4,033 research outputs found

    A Decade of Reform: Felony Disenfranchisement Policy in the United States

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    Findings published in "A Decade of Reform: Felony Disenfranchisement Policy" in the United States disclose that since 1997, sixteen states have implemented policy reforms that have reduced the restrictiveness of these laws, and more than 600,000 people in seven states have regained their voting rights

    Next Big Thing? Methamphetamine in the United States

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    A new major study disproving the popular belief that there exists a growing methamphetamine "epidemic" within the United States. 41 page

    25-Year Quagmire: The "War On Drugs" and Its Impact on American Society

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    Analysis, based on an analysis of 25 years of government data regarding drugs and the criminal justice system, finds that the "war on drugs" has increasingly targeted low-level offenders for arrest and incarceration, and is largely failing to provide adequate treatment in prison. 33 pagesAnalysis, based on an analysis of 25 years of government data regarding drugs and the criminal justice system, finds that the "war on drugs" has increasingly targeted low-level offenders for arrest and incarceration, and is largely failing to provide adequate treatment in prison

    Uneven Justice: State Rates of Incarceration by Race and Ethnicity

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    Examines racial and ethnic disparities by state, and finds substantial variation in the degree of black-to-white incarceration. The report finds that African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites and Latinos at nearly double the rate. Five states, located in the Northeast and Midwest, incarcerate blacks at more than ten times the rate of whites. Recommended reforms include: addressing disparities through changes in drug policy, mandatory sentencing laws, reconsideration of "race neutral" policies, and changes in resource allocation

    Expanding the Vote: State Felony Disenfranchisement Reform, 1997- 2008

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    Since 1997, 19 states have amended felony disenfranchisement policies in an effort to reduce their restrictiveness and expand voter eligibility, according to a report released today by The Sentencing Project. The report, Expanding the Vote: State Felony Disenfranchisement Reform, 1997- 2008, documents a reform movement over the past eleven years that has resulted in more than 760,000 citizens having regained their right to vote. The report's release coincides with the introduction of new legislation in Congress to secure federal voting rights for nonincarcerated citizens. The report finds:Nine states either repealed or amended lifetime disenfranchisement laws.Two states expanded voting rights to persons under community supervision (probation and parole).Five states eased the restoration process for persons seeking to have their right to vote restored after completing sentence.Three states improved data and information sharing.The report documents the rates of disenfranchisement and the racially disparate impact of felony disenfranchisement policy in the 19 states that have enacted reforms. It also highlights the profound personal impact that this policy has had on those who have regained their voting rights, or continue to be disenfranchised. Recent state reforms include:Maryland repealed its post-sentence voting ban in 2007, restoring the right to vote to 52,000 residents.Florida eased the complexity of its restoration process for persons who have completed a sentence for a non-violent offense.Governors in Kentucky and Virginia expressed support for voting rights for persons who completed sentence by easing the restoration process and expediting restoration applications, respectively.North Carolina and Louisiana passed notification bills mandating that the state notify individuals of the law regarding voting rights and the process of registration.Despite these reforms, an estimated 5 million people will continue to be ineligible to vote in November's Presidential election, including nearly 4 million who reside in the 35 states that still prohibit some combination of persons on probation, parole, and/or people who have completed their sentence from voting. In response to this fact, Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) plans to introduce the Democracy Restoration Act and Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) plans to introduce the Civic Participation and Rehabilitation Act to restore federal voting rights to all citizens released from prison and living in the community

    The State of Sentencing 2008: Developments in Policy and Practice

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    Summarizes key developments in state criminal justice policy in the areas of sentencing, drug policy, parole revocation, and racial justice. Makes recommendations for further reforms in 2009, including expanding alternatives to incarceration

    Changing Direction? State Sentencing Reforms 2004-2006

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    "Changing Direction? State Sentencing Reforms 2004-2006" finds that at least 22 states have enacted sentencing reforms in the past three years. The report further identifies that the most popular approach for reducing prison crowding -- implemented by 13 states -- was the diversion of low-level drug offenders from prison to drug treatment programs

    Drug Courts: A Review of the Evidence

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    Provides an overview of drug courts designed to integrate drug treatment into the criminal justice system in cases of low-level defendants and reviews research on their operation, efficacy, and concerns about its impact on the prison population

    The war on marijuana: The transformation of the war on drugs in the 1990s

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    BACKGROUND: As the "war on drugs" enters the latter half of its third decade since being forged into the American lexicon by President Ronald Reagan, the public has grown more skeptical of the current strategy and has proven to be receptive to a broader consideration of alternatives to incarceration. This has been the case most notably with marijuana offenses, where the policy discussion has shifted in some localities to one of decriminalization or de-prioritizing law enforcement resources dedicated to pursuing possession offenses. Despite the increased profile surrounding marijuana policy in recent years, there remains a significant degree of misunderstanding regarding the current strategy, both in terms of how resources are being allocated and to what eventual gain. METHODS: Previous studies have analyzed drug offenses as a general category, but there has yet to be a single study that has focused specifically on marijuana offenders at all stages of the system. This report analyzes multiple sources of data for the period 1990–2002 from each of the critical points in the criminal justice system, from arrest through court processing and into the correctional system, to create an overall portrait of this country's strategy in dealing with marijuana use. RESULTS: The study found that since 1990, the primary focus of the war on drugs has shifted to low-level marijuana offenses. During the study period, 82% of the increase in drug arrests nationally (450,000) was for marijuana offenses, and virtually all of that increase was in possession offenses. Of the nearly 700,000 arrests in 2002, 88% were for possession. Only 1 in 18 of these arrests results in a felony conviction, with the rest either being dismissed or adjudicated as a misdemeanor, meaning that a substantial amount of resources, roughly $4 billion per year for marijuana alone, is being dedicated to minor offenses. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that law enforcement resources are not being effectively allocated to offenses which are most costly to society. The financial and personnel investment in marijuana offenses, at all points in the criminal justice system, diverts funds away from other crime types, thereby representing a questionable policy choice

    Shape Memory Alloys Via Halide-Activated Pack Equilibration

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    Fabrication of shape memory alloy (SMA) components based on NiTi is challenging due to the precision with which elemental composition and microstructure must be controlled during processing to achieve desired shape memory behavior. Herein, a method to control chemistry in an NiTi SMA via halide-activated pack equilibration (SHAPE) against a constant chemical potential reservoir is described. To demonstrate the efficacy of the SHAPE process, an initially titanium-deficient specimen (pure nickel foam) has been equilibrated against an excess of an intimately mixed two-phase pack (NiTi + Ti2Ni) in the presence of a vapor phase transport agent (iodine). The two-phase pack regulates chemical potentials in this two-component system in accordance with Gibbs\u27 phase rule. Ti-rich NiTi foams thus produced exhibit reproducible and well-defined phase transformation behaviors. The SHAPE process is advantageous for the fabrication of shape memory components of varying areal dimension, shape, and/or complexity owing to independence of the equilibrium state of the system from either the initial state of the specimen or the details of the process kinetics. Current limitations and prospects for the application of this method to improve the quality of SMA components are briefly discussed
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