3 research outputs found

    Increasing Ultrasound-Guided Thyroid Biopsy Yield

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    Objectives: Conduct Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) performance improvement project to improve thyroid biopsy yield Short Term\u3ereduce unsuccessful biopsies by 50% Long-Term\u3eeliminate unsuccessful biopsieshttps://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1064/thumbnail.jp

    Shedding Light on the Off-Hours Coverage Gap in Radiology: Improving Turnaround Times and Critical Results Reporting

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    Objective: Devise a plan to optimize off-hours faculty and trainee staffing within the Department of Radiology Measure the magnitude of patient safety gains in terms of report turnaround times (TAT) and critical results communication times (CRC)https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1044/thumbnail.jp

    Reading Room Assistance Pilot: Improving Radiologist Workflow

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    Aims for Improvement Our aim for improvement was to find ways to decrease distractions and phone calls in the body radiology reading room and to convert unpredictable and “immediate-response distractions” to “managed distractions” that can be addressed without aborting patient care/case interpretation immediately and unnecessarily. The goal was to decrease interruptions which would allow more time to be spent on reading cases, learning, and teaching. One metric that we identified was the number of phone calls to the reading room, which we intend to decrease by 50% within the first quarter. Another metric was the radiology attending and resident attitudes toward workflow and efficiency in the reading room. We intend to assess radiologist perception of the workflow environment and a decrease in distractions as measured by a survey administered before and after implementation. Additionally, we expect to improve efficiency and will compare productivity in terms of care delivered/cases reviewed