389 research outputs found

    Free Energies and Probe Actions for Near-horizon D-branes and D1 + D5 System

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    By working with the free energy for the type II supergravity near-horizon solution of N coincident non-extremal Dp-branes we study the transitions among the non-conformal Dp-brane system, the perturbative super Yang-Mills theory and a certain system associated with M theory. We derive a relation between this free energy and the action of a Dp-brane probe in the N Dp-brane background. Constructing the free energy for the five dimensional black hole labeled by the D1-brane and D5-brane charges we find the similar relation between it and the action of a D1 or D5 brane probe in the D1 + D5 brane background. These relations are explained by the massive open strings stretched between the relevant D-branesComment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure


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    This paper deals with the structural change for fats and oils in Japan focusing on the possible influence of health information. The newly developed fat and cholesterol information index appears to reflect the changing health information on fat and cholesterol much better than the ad-hoc cumulative index.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Can urban agriculture contribute to well-being? An analytical perspective

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    Can agriculture improve the lives of urban citizens and the urban environment? This research explores this question by examining the impacts of urban agriculture on the lives of citizens and their environments through the notions of well-being and alienation. A Eudaimonic perspective of well-being is based on the idea that people feel happy if they experience purpose, growth and challenges in their lives. From a eudaimonic perspective, psychological well-being can be understood as encompassing six dimensions: self-acceptance, personal growth, environmental mastery, positive relationships with others, purpose of life and autonomy. Discourse on alienation begins with four dimensions as proposed by Marx: alienation from products, product activities, species beings and other fellows. De-alienation is discussed in relation to the tradition of alienation theory, which is grounded in both an American socialist and a neo-Marxist interpretation. By analysing the impacts of urban agriculture through the perspectives of eudaimonic well-being and alienation, the study suggests a theoretical bridge between the two, whereby their associations with urban agriculture shape a type of farming for the purposes of achieving de-alienation. The importance of this study is not just to examine urban agriculture, but also to emphasize its importance, especially with regard to the well-being of the community wherein it is practiced. Urban agriculture is not a comprehensive solution to the issues facing the future of cities in developing countries; however, it is an essential part of any program seeking to make these cities more liveable and to improve the lives of city dwellers. This thesis finally explores an exemplary form of urban agriculture for psychological well-being and de-alienation from the following perspectives: -Large-scale farming through communal farming and planning -Ecologically friendly farming -Long-term projects associated with public health -Agricultural programs that enhance participants’ mastery of agriculture by ensuring autonomy and environmental mastery

    Three Spin Spiky Strings in beta-deformed Background

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    We study rigidly rotating strings in β\beta-deformed AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5 background with one spin along AdS5_5 and two angular momenta along S5S^5. We find the spiky string solutions and present the dispersion relation among various charges in this background. We further generalize the result to the case of four angular momenta along AdS5×Sγ5AdS_5 \times S_{\gamma}^5.Comment: 12 pages, minor corrections, added references, to appear in JHE

    Baryon Masses and Wilson Loops for Fractional D3-Branes on the Resolved Conifold

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    We study the IR dynamics of the type IIB supergravity solution describing N D3-branes and M fractional D3-branes on the resolved conifold. The baryon mass and the tension of domain wall in the dual gauge theory are evaluated and compared with those for the deformed conifold. The IR behavior of the solution for the general conifold is also discussed. We show that the area law behavior of the Wilson loop is attributed to the existence of the locus in the IR where the D3-brane charge vanishes.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    Infinite spin limit of semiclassical string states

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    Motivated by recent works of Hofman and Maldacena and Dorey we consider a special infinite spin limit of semiclassical spinning string states in AdS5 x S5. We discuss examples of known folded and circular 2-spin string solutions and demonstrate explicitly that the 1-loop superstring correction to the classical expression for the energy vanishes in the limit when one of the spins is much larger that the other. We also give a general discussion of this limit at the level of integral equations describing finite gap solutions of the string sigma model and argue that the corresponding asymptotic form of the string and gauge Bethe equations is the same.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures; v2: comments on derivation of bound states of magnons from discrete Bethe equations added in section 4 and appendix C, references added, Imperial-TP-AT-6-4, HUTP-06/A002

    Spiky strings and single trace operators in gauge theories

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    We consider single trace operators of the form O_{m_1 ... m_n} = tr D_+^{m_1} F ... D_+^{m_n} F which are common to all gauge theories. We argue that, when all m_i are equal and large, they have a dual description as strings with cusps, or spikes, one for each field F. In the case of N=4 SYM, we compute the energy as a function of angular momentum by finding the corresponding solutions in AdS_5 and compare with a 1-loop calculation of the anomalous dimension. As in the case of two spikes (twist two operators), there is agreement in the functional form but not in the coupling constant dependence. After that, we analyze the system in more detail and find an effective classical mechanics describing the motion of the spikes. In the appropriate limit, it is the same (up to the coupling constant dependence) as the coherent state description of linear combinations of the operators O_{m_1 ... m_n} such that all m_i are equal on average. This agreement provides a map between the operators in the boundary and the position of the spikes in the bulk. We further suggest that moving the spikes in other directions should describe operators with derivatives other than D_+ indicating that these ideas are quite generic and should help in unraveling the string description of the large-N limit of gauge theories.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. v2: References and comments adde
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