7 research outputs found

    From Generalization to Precision: Exploring SAM for Tool Segmentation in Surgical Environments

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    Purpose: Accurate tool segmentation is essential in computer-aided procedures. However, this task conveys challenges due to artifacts' presence and the limited training data in medical scenarios. Methods that generalize to unseen data represent an interesting venue, where zero-shot segmentation presents an option to account for data limitation. Initial exploratory works with the Segment Anything Model (SAM) show that bounding-box-based prompting presents notable zero-short generalization. However, point-based prompting leads to a degraded performance that further deteriorates under image corruption. We argue that SAM drastically over-segment images with high corruption levels, resulting in degraded performance when only a single segmentation mask is considered, while the combination of the masks overlapping the object of interest generates an accurate prediction. Method: We use SAM to generate the over-segmented prediction of endoscopic frames. Then, we employ the ground-truth tool mask to analyze the results of SAM when the best single mask is selected as prediction and when all the individual masks overlapping the object of interest are combined to obtain the final predicted mask. We analyze the Endovis18 and Endovis17 instrument segmentation datasets using synthetic corruptions of various strengths and an In-House dataset featuring counterfactually created real-world corruptions. Results: Combining the over-segmented masks contributes to improvements in the IoU. Furthermore, selecting the best single segmentation presents a competitive IoU score for clean images. Conclusions: Combined SAM predictions present improved results and robustness up to a certain corruption level. However, appropriate prompting strategies are fundamental for implementing these models in the medical domain

    Eye Tracking for Tele-robotic Surgery: A Comparative Evaluation of Head-worn Solutions

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    Purpose: Metrics derived from eye-gaze-tracking and pupillometry show promise for cognitive load assessment, potentially enhancing training and patient safety through user-specific feedback in tele-robotic surgery. However, current eye-tracking solutions' effectiveness in tele-robotic surgery is uncertain compared to everyday situations due to close-range interactions causing extreme pupil angles and occlusions. To assess the effectiveness of modern eye-gaze-tracking solutions in tele-robotic surgery, we compare the Tobii Pro 3 Glasses and Pupil Labs Core, evaluating their pupil diameter and gaze stability when integrated with the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK). Methods: The study protocol includes a nine-point gaze calibration followed by pick-and-place task using the dVRK and is repeated three times. After a final calibration, users view a 3x3 grid of AprilTags, focusing on each marker for 10 seconds, to evaluate gaze stability across dVRK-screen positions with the L2-norm. Different gaze calibrations assess calibration's temporal deterioration due to head movements. Pupil diameter stability is evaluated using the FFT from the pupil diameter during the pick-and-place tasks. Users perform this routine with both head-worn eye-tracking systems. Results: Data collected from ten users indicate comparable pupil diameter stability. FFTs of pupil diameters show similar amplitudes in high-frequency components. Tobii Glasses show more temporal gaze stability compared to Pupil Labs, though both eye trackers yield a similar 4cm error in gaze estimation without an outdated calibration. Conclusion: Both eye trackers demonstrate similar stability of the pupil diameter and gaze, when the calibration is not outdated, indicating comparable eye-tracking and pupillometry performance in tele-robotic surgery settings

    A Quantitative Evaluation of Dense 3D Reconstruction of Sinus Anatomy from Monocular Endoscopic Video

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    Generating accurate 3D reconstructions from endoscopic video is a promising avenue for longitudinal radiation-free analysis of sinus anatomy and surgical outcomes. Several methods for monocular reconstruction have been proposed, yielding visually pleasant 3D anatomical structures by retrieving relative camera poses with structure-from-motion-type algorithms and fusion of monocular depth estimates. However, due to the complex properties of the underlying algorithms and endoscopic scenes, the reconstruction pipeline may perform poorly or fail unexpectedly. Further, acquiring medical data conveys additional challenges, presenting difficulties in quantitatively benchmarking these models, understanding failure cases, and identifying critical components that contribute to their precision. In this work, we perform a quantitative analysis of a self-supervised approach for sinus reconstruction using endoscopic sequences paired with optical tracking and high-resolution computed tomography acquired from nine ex-vivo specimens. Our results show that the generated reconstructions are in high agreement with the anatomy, yielding an average point-to-mesh error of 0.91 mm between reconstructions and CT segmentations. However, in a point-to-point matching scenario, relevant for endoscope tracking and navigation, we found average target registration errors of 6.58 mm. We identified that pose and depth estimation inaccuracies contribute equally to this error and that locally consistent sequences with shorter trajectories generate more accurate reconstructions. These results suggest that achieving global consistency between relative camera poses and estimated depths with the anatomy is essential. In doing so, we can ensure proper synergy between all components of the pipeline for improved reconstructions that will facilitate clinical application of this innovative technology