277 research outputs found

    Impact of Bank Cards Transactions on Banking Fee Income Growth in Russia

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    The article covers the advent of new sources of income which banks should concentrate on in the light of digitalization and development of new technologies. In spite of dynamic bank cards market development, there are many unresolved issues and challenges in this sphere, which generally relate to the necessity to enhance legal framework regulation; development of effective anti-fraud methods; utilization of innovative technologies and others. The Russian economy and society are in need of highly efficient, safe and economically viable and independent payment system, including such method of payments as bank cards. The conducted analysis revealed that there is a correlation between individual indicators of the bank card market development and the level of a bank's income. The latter depends not only on the revenue flows generated by the growth of interest rates on loans or other conventional types of banking transactions, but on the level of bank cards transactions. It is important to identify correlation between the growth of banks' fee income from card transaction and the amount of funds raised by commercial banks, the numbers of ATM, the average income per card, the number of operating cards, and per capita income of the population

    Water transbilayer diffusion in macroscopically oriented lipid bilayers as studied by pulsed field gradient NMR

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    Water self-diffusion in lipid bilayers macroscopically oriented on glass plates was studied by pulsed field gradient 1H nuclear magnetic resonance technique. Diffusion decays were multicomponent with a distribution of diffusion coefficients ranging from about 10-10 to about 10 -13 m2/s. A number of measurements with variations of the sample orientation, diffusion time and the distance between the glass plates showed that the "fast" component of diffusion corresponds to water in the bilayer "cracks". The "slow" component of diffusion corresponds to transbilayer water diffusion in the long-diffusion-time regime. For a more reliable separation of parts corresponding to fast and slow diffusion of water, a "component-resolved spectroscopy" method for the global analysis of correlated spectral data (P. Stilbs, K. Paulsen, P.C. Griffiths: J. Phys. Chem. 100, 8180, 1996) was applied. © Springer-Verlag 2005

    Peculiarities of lateral diffusion of lipids in three-component bilayers

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    The lateral diffusion of lipid molecules in macroscopically oriented bilayers of mixed dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC), egg sphingomyeline (SM), and cholesterol (CHOL) and its dependence on cholesterol concentration and temperature was studied by NMR with pulsed field gradient. The system forms a lamellar liquid crystalline (LC) phase; in a certain range of temperatures and concentrations of cholesterol the system is separated into two subphases: a disordered LC phase (ld) enriched with DOPC, and an ordered phase (l0) enriched with SM. These are characterized by their own lateral diffusion coefficients (LDCs), which differ from one another by a factor of 1.5-5. The dependence of the LDCs in the phases on the cholesterol concentration was analyzed. There was no clear dependence for the disordered LC phase, but we found that LDCs tend to grow in the concentration range of 15-35 mol % of CHOL. This behavior could be due to the redistribution of lipid components as the concentration of CHOL increases, eventually leading to a rise in DOPC concentration in the lo phase. In the range of liquid-phase domains, we observed no dependence of LDCs on the diffusion time typical of the restricted diffusion regime, due to spatial restraints in the system. This could be associated with the relatively large size of the domains, and with the domain capability of lateral diffusion in a surrounding continuous phase. © 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    A study of water self-diffusion in model biological membranes, oriented lipid bilayers

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    Water self-diffusion in a multibilayer structure formed by dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and oriented on glass plates was studied by pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance technique. Water molecules were shown to be in several states differing in the extent of interaction with lipid molecules. A spectrum of water self-diffusion coefficients in the direction transverse to the bilayers was found. The use of samples with different distances between plates, the analysis of the dependence of the shape of the diffusion decay of spin echo signal on diffusion time and sample orientation, and the measurements at temperatures above and below the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition point (also in samples containing cholesterol) allowed the separation of the component of the diffusion decay responsible for the transbilayer migration of water. The use of the Tanner model provided a possibility to estimate the permeability coefficient of the bilayers. The formation of mechanical defects (cracks) in the flat oriented bilayers was shown to be the most probable reason for the presence of a water component with a relatively high diffusion coefficient. Copyright © 2005 by MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"

