55 research outputs found

    On the order of indeterminate moment problems

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    For an indeterminate moment problem we denote the orthonormal polynomials by P_n. We study the relation between the growth of the function P(z)=(\sum_{n=0}^\infty|P_n(z)|^2)^{1/2} and summability properties of the sequence (P_n(z)). Under certain assumptions on the recurrence coefficients from the three term recurrence relation zP_n(z)=b_nP_{n+1}(z)+a_nP_n(z)+b_{n-1}P_{n-1}(z), we show that the function P is of order \alpha with 0<\alpha<1, if and only if the sequence (P_n(z)) is absolutely summable to any power greater than 2\alpha. Furthermore, the order \alpha is equal to the exponent of convergence of the sequence (b_n). Similar results are obtained for logarithmic order and for more general types of slow growth. To prove these results we introduce a concept of an order function and its dual. We also relate the order of P with the order of certain entire functions defined in terms of the moments or the leading coefficient of P_nComment: 45 pages. To appear in Adv. Mat

    Orthogonal polynomials of discrete variable and boundedness of Dirichlet kernel

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    For orthogonal polynomials defined by compact Jacobi matrix with exponential decay of the coefficients, precise properties of orthogonality measure is determined. This allows showing uniform boundedness of partial sums of orthogonal expansions with respect to LL^\infty norm, which generalize analogous results obtained for little qq-Legendre, little qq-Jacobi and little qq-Laguerre polynomials, by the authors

    A determinant characterization of moment sequences with finitely many mass-points

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    To a sequence (s_n)_{n\ge 0} of real numbers we associate the sequence of Hankel matrices \mathcal H_n=(s_{i+j}),0\le i,j \le n. We prove that if the corresponding sequence of Hankel determinants D_n=\det\mathcal H_n satisfy D_n>0 for n<n_0 while D_n=0 for n\ge n_0, then all Hankel matrices are positive semi-definite, and in particular (s_n) is the sequence of moments of a discrete measure concentrated in n_0 points on the real line. We stress that the conditions D_n\ge 0 for all n do not imply the positive semi-definiteness of the Hankel matrices.Comment: 8 page

    Closable Hankel operators and moment problems

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    In a paper from 2016 D. R. Yafaev considers Hankel operators associated with Hamburger moment sequences q_n and claims that the corresponding Hankel form is closable if and only if the moment sequence tends to 0. The claim is not correct, since we prove closability for any indeterminate moment sequence but also for certain determinate moment sequences corresponding to measures with finite index of determinacy. It is also established that Yafaev's result holds if the moments satisfy \root{2n}\of{q_{2n}}=o(n).Comment: 10 pages. The notation for the closure of an operator A is changed to \overline{A} from \o A on pages 7,