71 research outputs found

    Does Scarcity Exacerbate the Tragedy of the Commons? Evidence from Fishers´ Experimental Responses

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    Economic Experimental Games (EEGs), focused to analyze dilemmas associated with the use of common pool resources, have shown that individuals make extraction decisions that deviate from the suboptimal Nash equilibrium. However, few studies have analyzed whether these deviations towards the social optimum are affected as the stock of resource changes. Performing EEG with local fishermen, we test the hypothesis that the behavior of participants differs under a situation of abundance versus one of scarcity. Our findings show that under a situation of scarcity, players over-extract agiven resource, and thus make decisions above the Nash equilibrium; in doing so, they obtain less profit, mine the others-regarding interest, and exacerbate the tragedy of the commons. This result challenges previous findings from the EEG literature. Whenindividuals face abundance of a given resource, however, they deviate downward from the prediction of individualistic behavior. The phenomenon of private, inefficient overexploitation is corrected when management strategies are introduced into the game, something that underlines the importance of institutions.tragedy of the commons intensified, economic experimental games,resource abundance, resource scarcity, dynamic effects

    Can Co-Management Improve the Governance of A Common- Pool Resource? Lessons From A Framed Field Experiment in A Marine Protected Area in the Colomb

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    Complexities associated with the management of common pool resources (CPR)threaten governance at some marine protected areas (MPA). In this paper, using economic experimental games (EEG), we investigate the effects of both external regulation and the complementarities between internal regulation and non-coercive authority intervention-what we call co-management-on fishermen´s extraction decisions. We perform EEG with fishermen inhabiting the influence zone of an MPA in the Colombian Caribbean. The results show that co- management exhibits the best results, both in terms of resource sustainability and reduction in extraction, highlighting the importance of strategies that recognize communities as key actors in the decision-making process for the sustainable use and conservation of CPR in protected areas.Common-pool resources, governance, co-management, experimental economic games, fisheries, Latin America

    Do Environmental Services Buyers Prefer Differentiated Rates? A Case Study from the Colombian Andes

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    Flat user fees in payment for environmental services (PES) schemes promote administrative ease, and are sometimes perceived as egalitarian. However, when environmental service (ES) buyers are heterogeneous in their income and water consumption levels, this may not be optimal, as total payments become too low and services are under-supplied. This paper identifies ES buyer preferences and estimates their willingness to pay (WTP) differentiated fees in an ongoing PES initiative in an Andean watershed in Colombia. Small, flat user payments have recently been introduced to implement incipient watershed protection upstream. Environmental service users fall into two highly heterogeneous categories: smallholder peasants and owners of recreational houses. We performed a contingent valuation analysis in a representative stratified sample of 218 user households. For improved water services, ES buyers on average were willing to pay a monthly US1premiumovercurrentflatPESrates.OwnersofrecreationalhouseswerewillingtopayaboutUS1 premium over current flat PES rates. Owners of recreational houses were willing to pay about US1.50 more; smallholders only US$0.5. 85% of ES buyers also agree to pay differentiated fees. Of these, 41% would prefer fees differentiated by water consumption, 23% by household income, 30% criteria combination, and 6% by other criteria. Spatial variables, such as distance to the water distribution point and to the town center, importantly influenced WTP. The results may help designing users-driven PES schemes in accordance with efficiency and equity objectives.PES, WTP, environmental services, Colombia, watershed protection.

    Estrategias de suavización del consumo y del ingreso de las madres beneficiarias del programa Familias en Acción: un análisis cualitativo

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    Los programas de transferencias condicionadas en Latinoamérica han venido desarrollando diferentes mecanismos para distribuir más eficientemente los subsidios entre las familias beneficiarias. En Colombia, desde el año 2009, se inició un Plan de Bancarización cuyo propósito, además de mejorar la eficiencia en la entrega del subsidio y reducir los inconvenientes presentados bajo otros mecanismos de pago, es favorecer el acceso a servicios financieros, particularmente depósitos, de las madres beneficiarias del programa Familias en Acción (FA). En el marco de una evaluación preliminar del Plan de Bancarización del programa, llevada a cabo entre 2009 y 2010, este documento identifica y analiza las estrategias formales e informales que tienen los hogares beneficiarios del programa de transferencias condicionadas colombiano, para suavizar sus sendas de consumo y de ingreso; el objetivo último de este análisis es entender el papel que el acceso a servicios financieros formales podría jugar en estos hogares para enfrentar las variaciones en los ingresos generadas por shocks y estacionalidades. Como parte del análisis cualitativo, se aplicaron 73 encuestas semi- estructuradas a madres receptoras de transferencias condicionadas del programa FA en seis ciudades de Colombia. Los resultados muestran que los hogares beneficiarios del programa cuentan con una amplia variedad de estrategias de ahorro y crédito, en su mayoría informales y de alto costo, que les permiten enfrentar variaciones en el ingreso y que afectan su consumo; la bancarización a través de programas de transferencias condicionadas puede ser un mecanismo que facilite a los beneficiarios enfrentar esas variaciones a menores costos.suavización del ingreso, suavización del consumo, acceso a servicios financieros, transferencias condicionadas, Colombia, pobreza

