614 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric States in M5/M2 CFTs

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    We propose an exact, finite NN formula for the partition function over 1/4th1/4^{th} BPS states in the conformal field theory on the world volume of NN coincident M5 branes and 1/8th1/8^{th} BPS states in the theory of NN coincident M2 branes. We obtain our partition function by performing the radial quantization of the Coulomb Branches of these theories, and rederive the same formula from the quantization of supersymmetric giant and dual giant gravitons in AdS7×S4AdS_7 \times S^4 and AdS4×S7AdS_4 \times S^7. Our partition function is qualitatively similar to the analogous quantity in N=4{\cal N}=4 Yang Mills. It reduces to the sum over supersymmetric multi gravitons at low energies, but deviates from this supergravity formula at energies that scale like a positive power of NN.Comment: 24 pages, harvmac; v2 reference adde

    Indices for Superconformal Field Theories in 3,5 and 6 Dimensions

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    We present a trace formula for a Witten type Index for superconformal field theories in d=3,5 and 6 dimensions, generalizing a similar recent construction in d=4. We perform a detailed study of the decomposition of long representations into sums of short representations at the unitarity bound to demonstrate that our trace formula yields the most general index (i.e. quantity that is guaranteed to be protected by superconformal symmetry alone) for the corresponding superalgebras. Using the dual gravitational description, we compute our index for the theory on the world volume of N M2 and M5 branes in the large N limit. We also compute our index for recently constructed Chern Simons theories in three dimensions in the large N limit, and find that, in certain cases, this index undergoes a large N phase transition as a function of chemical potentials.Comment: a small typo corrected, 46 page

    Twisted Quantum Fields on Moyal and Wick-Voros Planes are Inequivalent

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    The Moyal and Wick-Voros planes A^{M,V}_{\theta} are *-isomorphic. On each of these planes the Poincar\'e group acts as a Hopf algebra symmetry if its coproducts are deformed by twist factors. We show that the *-isomorphism T: A^M_{\theta} to A^V_{\theta} does not also map the corresponding twists of the Poincar\'e group algebra. The quantum field theories on these planes with twisted Poincar\'e-Hopf symmetries are thus inequivalent. We explicitly verify this result by showing that a non-trivial dependence on the non-commutative parameter is present for the Wick-Voros plane in a self-energy diagram whereas it is known to be absent on the Moyal plane (in the absence of gauge fields). Our results differ from these of (arXiv:0810.2095 [hep-th]) because of differences in the treatments of quantum field theories.Comment: 12 page

    Supergravity at the boundary of AdS supergravity

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    We give a general analysis of AdS boundary conditions for spin-3/2 Rarita-Schwinger fields and investigate boundary conditions preserving supersymmetry for a graviton multiplet in AdS_4. Linear Rarita-Schwinger fields in AdS_d are shown to admit mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions when their mass is in the range 0â‰€âˆŁm∣<1/2lAdS0 \leq |m| < 1/2l_{AdS}. We also demonstrate that mixed boundary conditions are allowed for larger masses when the inner product is "renormalized" accordingly with the action. We then use the results obtained for |m| = 1/l_{AdS} to explore supersymmetric boundary conditions for N = 1 AdS_4 supergravity in which the metric and Rarita-Schwinger fields are fluctuating at the boundary. We classify boundary conditions that preserve boundary supersymmetry or superconformal symmetry. Under the AdS/CFT dictionary, Neumann boundary conditions in d=4 supergravity correspond to gauging the superconformal group of the 3-dimensional CFT describing M2-branes, while N = 1 supersymmetric mixed boundary conditions couple the CFT to N = 1 superconformal topologically massive gravity.Comment: 23 pages, RevTe

    The Kepler problem and non commutativity

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    We investigate the Kepler problem using a symplectic structure consistent with the commutation rules of the noncommutative quantum mechanics. We show that a noncommutative parameter of the order of 10−58m210^{-58} \text m^2 gives observable corrections to the movement of the solar system. In this way, modifications in the physics of smaller scales implies modifications at large scales, something similar to the UV/IR mixing.Comment: 10 page

    Elimination of IR/UV via Gravity in Noncommutative Field Theory

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    Models of particle physics with Noncommutative Geometry (NCG) generally suffer from a manifestly non-Wilsonian coupling of infrared and ultraviolet degrees of freedom known as the "IR/UV Problem" which would tend to compromise their phenomenological relevance. In this Letter we explicitly show how one may remedy this by coupling NCG to gravity. In the simplest scenario the Lagrangian gets multiplied by a nonconstant background metric; in ϕ−4\phi-4 theory the theorem that ∫d4xϕ⋆ϕ=∫d4xϕ2\int d^4 x \phi \star \phi = \int d^4 x \phi^2 is no longer true and the field propagator gets modified by a factor which depends on both NCG and the variation of the metric. A suitable limit of this factor as the propagating momentum gets asymptotically large then eradicates the IR/UV problem. With gravity and NCG coupled to each other, one might expect anti-symmetric components to arise in the metric. Cosmological implications of such are subsequently discussed.Comment: 6 pages; MPLA versio

    Emergence of supersymmetry on the surface of three dimensional topological insulators

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    We propose two possible experimental realizations of a 2+1 dimensional spacetime supersymmetry at a quantum critical point on the surface of three dimensional topological insulators. The quantum critical point between the semi-metallic state with one Dirac fermion and the s-wave superconducting state on the surface is described by a supersymmetric conformal field theory within Ï”\epsilon-expansion. We predict the exact voltage dependence of the differential conductance at the supersymmetric critical point.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; published versio

    The non-Abelian tensor multiplet in loop space

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    We introduce a non-Abelian tensor multiplet directly in the loop space associated with flat six-dimensional Minkowski space-time, and derive the supersymmetry variations for on-shell N=(2,0){\cal{N}}=(2,0) supersymmetry.Comment: 11 pages, v2: cleaner presentation, mistakes are corrected (and an erroneous section was removed

    Instabilities of noncommutative two dimensional BF model

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    The noncommutative extension of two dimensional BF model is considered. It is shown that the realization of the noncommutative map via the Groenewold-Moyal star product leads to instabilities of the action, hence to a non renormalizable theory.Comment: 9 page
