18 research outputs found

    Perceived independence and limitations in rising and sitting down after rehabilitation for a lower-limb amputation

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    Objective: To study perceived independence in rising and perceived limitations in rising and sitting down in persons after a lower-limb amputation and the relationship of these perceptions with personal and clinical characteristics. Design: Cross-sectional study. Subjects/patients: Persons with a lower-limb amputation wearing a prosthesis (n=172). Methods: Perceived independence in rising was assessed with the Locomotor Capabilities Index. Limitations in rising and sitting down were assessed with the Questionnaire Rising and Sitting down. Multivariate logistic and linear regression analyses, respectively, were used to investigate the associations between independence and limitations in rising and sitting down, and personal and clinical characteristics. Results: Of the participants, 91% and 47% perceived independence in rising from a chair and rising from the floor, respectively. Older participants and women perceived less independence in rising. Participants perceived marked limitations in rising and sitting down, with those rehabilitated in a nursing home perceiving more limitations. Conclusion: After a lower-limb amputation, most persons wearing a prosthesis are able to rise independently from a chair, but many perceive decreased independence in other forms of rising, especially older participants and women. Participants, especially those rehabilitated in a nursing home, perceive considerable limitations in rising and sitting down. However, in those patients rehabilitated in a nursing home these limitations may be due to indication bias

    Prevalence of comorbidity and its association with demographic and clinical characteristics in persons wearing a prosthesis after a lower-limb amputation

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    Objective: To describe the prevalence of comorbidity and its relationship with demographic and clinical characteristics in persons wearing a prosthesis after lower-limb amputation. Design: Cross-sectional study. Subjects/patients: Persons wearing a prosthesis after lower-limb amputation (n = 171; mean age 65 years (standard deviation 12); 72% men) at the end of outpatient rehabilitation treatment. Methods: Comorbidity was assessed with the Functional Comorbidity Index: a list of 18 items addressing the presence of specific comorbid conditions impacting on functional status. Comorbidities in medical records were assessed independently by 2 assessors. Associations with demographic and clinical characteristics were analysed using linear or logistic regression. Results: The median (interquartile range) number of comorbidities was 3 (2; 4). Three or more comorbidities were present in 103 of 171 (60%) participants. Diabetes was present in 71 (41%), cardiac disease in 60 (35%), and lumbago/degenerative disc disease in 39 (23%) participants. The prevalence of comorbidities was higher in women and those with vascular cause of amputation. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of comorbidity at the end of outpatient rehabilitation treatment in persons wearing a prosthesis after a lower-limb amputation, especially in women and those with vascular cause of amputation

    The eldery amputee: rehabilitation and functional outcome

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    Several studies are performed in a population of elderly people with lower limb amputations in the north of the Netherlands. Changes in patterns of reasons for amputations are shown over time. The majority of amputations are caused by vascular occlusive diseases with or without diabetes mellitus. ... Zie: Summary

    Bewegingsapparaat: onderste extremiteiten

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    Objetivo general: Describir los factores asociados a la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cr贸nica en el paciente VIH del Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren 2014-2017. La incidencia del compromiso pulmonar no infeccioso en pacientes VIH est谩 aumentando a nivel mundial. Este incremento representa cifras importantes de comorbilidad actual, a pesar de, la recuperaci贸n inmunol贸gica asociada al TARGA. Un aumento de la prevalencia de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cr贸nica (EPOC) entre las personas que tienen VIH ha planteado la posibilidad de que este pueda predisponer al desarrollo o progresi贸n de la EPOC. As铆 la infecci贸n por este virus ha sido asociada al desarrollo de patolog铆a pulmonar obstructiva. Diversos estudios en los 煤ltimos a帽os, plantean la posibilidad de un mayor riesgo de EPOC entre las personas con infecci贸n por VIH. El desarrollo de enfermedades pulmonares cr贸nicas asociada al VIH ha sido poco estudiado en nuestro pa铆s por lo que demanda desarrollar nuevas investigaciones para la identificaci贸n oportuna de la EPOC logrando establecer medidas de detecci贸n oportuna y el tratamiento adecuado. En nuestra investigaci贸n se parte de la premisa en que debemos ser conscientes de la mayor probabilidad de EPOC entre pacientes con infecci贸n por VIH, este concepto facilitar铆a su diagn贸stico precoz y manejo oportuno. Adem谩s, la posibilidad de que la infecci贸n por VIH aumenta la susceptibilidad a EPOC merece investigaci贸n adicional y simult谩neamente es imperioso describir y estudiar aquellos factores que puedan aumentar la probabilidad de acelerar la aparici贸n del EPOC en esta poblaci贸n de pacientes. Adem谩s, sin contar con que existen pocos trabajos sobre este tema, cada vez con mayor incidencia en nuestro medio, se justific贸 la presente investigaci贸n que busca identificar aquellos factores de riesgo asociados a EPOC en pacientes con infecci贸n por VIH., desde lo cual parte el problema de investigaci贸n de este trabajo

    Prosthetic fitting in a patient with a transtibial amputation due to a congenital vascular malformation of the right leg

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    Background: The problems of prescribing a prosthesis for a young girl with severe congenital vascular malformation deformity leading to a transtibial amputation. Case description and methods: Due to the high risk of recurrent bleeding and limitations regarding full weight bearing of the stump, a normal socket fitting process was not possible. Using a multidisciplinary approach, a prosthesis was designed to enable full weight bearing in a flexed knee position with ischial tuberosity support to prevent full weight bearing on the tibial part of the stump. Findings and outcomes: After training and adjustments to the design, a definitive prosthesis with a free motion mechanical knee joint could be used. During the training with this prosthesis, no skin problems were observed, and at the end of the rehabilitation, the patient had a high level of activities of daily living and sports. Conclusion: The above prosthetic solution with an adjusted socket design proved to be successful in this case. Clinical relevance In a patient with severe congenital vascular malformation deformity leading to a transtibial amputation, fitting of a good prosthesis without full weight bearing of the stump proved to be successful