    Can co-management improve governance of a common-pool resource? : lessons from a framed field experiment in a marine protected area in the Colombian Caribbean

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    Complexities associated with the management of common pool resources (CPR) threaten governance at some marine protected areas (MPA). In this paper, using economic experimental games (EEG), we investigate the effects of both external regulation and the complementarities between internal regulation and non-coercive authority intervention—what we call comanagement— on fishermen’s extraction decisions. We perform EEG with fishermen inhabiting the influence zone of an MPA in the Colombian Caribbean. The results show that comanagement exhibits the best results, both in terms of resource sustainability and reduction in extraction, highlighting the importance of strategies that recognize communities as key actors in the decision-making process for the sustainable use and conservation of CPR in protected areas

    Caracterización de los medios de vida de una comunidad de pescadores a pequeña escala en el Caribe colombiano (Medios de vida de PPE del Caribe colombiano)

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    Coastal communities depending on small-scale fisheries (SSFs) are poorly understood. Designing policies to address their vulnerabilities requires understanding the socioeconomic context in which SSFs operate. Unfortunately, that information is usually incomplete in developing countries. This study seeks to close this gap by examining the socio-demographics, assets, livelihood strategies, food security, and poverty levels of both fishing and non-fishing households in a fishing village in the Colombian Caribbean. The analysis follows the sustainable livelihoods approach. Our results show that: (i) SSFs play a double role in fishing households: self-consumption and income generation. (ii) SSFs play an essential role in food security for both fishing and non-fishing households. (iii) Livelihood diversification, including multispecies fishing and activities by household members in addition to the head, is key for diversifying risk and smoothing consumption. (iv) Fishing communities face significant restrictions in access to financial markets. (v) Although fishing households earn more income than non-fishing ones, they exhibit lower education and literacy. These results show that SSF is a buffer against the vulnerability of fishing communities. Strict conservation strategies might be necessary to sustain SSF, but these must be accompanied by alternative income sources, such as compensation schemes, social protection, or policies enabling alternative livelihoods. JEL Codes: D13, I21, J22, J46, Q22, Q56Las comunidades costeras que dependen de la pesca en pequeña escala (PPE) son poco conocidas. El diseño de políticas para abordar sus vulnerabilidades requiere comprender el contexto socioeconómico en el que operan los PPE. Desafortunadamente, esa información suele ser incompleta en los países en desarrollo. Este estudio busca cerrar esta brecha examinando la sociodemografía, los activos, las estrategias de sus medios de vida, la seguridad alimentaria y los niveles de pobreza de los hogares pescadores y no pescadores en una comunidad de pescadores en el Caribe colombiano. El análisis sigue el enfoque de los medios de vida sostenibles. Nuestros resultados muestran que: (i) los PPE juegan un doble papel en los hogares pesqueros: autoconsumo y generación de ingresos. (ii) Los PPE juegan un papel esencial en la seguridad alimentaria tanto para los hogares pescadores como para los que no lo son. (iii). La diversificación de los medios de vida, incluida la pesca multiespecífica y las actividades de los miem bros del hogar, además del cabeza de familia, es clave para diversificar el riesgo y suavizar el consumo. (iv) Las comunidades pesqueras enfrentan importantes restricciones en el acceso a los mercados financieros. (v) Aunque los hogares pescadores obtienen más ingresos que los que no lo son, exhiben una educación y alfabetización más bajas. Estos resultados muestran que la PPE es un amortiguador contra la vulnerabilidad de las comunidades pesqueras. Es posible que se necesiten estrategias de conservación estrictas para sostener la pesca artesanal, pero ellas deben ir acompañadas de fuentes alternativas de ingresos, como esquemas de compensación, protección social o políticas que permitan medios de vida alternativos. JEL Codes: D13, I21, J22, J46, Q22, Q5

    Prevention of occupational sickness in the dentistry area from the Chambo- Riobamba distrit, 2019 period

