5 research outputs found

    Spatial variation in specific sediment yield along the Peruvian western Andes

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    The tropical Andes has been less studied in terms of erosion processes in comparison to other major mountain ranges in the world. Environmental gradients are steepest along the western flank of the Andes that is characterized by marked differences in vegetation, rough topography with deeply incised canyons, and highly variable and extreme precipitation patterns. Previous efforts mostly focused on sediment fluxes in large rivers draining to e.g. the Amazon basin while small to medium-sized rivers such as the ones flowing towards the Pacific Ocean have been relegated. They highlighted the link between sediment yield, anthropogenic and natural factors, e.g. climate, topography, river runoff, lithology and vegetation cover. In this study, we identified the spatial patterns of specific sediment yield along the western slopes of the Peruvian Andes between 3° and 13° S latitude for 21 catchments. We collected and analysed data from 22 environmental factors to elucidate their importance on spatially varying sediment yield. The sediment load was derived from gauging stations, reservoir sedimentation and water turbidity over a 30-yr period. The specific sediment yield varies strongly along the Peruvian western Andes as a consequence of the spatial variation in climate, topography and land cover controlling sediment production and transport. We reported higher-than-average specific sediment yields for the central part (6°-11°S) with values of 2130 and 2300 t km−2 yr−1 and low and uniform yields of 39 to 551 t km−2 yr−1 in the southern part (11° − 14.5° S). Given the scarcity of data on sediment yield, we included an uncertainty assessment based on bootstrapping approaches as to get a better grasp on the potential range of specific sediment yields in the study region. Using statistical techniques including Spearman correlation rank, univariate and multivariate regression analyses, we were able to determine the importance of the 22 environmental variables on the specific sediment yield. About 55 % of the observed variance can be explained by river discharge (Q90) and river steepness index (ks50). By adding an anthropogenic variable based on land cover, the explained variance in SSY increases up to 63 %, however, the effects of land cover on specific sediment yield are not clear because of spurious correlation between land cover, river discharge and topography. Our study therefore provides important new insights in the ongoing scientific debate on sediment yield variability in the western Andes. © 2022 Elsevier B.V

    Quantifying geomorphic change in Andean river valleys using UAV-PPK-SfM techniques: An example from the western Peruvian Andes

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    The western Peruvian region is prone to erosion and geomorphic change. Extreme precipitation events lead to rapid change in river channel and floodplain morphology due to bank erosion and debris flows delivering detrital material to the fluvial system. Monitoring geomorphic events and their associated topographic changes at high spatial and temporal resolutions remains a challenge. Here, we used an Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle - Post-Processing Kinematic - Structure from Motion (UAV-PPK-SfM) approach that includes co-registration of point clouds by using relative Ground Control Points (GCPs). This workflow adjusts each elevation model to a reference model using invariant features that did not change their position or form over time. We applied this technique to monitor landscape change (2019- 2021) in an area of 0.3 km2 located in the Cañete River basin. Our results showed that a minimum observable elevation change of 0.56 m (95% confidence interval) can be achieved using this workflow, beyond which an actual elevation change can be separated from systematic error. Using object-based classification techniques on the aerial images, we separated geomorphic dynamics from land cover changes. This allowed us to isolate the effect of geomorphic processes, and quantify rates related to gully erosion, river scouring, bank erosion, and sediment deposition. Within the study area, a hotspot of geomorphic change corresponded to an ephemeral tributary channel. The gully channel incising an alluvial fan is highly dynamic, showing bank erosion of 0.75 to 3.2 m and net export of 37 m3 of sediment in the 25-month study period. Given that the monitoring period did not include high intensity rainfall events, the study illustrates how geomorphic activity in ungauged Andean river basins, such as the Cañete valley, may be considerably underestimated in literature. Keywords Erosion, Andes

    Heinrich events and tectonic uplift as possible drivers for late Quaternary fluvial dynamics in the western Peruvian Andes

