25 research outputs found

    Simulation of Ship Movement after Steering System Failure to Determine the Worst Case Scenario of Grounding

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    Ship grounding is one of the primary maritime navigation casualties and a result of an error made by the navigating officer, of a technical failure on vital ship equipment or of force majeure. In order to decrease the risk of grounding in such cases, this paper explores the ship movement during navigation when an extraordinary event occurs, such as steering system failure that affects the vesselā€™s direction directly and speed indirectly. One way to determine the ship movement in such circumstances is by simulating the ship movement on the navigational simulator according to the predefined scenarios, as explained in this paper. A total of 60 scenarios were researched, in the process of which ship type, ship size, ship speed and rudder deflection angle were varied. During the simulation, all relevant data concerning current movement of the ship and a graphical display of the performed simulation were recorded every 30 seconds. On the basis of the simulation results it is possible to determine the worst case scenario which can be used to define the consequence of grounding, one of the parameters necessary for the assessment of the risk of grounding

    The Correlation Between Strong Wind and Leisure Craft Grounding in Croatian Waters

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    This paper examines the correlation between strong wind and the frequency of small leisure craft grounding by analysing the available data on maritime accidents in the Adriatic. The primary goal of this study was to verify the hypothesis from prior research that strong wind is the prime cause of groundings in certain areas of the Adriatic. Contrary to the conclusions of the prior research, the new analysis indicates a far more uniform spatial distribution of wind-caused grounding accidents across all the examined areas of Croatian Adriatic waters. Furthermore, the analysis indicates that most grounding accidents occur in light wind conditions, suggesting that groundings can predominantly be attributed to factors other than strong wind. Several important drawbacks of the analysis stemming from the lack of accurate data on accidents in Croatian waters are discussed and suggestions given for the improved collection thereof that would greatly contribute to the future research on this topic. The inability to determine the exact causes of particular accidents from available data makes it impossible to accurately establish the number of grounding accidents caused by strong wind. In the future, more detailed statistical data could improve our understanding of the correlation between adverse weather conditions and recreational vessel accidents in the Adriatic


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    The Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG) is a collection of international legal standards adopted in order to avoid collisions at sea. Comprehensive knowledge of these rules is required for all who sail on the sea. The ACTs project (Avoiding Collisions at Sea) investigates the current problems in applying these Rules and intends to develop a new online course making it simpler and easier to understand them. A COLREG questionnaire has been drawn up for research purposes. The purpose of the questionnaire is checking which rules are more difficult to understand. In this paper, the authors analyse the level of understanding of the Rules in a group of secondary maritime school students. The survey results indicate that many of the basic principles of COLREG are neither understood nor applied

    A Model of Determining the Closest Point of Approach Between Ships on the Open Sea

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    The main objective of this paper proposes the model for the decision-making process with the intent of optimising the collision avoidance in the crossing situation on the open sea. Using the IMO Resolution standards for ship manoeuvrability, along with the equation for determining the required distance of the closest point of approach (CPA) and other parameters for own ship and the target ship, it can be possible to determine the distance at which to start alternation and collision avoidance. The research results that involved ship officers and captains with the aim of determining the Closest Point of Approach (CPA) showed a very subjective assessment method. The presented model obtained by the simulation method to determine the CPA between ships on the open sea is the key finding of this research and leaves room for further research and its further implementation on unmanned ships.</p


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    U radu je prikazan rezultat istraživanja utjecaja tehnologije broda na poprečnu stabilnost za stanje - brod potpuno nakrcan homogenim teretom. Sustavno su sagledani čimbenici koji utječu na poprečnu stabilnost broda kao Å”to su: položaj sustavnog težiÅ”ta broda, nadvođe, gaz, oblik podvodnog dijela broda i deplasman. Svi ovi čimbenici promatrani su u međusobnoj interakciji kako bi se mogla izvrÅ”iti analiza te iz nje izvesti vjerodostojni zaključci. Komparativna analiza izvedena je proučavanjem krivulje poluga i krivulje momenata statičke stabilnosti brodova iz odabranog uzorka za stanje - brod potpuno nakrcan homogenim teretom.This paper presents research results of the influence of distinct ship\u27s technologies (bulk carriers, container vessels, general cargo vessels) on the transverse stability of ships in loaded condition with a homogenous cargo. The research work has taken into consideration and systematically examined such parameters as position of the ship\u27s center of gravity, freeboard, draft, hull form and displacement. All these parameters have been observed in interaction in order to make a high-grade analysis and come to well-grounded conclusions. The comparative analysis has been made by studying the righting arm curve and statical stability moment curve for the different technologies of ships in loaded condition with a homogenous cargo according to the observed statistical sample

