59 research outputs found

    A class of solutions to the 3d cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation that blow-up on a circle

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    We consider the 3d cubic focusing nonlinear Schroedinger equation (NLS) i\partial_t u + \Delta u + |u|^2 u=0, which appears as a model in condensed matter theory and plasma physics. We construct a family of axially symmetric solutions, corresponding to an open set in H^1_{axial}(R^3) of initial data, that blow-up in finite time with singular set a circle in xy plane. Our construction is modeled on Rapha\"el's construction \cite{R} of a family of solutions to the 2d quintic focusing NLS, i\partial_t u + \Delta u + |u|^4 u=0, that blow-up on a circle.Comment: updated introduction, expanded Section 21, added reference

    Divergence of infinite-variance nonradial solutions to the 3d NLS equation

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    We consider solutions u(t)u(t) to the 3d NLS equation iβˆ‚tu+Ξ”u+∣u∣2u=0i\partial_t u + \Delta u + |u|^2u=0 such that βˆ₯xu(t)βˆ₯L2=∞\|xu(t)\|_{L^2} = \infty and u(t)u(t) is nonradial. Denoting by M[u]M[u] and E[u]E[u], the mass and energy, respectively, of a solution uu, and by Q(x)Q(x) the ground state solution to βˆ’Q+Ξ”Q+∣Q∣2Q=0-Q+\Delta Q+|Q|^2Q=0, we prove the following: if M[u]E[u]<M[Q]E[Q]M[u]E[u]<M[Q]E[Q] and βˆ₯u0βˆ₯L2βˆ₯βˆ‡u0βˆ₯L2>βˆ₯Qβˆ₯L2βˆ₯βˆ‡Qβˆ₯L2\|u_0\|_{L^2}\|\nabla u_0\|_{L^2}>\|Q\|_{L^2}\|\nabla Q\|_{L^2}, then either u(t)u(t) blows-up in finite positive time or u(t)u(t) exists globally for all positive time and there exists a sequence of times tnβ†’+∞t_n\to +\infty such that βˆ₯βˆ‡u(tn)βˆ₯L2β†’βˆž\|\nabla u(t_n)\|_{L^2} \to \infty. Similar statements hold for negative time
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