    Factors Influencing the Formation of Biofilms on Bacilli Model Systems

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.The ability to form biofilms in natural isolate Bacillus subtilis 168 and mutants with deleted genes of regulatory proteins AbrB, DegU, CcpA, and SpoOA, constructed on its basis, was investigated to elucidate the pathways regulating biofilm formation in B. subtilis. The B. subtilis 168 wild-type forms a biofilms in the liquid medium with maximum at 48th hour of culture growth. pH optimum for the biofilm formation in the wild-type strain is in the range of 7.4–8.0. Temperature optimum was in the range of 22 to 45 °C. The level of biofilm formation for all regulatory mutants was lower than that in the wild-type for 40–50 %. Temperature and pH optima for the mutant strains are the same as for the wild-type strain—7.4–8 pH and temperature of 22–45 °C

    Water diffusivity in model biological membranes

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    Water self-diffusion was studied in model biological membranes (lipid bilayers of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine) by nuclear magnetic resonance with pulsed field gradient. The results for DOPC-water bilayers for three different orientations of the angle θ between the direction of the field gradient and the normal to the bilayer (θ = 57.4, 90, 0°) were presented. The differences in the diffusion decay shapes and values of the diffusion coefficients, obtained at different bilayer orientations and demonstrating highly anisotropic diffusion of the interbilayer water was discussed. This study also has shown some features of water diffusion in model lipid bilayers at the concentrations corresponding to the presence of bound and quasi-free water. The dependence of the water and lipid diffusion on the water content was considered from the point of view of the bilayers hydration and types of interbilayer water

    Lateral diffusion in sphingomyelin bilayers

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    Sphingomyelin (SM) is an important lipid of eukaryotic cellular membranes and neuronal tissues. We studied lateral diffusion in macroscopically oriented bilayers of synthetic palmitoylsphingomyelin (PSM) and natural sphingomyelins of egg yolk (eSM), bovine brain (bSM) and bovine milk (mSM) by pulsed field gradient NMR (PFG NMR) in the temperature range 45-60 °C. We found that the mean values of lateral diffusion coefficients (LDCs) of SMs are 1.9-fold lower compared with those of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), which is similar in molecular structure. This discrepancy could be explained by the characteristics of intermolecular SM interactions. The LDCs of different SMs differ: egg SM is most similar to PSM; both of them have a 10% higher LDC value compared with the other two natural SMs. Besides, all natural SMs show a complicated form of the spin-echo diffusion decay (DD), which is an indicator of a distribution of LDC values in bilayers. This peculiarity is explained by the broad distributions of hydrocarbon chain lengths of the natural SMs studied here, especially mSM and bSM. We confirmed the relationship between chain length and LDC in the bilayers by computer analysis of a set of 1H NMR spectra obtained by scanning the value of the pulsed field gradient. There is a correlation between lower LDC values and SM molecules with longer acyl chains. The most probable mechanisms by which long-chain SM molecules decrease their lateral diffusion relative to the average value are protrusion into the other side of the bilayer or lateral separation into areas that diverge with their LDCs. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Lateral diffusion of lipids and diffusion of water through lipid bilayers in the presence of (1,1-dimethyl-3-oxobutyl)phosphonates