    Towards Determining the Length of the Wind Waves of the Adriatic Sea

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    Valovi, kao morfoloÅ”ki oblik morske povrÅ”ine karakterizirani su visinom, duljinom i periodom, odnosno brzinom. Visinu i period vala moguće je točno odrediti na valomjernim plutačama. Duljinu vala moguće je samo približno odrediti, prema tome i brzinu vala. Najdulji su plimni valovi, kraći su seizmički, joÅ” kraći su valovi mrtvog mora, a najkraći su vjetrovni valovi. Vjetrovni valovi su najznačajniji glede sigurnosti pomorskog prometa te će se stoga njihova obilježja razmatrati u ovom radu. U literaturi se susreću matematički izrazi za duljinu vala koji daleko nadilaze vrijednosti koje se susreću na Jadranu. Empirijski izraz = 16,78 H0,71 zadovoljava u pogledu visine vala H i pripadne duljine za Jadran.Waves, as a morphologic form of the sea surface, are characterised by their height, length and period, or speed. The height and period of the wave can be measured with a high degree of accuracy by means of oceanographic measuring buoys. The length of the wave can be approximately derived, as well as the speed. The longest are the tide waves, shorter are the seismically waves, even shorter are the waves of the swell, while the windy waves are the shortest ones. The windy waves are the most important from the safety point of view and their characteristics will be analyzed in this paper. The technical literature is full of mathematical equations for the length of waves which exceed extensively the parameters of the Adriatic Sea waves. The empiric formula = 16,78 H0,71 correctly determines the lenght of the Adriatis Sea wave H and its corresponding length


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    Najveći broj istraženih utjecaja ljudskog faktora na nezgode u pomorskom prometu vezani su uz ponaÅ”anje individualnog člana posade broda i njegov subjektivni pristup rjeÅ”avanju problema. Poradi toga uspjeÅ”nost upravljanja brodom uvelike ovisi o vjeÅ”tini, znanju i iskustvu zapovjednika i časnika u straži. Specijalizirani navigacijski simulatori vrlo su korisna sredstva za edukaciju upravljanja i manevriranja brodom. Upotrebom takvih simulatora znatno se može poboljÅ”ati edukacija zapovjednika, časnika palube i peljara. Tijekom provođenja edukacije studenata i iskusnog nautičkog osoblja na navigacijskim simulatorima javljaju se određeni problemi koje je potrebno analizirati. Najvažnija nastavna zadaća je kreirati Å”to je moguće viÅ”e realnu situaciju (scenarij).Most of the studied effects of human factor on casualties in maritime transport are related to individual ship crew membersā€™ subjective approach to solving the problem. That is why a success in ship management greatly depends on skills, knowledge and experience of the master and the officer of the watch. Specialized navigational simulators are very useful aids in the ship handling education. Using these simulators much can be done on the plane of education of shipmasters, deck officers and certainly of pilots. During the education of students and experienced nautical personnel, some problems have arisen which needed to be analysed. The most important teaching task is creating a situation as real as possible

    Methodology for Controlling the Shipā€™s Path during the Turn in Confined Waterways

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    One of the basic tasks in the shipping industry is to ensure safe manoeuvring and navigation through channels and confined waterways. This paper has presented a practical and theoretical approach to the assessment of safe manoeuvring in waterways based on knowledge and experience. Experienced mariners had to sail through an approach to Thorn channel in a calm weather using their own knowledge and methods to determine variable angles of rudder deflection. The navigational performance has been determined in terms of deviation from the intended path. The results have indicated the difference in distances of the ship paths between all respondents as compared to the intended path. Besides determining the shipā€™s turn path, it is necessary to consider the factor F which represents the distance between the WOP and the beginning of the actual turn and the width of the swept track. However, the aim of this paper is to present a control methodology for mariners while working at sea