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    Introducción. La actividad laboral está determinada por alteraciones condicionadas por el estrés, agotamiento o por las posiciones adoptadas a diario en este contexto. Objetivo. Determinar las enfermedades ocupacionales más frecuentes que se presentan en los odontólogos del Distrito Chambo-Riobamba, 2019. Metodología. La investigación de campo, descriptiva, observacional y de corte transversal aplicó una encuesta a 53 profesionales del área odontológica; los datos resultantes fueron procesados y analizados mediante el programa estadístico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Resultados. Las enfermedades ocupacionales de mayor frecuencia correspondieron a la clasificación de riesgo psicosocial con el 64 %, como la irritabilidad emocional, los riesgos ergonómicos (62 %), el síndrome del túnel carpiano y los riesgos químicos (58 %), y la hipersensibilidad al látex. Estos datos se relacionan con la organización, tiempo y pausas de trabajo, el uso excesivo y repetitivo de instrumentos vibratorios, posición forzada de la mano, y el manejo de materiales químicos y biológicos. Conclusión. Las enfermedades ocupacionales más frecuentes en profesionales de odontología del Distrito Chambo-Riobamba fueron: irritabilidad emocional, síndrome del túnel carpiano e hipersensibilidad al látex del guante. Área de estudio general: Salud. Área de estudio específica: Salud ocupacional.Tipo de estudio: Artículo original.Introduction. Work activity is determined by alterations conditioned by stress, exhaustion or by the positions adopted daily in this context. Objective. To determine the most frequent occupational diseases that occur in dentists in the Chambo-Riobamba District, 2019. Methodology. The field, descriptive, observational and cross-sectional research applied a survey to 53 professionals in the dental area; the resulting data were processed and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) statistical program. Results. The occupational diseases with the highest frequency corresponded to the psychosocial risk classification with 64%, such as emotional irritability, ergonomic risks (62%), carpal tunnel syndrome and chemical risks (58%), and hypersensitivity to latex. These data are related to work organization, time and breaks, excessive and repetitive use of vibrating instruments, forced hand position, and handling of chemical and biological materials. Conclusion. The most frequent occupational diseases in dental professionals of the Chambo-Riobamba District were: emotional irritability, carpal tunnel syndrome and hypersensitivity to glove latex. General area of study: Health. Specific area of study: Occupational health. Type of study: Original articl

    Prevention of occupational sickness in the dentistry area from the Chambo- Riobamba distrit, 2019 period

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    Introducción. La actividad laboral está determinada por alteraciones condicionadas por el estrés, agotamiento o por las posiciones adoptadas a diario en este contexto. Objetivo. Determinar las enfermedades ocupacionales más frecuentes que se presentan en los odontólogos del Distrito Chambo-Riobamba, 2019. Metodología. La investigación de campo, descriptiva, observacional y de corte transversal aplicó una encuesta a 53 profesionales del área odontológica; los datos resultantes fueron procesados y analizados mediante el programa estadístico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Resultados. Las enfermedades ocupacionales de mayor frecuencia correspondieron a la clasificación de riesgo psicosocial con el 64 %, como la irritabilidad emocional, los riesgos ergonómicos (62 %), el síndrome del túnel carpiano y los riesgos químicos (58 %), y la hipersensibilidad al látex. Estos datos se relacionan con la organización, tiempo y pausas de trabajo, el uso excesivo y repetitivo de instrumentos vibratorios, posición forzada de la mano, y el manejo de materiales químicos y biológicos. Conclusión. Las enfermedades ocupacionales más frecuentes en profesionales de odontología del Distrito Chambo-Riobamba fueron: irritabilidad emocional, síndrome del túnel carpiano e hipersensibilidad al látex del guante. Área de estudio general: Salud. Área de estudio específica: Salud ocupacional.Tipo de estudio: Artículo original.Introduction. Work activity is determined by alterations conditioned by stress, exhaustion or by the positions adopted daily in this context. Objective. To determine the most frequent occupational diseases that occur in dentists in the Chambo-Riobamba District, 2019. Methodology. The field, descriptive, observational and cross-sectional research applied a survey to 53 professionals in the dental area; the resulting data were processed and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) statistical program. Results. The occupational diseases with the highest frequency corresponded to the psychosocial risk classification with 64%, such as emotional irritability, ergonomic risks (62%), carpal tunnel syndrome and chemical risks (58%), and hypersensitivity to latex. These data are related to work organization, time and breaks, excessive and repetitive use of vibrating instruments, forced hand position, and handling of chemical and biological materials. Conclusion. The most frequent occupational diseases in dental professionals of the Chambo-Riobamba District were: emotional irritability, carpal tunnel syndrome and hypersensitivity to glove latex. General area of study: Health. Specific area of study: Occupational health. Type of study: Original articl

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality