; The strategy utilized is preparing, coaching and assessment did during the local area administration program until the accomplices can foster great guiding. At long last reasoned that as accomplices, they will be imaginative and useful for their family pay

    Edukasi Penggunaan Obat Simptomatik Dan Antibiotik Terhadap Suatu Penyakit Kepada Siswa SMAS Primbana Medan

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    This article is an analysis of education regarding the use of symptomatic drugs and antibiotics for a disease for SMAS Primbana Medan students. Education on the use of symptomatic drugs and antibiotics for a disease is an important thing to educate students and the public to provide appropriate information on the good and appropriate use of symptomatic drugs and antibiotics, because of the high number of side effects in the use of symptomatic drugs and antibiotics in the community, one One side effect that occurs when using symptomatic drugs is stomach ulcers and when using antibiotics, namely antibiotic resistance. PKM activities are carried out in three stages, namely the production implementation stage, the evaluation stage and the reporting stage. PKM activities are useful for increasing public health knowledge and standards where students can participate in educating friends, family and the environment about when to use symptomatic drugs and antibiotics and when to stop using them


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    Background: Inflammation is a protective response of the body from the injury of the cell. Edema is one of the inflammation symptoms. Drumstick (Moringa oleifera L.) contains flavonoid a major of a bioactive constituent. Flavonoids inhibit COX-2 in inflammatory in mice. Objective: This study aims to investigate and to determine the anti-inflammatory activity and its effective dose extract. Method: Experimental. The extract was prepared by maceration method using ethanol 80%. An anti-inflammatory activity test was performed in five different groups. Each group consisted of 5 rats. The 1st group (negative control) was given 0,5% CMC-Na suspension, the 2nd group (positive control) was given diclofenac sodium 2,25 mg/kg BW, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th groups were successively given the drumstick leaf extract as much as 100, 150, and 200 mg/kg BW. Each rat was then induced by 1% carrageenan and tested using the subplantar method. The inflamed paw volume was measured using plestymometer. The measurements were done for 3 hours long with intervals of 30 minutes. The data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). Results: The results showed that the negative control had a significant difference with the other treatment groups which did not show any anti-inflammatory effect. Conclusion: Extract of a drumstick at a dose of 200 mg/kg BW has a better anti-inflammatory effect than ethanolic of a drumstick at dose of 100, 150 mg/kg BW, but still under sodium diclofenac.   &nbsp

    Uji Efektivitas Formulasi Sediaan Lipstik Menggunakan Bahan Pewarna Alami Dari Ekstrak Etanol Gambir (Uncaria Gambir (Hunteri)Roxb.) Dan Ekstrak Etanol Buah Stroberi (Fragaria Vesca).

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    Abstract: Lipstick is a form of lip coloring preparation which is a cosmetic preparation used to color the lips, to improve aesthetics in facial make-up. Lipstick preparations are available in various forms such as liquid, crayon, liptin, lipbam and cream. Lipstick consists of a coloring agent dispersed in a carrier made from a mixture of wax and oil, in such a composition as to provide the desired melting temperature and viscosity. The aim of the research is to determine the physical stability of lipstick preparations made from gambier extract and strawberry fruit extract as coloring agents. Sampling was carried out using a purposive sampling method, namely a random sampling methodology. The samples used were Gambir (Uncaria Gambir (Hunteri) Roxb.) and Ethanol Extract of Strawberries (Fragaria Vesca). then extracted by maceration using 96% ethanol solvent, concentrated by rotary. The combination of gambier ethanol extract and strawberry ethanol extract was formulated with a concentration of F1: 5%:5%, F2 :10%:10%. F315%:15%. Examination of the quality of the preparation includes organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, irritation, preference and continues with statistical analysis tests using One Way Anova. The results of normality tests with the Shapiro-Wilk test and homogeneity test, produce a value for each data > 0.05, so the data is normally distributed. The results of the One Way Anova test for each formulation group showed that the Sig value was <0.05, so the formulations had a significant difference. &nbsp

    Activity Anticancer n-hexane Fraction of Cyperus Rotundus l. Rhizome to Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cell Line

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    BACKGROUND: Cancer is one of the causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in Indonesia. Failures that often occur in the treatment of cancer primarily through chemotherapy, synthetic drugs that have side effects include anemia, alopecia, cardiotoxic and hepatotoxic due to low anti-cancer selectivity and unclear carcinogenesis process. Cyperus rotundus L. rhizome is one of the medicinal plants that potential enough to be developed as an anticancer agent. AIM: The aim of this study was to anticancer activity n-hexane fraction Cyperus rotundus L. rhizomes to breast cancer MCF-7 cell line in vitro. METHODS: Cyperus rutundus L. rhizomes powder was extracted ethanol by percolation then fractionated with n-hexane. Phytochemical screening was then carried out. The cytotoxic activity of the n-hexane fraction was determined by observing this extract on MCF-7 cells using the (3- (4,5-dimethylimidazole-2-il) -2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) (MTT). Selectivity index (IS) of normal cells (Vero cells). Cell cycle and apoptosis induction were analyzed by flow cytometry. RESULTS: The result showed that the fraction n-hexane Cyperus rutundus L. rhizome has anticancer activity against breast cancer MCF-7 cells with accumulation cell cycle in the G0-G1 phase and through induction of apoptosis. CONCLUSION: The n-hexane fraction Cyperus rotundus L. rhizome has potent anticancer activity


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    The modern era has very minimal information about juvenile cosmetics that involve risks associated with hazardous or illegal products. The choice and application of cosmetics has not been taught to SMK Muhammadiyah 8 Medan students. The explanation should help students understand how important it is to select safe care products for young children to utilize. The topics covered in the discussion included a variety of cosmetic chemicals, the significance of understanding how hydroquinon affects cosmetics and goods, and tips for selecting skincare products according to skin type. The results of Volunteers found that most teenagers had oily skin (38.09%), with some experiencing skin problems (79.37%). Acne is the most common problem (42.68%), and 79.37% have used face care. After receiving the material, participants scored 88.57, indicating their knowledge. The examination was declared successful because the participants understood the material


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    Counseling on the efficacy of the bark of salam which aims to provide benefits about healing diarrhea at the Patumbak Public Health Center in one of the Deli Serdang districts aimed at children aged 6-17 years, by applying promotive and preventive nature through planning, mobilization, implementation, monitoring , control and appraisal. Counseling on the efficacy of the bark of salam at the Public Health Center of Patumbak, Deli Serdang Regency is aimed at increasing understanding to children aged 6-17 years, as well as parents who accompany their children, so that they can identify the symptoms of diarrhea, so that it can prevent or treat it, and malaise. - children and their parents can know the importance of monitoring their children's diet, which is healthy, which parents must take care of. Counseling will be carried out in a lecture style with conditions with discussion and brain storming that stimulates the counseling atmosphere. The evaluation of the activities was assessed from the support of the Patumbak Health Center, the timeliness of implementation, the facilities used, the number of participants who attended the counseling and the participation of the participants. Counseling participants were invited to express opinions, especially the problems faced at the Patumbak Health Center regarding anti-diarrhea so that solutions could be sought together. The results obtained from children and their parents after receiving counseling can understand well the benefits of counseling from the Patumbak Public Health Center regarding the use of the benefits of bay bark for healing. knowledge of the importance of health for their children, Families are willing to provide education and enthusiasm about the importance of the benefits of using bay bark, Parents of children and children aged 6-17 years after receiving counseling can understand well the benefits of counseling from the Patumbak Public Health Center regarding the utilization of the efficacy of the bark of salam for antidiarrheal disease in children aged 6-17 years, which has been described in their minds as just eating delicious food but not necessarily healthy for the body for all children. However, after following the counseling, children – children aged 6-17 years d can understand more fully the benefits of counseling. Community Health Center cadres, who have been providing services to children only in moderation, can change well by providing innovative promotions