5 research outputs found
Extractive Explanations for Interpretable Text Ranking
Neural document ranking models perform impressively well due to superior language understanding gained from pre-Training tasks. However, due to their complexity and large number of parameters these (typically transformer-based) models are often non-interpretable in that ranking decisions can not be clearly attributed to specific parts of the input documents.In this article, we propose ranking models that are inherently interpretable by generating explanations as a by-product of the prediction decision. We introduce the Select-And-Rank paradigm for document ranking, where we first output an explanation as a selected subset of sentences in a document. Thereafter, we solely use the explanation or selection to make the prediction, making explanations first-class citizens in the ranking process. Technically, we treat sentence selection as a latent variable trained jointly with the ranker from the final output. To that end, we propose an end-To-end training technique for Select-And-Rank models utilizing reparameterizable subset sampling using the Gumbel-max trick.We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate that our approach is competitive to state-of-The-Art methods. Our approach is broadly applicable to numerous ranking tasks and furthers the goal of building models that are interpretable by design. Finally, we present real-world applications that benefit from our sentence selection method.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Web Information System
An in-depth analysis of passage-level label transfer for contextual document ranking
Pre-trained contextual language models such as BERT, GPT, and XLnet work quite well for document retrieval tasks. Such models are fine-tuned based on the query-document/query-passage level relevance labels to capture the ranking signals. However, the documents are longer than the passages and such document ranking models suffer from the token limitation (512) of BERT. Researchers proposed ranking strategies that either truncate the documents beyond the token limit or chunk the documents into units that can fit into the BERT. In the later case, the relevance labels are either directly transferred from the original query-document pair or learned through some external model. In this paper, we conduct a detailed study of the design decisions about splitting and label transfer on retrieval effectiveness and efficiency. We find that direct transfer of relevance labels from documents to passages introduces label noise that strongly affects retrieval effectiveness for large training datasets. We also find that query processing times are adversely affected by fine-grained splitting schemes. As a remedy, we propose a careful passage level labelling scheme using weak supervision that delivers improved performance (3–14% in terms of nDCG score) over most of the recently proposed models for ad-hoc retrieval while maintaining manageable computational complexity on four diverse document retrieval datasets.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Web Information System
Data Augmentation for Sample Efficient and Robust Document Ranking
Contextual ranking models have delivered impressive performance improvements over classical models in the document ranking task. However, these highly over-parameterized models tend to be data-hungry and require large amounts of data even for fine-tuning. In this article, we propose data-augmentation methods for effective and robust ranking performance. One of the key benefits of using data augmentation is in achieving sample efficiency or learning effectively when we have only a small amount of training data. We propose supervised and unsupervised data augmentation schemes by creating training data using parts of the relevant documents in the query-document pairs. We then adapt a family of contrastive losses for the document ranking task that can exploit the augmented data to learn an effective ranking model. Our extensive experiments on subsets of the MS MARCO and TREC-DL test sets show that data augmentation, along with the ranking-adapted contrastive losses, results in performance improvements under most dataset sizes. Apart from sample efficiency, we conclusively show that data augmentation results in robust models when transferred to out-of-domain benchmarks. Our performance improvements in in-domain and more prominently in out-of-domain benchmarks show that augmentation regularizes the ranking model and improves its robustness and generalization capability.Web Information System
Efficient Neural Ranking Using Forward Indexes and Lightweight Encoders
Dual-encoder-based dense retrieval models have become the standard in IR. They employ large Transformer-based language models, which are notoriously inefficient in terms of resources and latency.We propose Fast-Forward indexes - vector forward indexes which exploit the semantic matching capabilities of dual-encoder models for efficient and effective re-ranking. Our framework enables re-ranking at very high retrieval depths and combines the merits of both lexical and semantic matching via score interpolation. Furthermore, in order to mitigate the limitations of dual-encoders, we tackle two main challenges: Firstly, we improve computational efficiency by either pre-computing representations, avoiding unnecessary computations altogether, or reducing the complexity of encoders. This allows us to considerably improve ranking efficiency and latency. Secondly, we optimize the memory footprint and maintenance cost of indexes; we propose two complementary techniques to reduce the index size and show that, by dynamically dropping irrelevant document tokens, the index maintenance efficiency can be improved substantially.We perform an evaluation to show the effectiveness and efficiency of Fast-Forward indexes - our method has low latency and achieves competitive results without the need for hardware acceleration, such as GPUs.Web Information SystemsMultimedia Computin