3,171 research outputs found

    Anger in women with developmental disabilities: cognitive behavioural therapy - a case series

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    Whilst there is good evidence for the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural anger treatment in populations of men, there is very little literature on the nature of anger in clinical populations of women, and little by way of individual anger treatment in people with a developmental disability. There has been considerable criticism of the assumptions made within forensic services that women can be treated in the same ways as men. The purpose of this study was twofold: firstly, it explored the nature of women's anger in a small sample (n=28) with a developmental disability in a hospital forensic service, and compared them with men in a study based in the same setting; secondly, it evaluated treatment outcome for those meeting inclusion criteria for an eighteen session individual treatment programme. The design of the outcome study (n=9) was a multiple baseline study with participants acting as their own controls. Some qualitative material is presented in relation to three case studies in order to illustrate process and because this has been a consistent recommendation regarding research into women in forensic services.Results showed that there were virtually no differences in self reported or staff reported anger, but more women had assaulted than men during their admission. Results also showed that the majority of women improved post treatment and through follow up. It was concluded that women in this service experienced similar anger to the men and could benefit from the same cognitive behavioural treatment programme

    New and re-emerging diseases of corn

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    There are over 80 diseases described on corn worldwide (Munkvold and White, 2016). Approximately half of these diseases have been described in Iowa. Some diseases, such as gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight and anthracnose stalk rot have been prevalent for decades. Some diseases, such as Physoderma brown spot and Goss’s wilt, have re-emerged within the past few years. And then we have new diseases being reported such as tar spot and bacterial leaf streak

    Corn Diseases: Reviewing the 2007 Growing Season

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    Several diseases were prevalent in corn during the 2007 growing season. Weather conditions varied greatly across the state and as a result disease problems did too. An increase corn following corn acres (10.3%) impacted the incidence of several diseases

    An in-depth look at the Corn-Colletotrichum graminicola (causal organism of anthracnose) pathosystem

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    A pathosystem is an ecosystem in which parasitism occurs. Parasitism of corn by Colletotrichum graminicola results in anthracnose, an important disease of corn. The disease has three distinct phases: 1. Anthracnose leaf blight that usually occurs between V2 and V12; 2. Anthracnose top dieback that usually occurs from R4 onwards; and 3. Anthracnose stalk rot that is usually prevalent around physiological maturity. Colletotrichum graminicola was not considered an economically important pathogen of corn until the early 1970s. Today it seems like almost every cornfield has plants infected with the pathogen

    Fungicide use on corn

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    Over the past decade, the use of foliar fungicides on hybrid corn has become more commonplace. Reasons for this include increased foliar disease, new fungicides becoming available, and promoted plant health benefits. Both the public and private sector have done small plot and on-farm field trials evaluating the effect of foliar fungicides on disease severity and yield

    Profitable corn disease management in Iowa

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    Over the past few years, diseases of corn have increased in incidence and severity in Iowa. Several factors have likely contributed to increased disease development and they include favorable weather conditions, disease susceptible hybrids on the market, an increase in continuous corn acres, and reduced tillage practices