8 research outputs found


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    For the purpose of this work, the authors studied the efficiency of the dutch instant goat's milk «Amaltea» among preschool and school children with aggravated forms of atopic dermatitis and mycotic infection. Under surveillance, there were 66 children aged between 3 and 18 years old with atopic dermatitis aggravated by the fungal infection. 36 of them received the dutch wholesome goat's milk «Amaltea» within the hypoallergenic diet. The test group was composed of 30 children, getting the milk free diet. The use of the dutch instant goat's milk «Amaltea» within the ration of the infants with atopic dermatitis aggravated by the fungal infection leads both to the short cterm positive results — clinical remission on the 12–20th day from the beginning of the therapy and to the long cterm positive effects — prolongation of the remission period by 3 times, reduction of the recurrences by 2.8 times against the decrease of the general IgE contents within the blood serum and allergenic specific IgE antibodies towards the proteins of the cow milk and casein. Thus, the replacement of the cow milk based products for the wholesome goat's milk «Amaltea» within the ration of the patients allows optimizing the diet therapy among preschool and school children, suffering from atopic dermatitis.Key words: children, atopic dermatitis, diet therapy, goat's milk


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    The purpose of the work is to study the efficiency of the diet therapy against atopic dermatitis by means of the goat's milk based products among children at different age. The researchers observed 188 children aged between 3 months and 18 years, suffering from atopic dermatitis aggravated by the mycotic infection. Patients of the main group (102 children under 3) received goat's milk based products within the hypo allergic diet — «Nanny» and «Nanny — Zolotaya Kozochka» adapted milk formulas, while children over 3 received «Amal Tea» instant goat's milk. The research findings have showed that the introduction of the goat's milk based products into the food ration leads not only to the positive short term results — achievement of the clinical remission on 12th–20th day from the moment the therapy starts, but also to the positive long term effect — remission extension, reduction of the disease recurrences, reduction of the general IgE level in blood serum and offending IgE allergens to the cow milk proteins and casein. Thus, the replacement of the cow milk based products within the ration of patients for «Nanny» and «Nanny — Zolotaya Kozochka» adapted milk formulas and «Amal Tea» instant goat's milk allows for optimization of the atopic dermatitis diet therapy among children at different age.Key words: atopic dermatitis, diet therapy, goat's milk


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    The purpose of the works consisted in the study of the diet therapy efficiency along with the use of the modern adapted formula based on the goat's milk "Nanny" in feeding of the infants, who are bottle fed and who suffer from atopic dermatitis. The researchers have observed 58 children aged between 3 and 12 months old with atopic dermatitis complicated by the mycotic infection. The main group was made up of 32 children, who received the formula based on the goat's milk within the hypoallergic diet. The control group was made up of 26 children, who received a formula based on the soy protein isolates. Introduction of the formula based on the goat's milk into the food ration of the infants with atopic dermatitis provided the high clinical efficiency in 78% of cases. It manifested itself in achievement of the disease remission by the 10–20th day from the moment the therapy started, reduction of scorad index by 3,5 times, reduction of the atopic dermatitis recrudescence period by 2 times, protraction of the remission by 3 times, reduction of the backsets by 2,5 times against concentration reduction of IgE and allergen specific IgE to the cow milk proteins and casein in blood serum as far as it concerns the adequate growth and development of a child. Thus, the replacement of the products based on the cow milk for the wholesome children formula based on the goat's milk in the food ration of the patients, suffering from atopic dermatitis, allowed for both optimizing the diet therapy of the infants, ensuring their adequate physical growth and contributing to the control over the symptoms of disease.Key words: goats milk formula, atopic dermatitis, infants, treatment


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    The purpose of the work is to study the efficiency of the diet therapy against atopic dermatitis by means of the goat's milk based products among children at different age. The researchers observed 188 children aged between 3 months and 18 years, suffering from atopic dermatitis aggravated by the mycotic infection. Patients of the main group (102 children under 3) received goat's milk based products within the hypo allergic diet — «Nanny» and «Nanny — Zolotaya Kozochka» adapted milk formulas, while children over 3 received «Amal Tea» instant goat's milk. The research findings have showed that the introduction of the goat's milk based products into the food ration leads not only to the positive short term results — achievement of the clinical remission on 12th–20th day from the moment the therapy starts, but also to the positive long term effect — remission extension, reduction of the disease recurrences, reduction of the general IgE level in blood serum and offending IgE allergens to the cow milk proteins and casein. Thus, the replacement of the cow milk based products within the ration of patients for «Nanny» and «Nanny — Zolotaya Kozochka» adapted milk formulas and «Amal Tea» instant goat's milk allows for optimization of the atopic dermatitis diet therapy among children at different age.Key words: atopic dermatitis, diet therapy, goat's milk.</strong

    Анализ ксилофильных жесткокрылых (Coleoptera), представителей семейств Buprestidae, Cerambycidae (распространение, кормовая порода, встречаемость), выявленных на территории Московской области

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    Wood pests cause significant economic damage, resulting in tree stand drying and damaging harvested forest. So, these organisms can turn high grade industrial wood into low grade wood within the shortest period of time. However, analysis of total relations in the forest community and dynamics of its development are inadequate without correct information about the insect species and their biology. The material was collected in Dmitrovsky,Orekhovo Zuevsky, Serpukhovsky, Serebryano Prudsky and Ruzsky districts of the Moscow region, i.e. in northern, eastern, southern and western parts of the region in the period from April to November in 2016 2018. The research was conducted in the following types of forests: sorrel pine forest, bilberry pine forest, lichen pine forest, sphagnum bog pine forest, sorrel spruce forest, bilberry spruce forest , herb spruce forest, green moss pine forest with spruce, herb oak forest with linden, goutweed oak forest with maple, streamside oak forest, herb oak forest, reed grass birch forest. 116 species of xylophage beetles belonging to the families Buprestidae and Cerambycidae were found in the Moscow region during the research. The largest number of xylophilous beetle species colonized Pinus and Picea conifer trees in the Moscow region. Trees belonging to genera Quercus (especially Quercus robur) and Ulmus were the most colonized with insects among broad leaved species.Стволовые вредители способны наносить существенный экономический ущерб, вызывая не только усыхание древостоев на огромных площадях, но и повреждая заготовленный лес, в кратчайшие сроки превращая высококачественную деловую древесину в низкосортную. Тем не менее, без знания видового состава этой группы насекомых и их биологии, анализ совокупных связей лесного сообщества и динамика его развития становятся неполноценными. Материал был собранна территории Дмитровского, Орехово-Зуевского, Серпуховского, Серебряно-Прудского и отчасти Рузского районов Московской области, т.е. северных, восточных, южных и западных участков региона в период с апреля по ноябрь 2016-2018 гг. Исследования проводились в следующих типах леса: сосняк кисличник, сосняк черничник, сосняк лишайниковый, сосняк сфагновый по болоту, ельник кисличник, ельник черничник ельник разнотравный, сосняк чернично- зеленомошный с участием ели, дубняк с липой разнотравный, дубняк кленово-снытьевый, дубняк приручьевой, дубняк разнотравный, березняк вейниковый. В результате исследований на территории Московской области обнаружено116 видов ксилофильных жесткокрылых, относящихся к семействам: Buprestidae, Cerambycidae. Наибольшее количество видов ксилофильных жесткокрылых на территории Московской области заселяют хвойные породы, относящиесяк родам Pinus и Picea. Из широколиственных пород в наибольшей степени заселению подвергаются деревья, относящиеся к роду Quercus, прежде всего Quercusrobur и Ulmus, прочие широколиственные породы заселяются меньшим количеством ксилофильных жесткокрылых

    Молодежь в политической и социокультурной жизни Африки

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    Представляемая работа является первым за последние 25 лет монографическим изданием, посвященным проблемам африканской молодежи и ее роли в становлении и развитии молодых государств. Особое внимание уделяется вопросам социализации и формирования идентичности как в традиционном, так и в современном обществах, спецификt молодежных политических движений и молодежной политике государственных структур. Затрагиваются вопросы демографического фактора и влияния средств массовой информации на решении проблемы занятости