33 research outputs found

    Asymptotic arbitrage and num\'eraire portfolios in large financial markets

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    This paper deals with the notion of a large financial market and the concepts of asymptotic arbitrage and strong asymptotic arbitrage (both of the first kind), introduced by Yu.M. Kabanov and D.O. Kramkov. We show that the arbitrage properties of a large market are completely determined by the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of the num\'eraire portfolios, related to the small markets. The obtained criteria can be expressed in terms of contiguity, entire separation and Hellinger integrals, provided these notions are extended to sub-probability measures. As examples we consider market models on finite probability spaces, semimartingale and diffusion models. Also a discrete-time infinite horizon market model with one log-normal stock is examined.Comment: 18 page

    Stochastic Perron's method for optimal control problems with state constraints

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    We apply the stochastic Perron method of Bayraktar and S\^irbu to a general infinite horizon optimal control problem, where the state XX is a controlled diffusion process, and the state constraint is described by a closed set. We prove that the value function vv is bounded from below (resp., from above) by a viscosity supersolution (resp., subsolution) of the related state constrained problem for the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. In the case of a smooth domain, under some additional assumptions, these estimates allow to identify vv with a unique continuous constrained viscosity solution of this equation.Comment: 14 page

    Central limit theorem under uncertain linear transformations

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    We prove a variant of the central limit theorem (CLT) for a sequence of i.i.d. random variables ΞΎj\xi_j, perturbed by a stochastic sequence of linear transformations AjA_j, representing the model uncertainty. The limit, corresponding to a "worst" sequence AjA_j, is expressed in terms of the viscosity solution of the GG-heat equation. In the context of the CLT under sublinear expectations this nonlinear parabolic equation appeared previously in the papers of S.Peng. Our proof is based on the technique of half-relaxed limits from the theory of approximation schemes for fully nonlinear partial differential equations.Comment: 11 page

    Resource allocation in communication networks with large number of users: the stochastic gradient descent method

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    We consider a communication network with fixed number of links, shared by large number of users. The resource allocation is performed on the basis of an aggregate utility maximization in accordance with the popular approach, proposed by Kelly and coauthors (1998). The problem is to construct a pricing mechanism for transmission rates to stimulate an optimal allocation of the available resources. In contrast to the usual approach, the proposed algorithm does not use the information on the aggregate traffic over each link. Its inputs are the total number NN of users, the link capacities and optimal myopic reactions of randomly selected users to the current prices. The dynamic pricing scheme is based on the dual projected stochastic gradient descent method. For a special class of utility functions uiu_i we obtain upper bounds for the amount of constraint violation and the deviation of the objective function from the optimal value. These estimates are uniform in NN and are of order O(Tβˆ’1/4)O(T^{-1/4}) in the number TT of reaction measurements. We present some computer experiments for quadratic utility functions uiu_i.Comment: 19 page

    Martingale selection problem and asset pricing in finite discrete time

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    Given a set-valued stochastic process (Vt)t=0T(V_t)_{t=0}^T, we say that the martingale selection problem is solvable if there exists an adapted sequence of selectors ΞΎt∈Vt\xi_t\in V_t, admitting an equivalent martingale measure. The aim of this note is to underline the connection between this problem and the problems of asset pricing in general discrete-time market models with portfolio constraints and transaction costs. For the case of relatively open convex sets Vt(Ο‰)V_t(\omega) we present effective necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of a suitably generalized martingale selection problem. We show that this result allows to obtain computationally feasible formulas for the price bounds of contingent claims. For the case of currency markets we also give a comment on the first fundamental theorem of asset pricing.Comment: 6 page

    Kreps-Yan theorem for Banach ideal spaces

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    Let CC be a closed convex cone in a Banach ideal space XX on a measurable space with a Οƒ\sigma-finite measure. We prove that conditions C∩X+={0}C\cap X_+=\{0\} and CβŠƒβˆ’X+C\supset -X_+ imply the existence of a strictly positive continuous functional on XX, whose restriction to CC is non-positive.Comment: 6 page

    Lower bounds of martingale measure densities in the Dalang-Morton-Willinger theorem

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    For a dd-dimensional stochastic process (Sn)n=0N(S_n)_{n=0}^N we obtain criteria for the existence of an equivalent martingale measure, whose density zz, up to a normalizing constant, is bounded from below by a given random variable ff. We consider the case of one-period model (N=1) under the assumptions S∈LpS\in L^p; f,z∈Lqf,z\in L^q, 1/p+1/q=11/p+1/q=1, where p∈[1,∞]p\in [1,\infty], and the case of NN-period model for p=∞p=\infty. The mentioned criteria are expressed in terms of the conditional distributions of the increments of SS, as well as in terms of the boundedness from above of an utility function related to some optimal investment problem under the loss constraints. Several examples are presented.Comment: 19 page

    Verification by stochastic Perron's method in stochastic exit time control problems

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    We apply the Stochastic Perron method, created by Bayraktar and S\^irbu, to a stochastic exit time control problem. Our main assumption is the validity of the Strong Comparison Result for the related Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. Without relying on Bellman's optimality principle we prove that inside the domain the value function is continuous and coincides with a viscosity solution of the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the HJB equation.Comment: 14 page

    Asymptotic sequential Rademacher complexity of a finite function class

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    For a finite function class we describe the large sample limit of the sequential Rademacher complexity in terms of the viscosity solution of a GG-heat equation. In the language of Peng's sublinear expectation theory, the same quantity equals to the expected value of the largest order statistics of a multidimensional GG-normal random variable. We illustrate this result by deriving upper and lower bounds for the asymptotic sequential Rademacher complexity.Comment: 10 page

    A proof of the Dalang-Morton-Willinger theorem

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    We give a new proof of the Dalang-Morton-Willinger theorem, relating the no-arbitrage condition in stochastic securities market models to the existence of an equivalent martingale measure with bounded density for a dd-dimensional stochastic sequence (Sn)n=0N(S_n)_{n=0}^N of stock prices. Roughly speaking, the proof is reduced to the assertion that under the no-arbitrage condition for N=1 and S∈L1S\in L^1 there exists a strictly positive linear fucntional on L1L^1, which is bounded from above on a special subset of the subspace KβŠ‚L1K\subset L^1 of investor's gains.Comment: 9 page