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    The influence of some amphiphilic (diethyl, dipropyl, and dibutyl) esters of (1,1-dimethyl-3-oxobutyl) phosphonic acid with the regularly changing number of CH2 groups in the hydrocarbon (hydrophobic) moiety on the lateral diffusion of dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine lipid and transmembrane diffusion of water in the oriented multibilayer system was studied by 1H pulsed field gradient NMR at phosphonate concentrations up to 30 mol %. The shape of the 31P NMR spectra and the dependence of the shape of the 1H NMR spectra on the bilayer orientation suggest that the presence of phosphonates does not affect the phase state of the system. The lamellar liquid crystalline phase remains unchanged, and phosphonate molecules become incorporated into the bilayer and have the same orientation as phospholipid molecules. The presence of phosphonates in the lipid bilayer increases the coefficients of lipid lateral diffusion and water diffusion through bilayers. This effect depends monotonically on the number of CH2 groups in the phosphonate molecule. The most probable place for the incorporation of amphiphilic phosphonate molecules is the hydrophilic/hydrophobic interphase region of the bilayer. The molecules incorporated into the interphase disorder the bilayer and increase lateral diffusion of lipids and bilayer permeability compared with the ester-free bilayer. When the number of CH2 groups in the ester molecule increases from diethyl to dibutyl phosphonate, the arrangement of lipid hydrocarbon tails becomes more ordered. This decreases the lipid lateral diffusion coefficient and bilayer permeability to water molecules. © 2008 MAIK Nauka

    Effect of cultivation conditions on biofilm formation of bacillus subtilis

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    Biofilms are the moving, constantly changing, heterogeneous bacterial communities. Microorganisms growing in a biofilm are highly resistant to both antimicrobial agents and immune mechanisms. Objective of this paper was to study the effect of extracellular and membrane-bound proteases B. subtilis on the formation of biofilms in liquid media. The strains B. subtilis 168 (wild type) and B. subtilis BRB14 (protease-deficit strain) were examined on the ability to form biofilms in liquid medium. The LB and 1% glucose LB media were used as rich culture medium, and the synthetic E-medium was chosen as poor culture medium. A decreased formation of biofilms by 20% was observed during growth in the glucose-containing LB medium as compared with the glucose-free LB medium. The level of biofilm formation in the synthetic E-medium was 7 times higher than the total level in both LB media. Under identical culture conditions, the ability of mutant strain B. subtilis to form biofilms was 10%-15% higher than the level of biofilm formation by a wild strain. By the 48th hour of growth, the level of biofilm content in the culture of both strains reached maximum and declined significantly by the 72nd hour of growth. pH-Optimum of biofilm formation by both strains B. subtilis was 7.4. The temperature optimum for the formation of biofilms for both strains B. subtilis also ranged from 22°C to 45°C. The results of the studies allow us to conclude that the extracellular and membrane-bound proteinases B. subtilis, deleted in the mutant strain, do not play a key role in the formation of biofilm, however, their effect is more significant during growth of bacteria in a nutrient-rich environment rather than in synthetic one

    Water state and diffusion through lipid bilayers: Effect of hydration degree

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    The dependences of adsorbed water state (obtained from the variations in 1H NMR spectra with the angle between the bilayer normal and magnetic field direction) and water diffusion along the bilayer normal (measured using pulsed field gradient 1H NMR) on hydration degree have been studied in macroscopically oriented bilayers of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine. The angle dependences of the shape of NMR spectrum are qualitatively different only for water concentrations higher and lower than that achieved by hydration from saturated vapors (χeq, about 23%). At concentrations lower than χeq, all water in the sample either makes the hydration shells of the lipid polar heads or is in fast exchange with the shell water, so the spin-echo signal from water is detected only within a narrow range of angles close to the magic angle, 54.7°. At concentration exceeding χeq, the spin-echo signal from water is retained at all orientations, suggesting that a portion of water between bilayers (quasi-free water) slowly exchanges with water bound to the polar heads. There is an inverse dependence of the coefficient of water self-diffusion through the bilayer system on the hydration degree, which is described in the Tanner model with account of water self-diffusion in the hydrophobic part of the bilayer. Bilayer permeability, distribution coefficient of molecules between aqueous and lipid phases, and water self-diffusion coefficient in the hydrophobic region of the bilayer are estimated. © 2007 Pleiades Publishing, Inc
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