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    Late Quaternary fluvial valley development in Peru is considered to be driven by summer insolation maxima in the precession cycle, which coincide with increased precipitation and rising lake levels in the central Andes. Our literature review, however, indicates that fluvial aggradation does not always coincide with summer insolation maxima but may also occur during transitions between insolation maxima and minima or even during summer insolation minima. Tectonic uplift as a driver of fluvial incision has not been considered in the current terrace formation models, despite the Peruvian margin being located above an active subduction zone. We present new chronologic, stratigraphic and geomorphic data of the Cañete River valley over the past 102 ± 6 ka. We mapped its fluvial terraces (11.5°-13° southern latitude) along a 75-km long reach perpendicular to the strike of the Andes. Five fluvial terraces and one floodplain level were identified with relative elevations of up to 181.1 m above the floodplain. Thirty-three (pIR) IRSL ages of eight fluvial terraces and one alluvial fan sediment sample showed that their ages in part correspond to summer insolation maxima of the precession cycle, but that a better match exists with pluvial periods that coincided with Heinrich events of the northern hemisphere and rising lake levels in the Andes. The chronology of terraces of the Cañete River agrees with those of previously studied fluvial systems between 7° and 16° southern latitude in Peru, suggesting a regional-scale fluvial response possibly to the Heinrich events. Reconstructed longitudinal profiles and terrace ages were utilised to calculate vertical incision rates. We calculated a mean rate of 1.8 ± 0.10 mm a−1 over the last 102 ± 6 ka, but incision rates varied considerably within this time period possibly in response to changes in the Qs: Qw ratio as a consequence of increased sediment input during the wet Heinrich events. A set of 1338 GNSS measurements of daily, vertical crustal deformation of the years 2009–2015 showed a continuous and positive trend in interseismic, accumulative vertical crustal movements with a time-averaged, crustal uplift rate of 1.9 ± 3.6 mm a−1. The positive trend in vertical movements, together with data from literature suggest landscape rejuvenation along the forearc and western Cordillera in central Peru. It is proposed that maximally ∼0.5 mm a−1 of the total incision over the past 102 ka may possibly be related to nonrecoverable, interseismic deformation. Climate change-driven variations in the Qs:Qw ratio are superimposed on the long-term tectonic uplift trend, and both are considered the main drivers of fluvial incision. © 2022 Elsevier B.V

    An alternative explanation for late Quaternary fluvial dynamics in the western Andes: the role of north Atlantic Heinrich events and nonrecoverable interseismic deformation

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    The formation of fluvial terraces in the western Peruvian Andes over the past 100 ka has commonly been associated to summer insolation maxima of the precession cycle which coincide with increased precipitation and fluvial aggradation. Fluvial incision is also thought to be a result of climate cyclicity, even though there is an ongoing debate about the exact details. Tectonic uplift is generally not considered to play a role as the western Andes attained its maximum elevation during the late Miocene after which mountain building shifted towards the eastern Andes and Subandine belt. Based on fluvial terrace mapping, longitudinal profile reconstructions and IRSL dating, we show that fluvial aggradation was more likely connected to increased precipitation as a result of the North Atlantic Heinrich events. Our dataset of >1300 days of GNSS-measured vertical crustal motions between the years of 2009 and 2015 shows that uplift is occurring with rates of 1.9 mm/yr during the interseismic cycle. We suggest that nonrecoverable, interseismic deformation is an important driver for tectonic uplift and fluvial incision over the 100-ka timescale contributing a maximum of 0.5 mm/yr to long-term uplift. Superimposed on tectonic uplift, changes in the discharge-to-sediment-load ratio of fluvial systems cause highly fluctuating, time-variable fluvial incision. The number of fluvial terraces, the timing of their formation and the reconstructed incisional dynamics in our study area shows strong parallels with those of other fluvial systems in Peru. We present therefore an alternative view of late Quaternary fluvial dynamics for the entire western Peruvian Andes